Fender to tail profile issues.
While wrestling with the apron and top to bottom profile it dawned on me that now was the time to deal with the profile and body taper down the sides.
Not only where these two panels rolling in where they meet but the actual corner of this tail sticks out too far(green arrow)and "dwells" too long for lack of a better term rather than tapering quicker to meet the approach angle of the fender. While I could push the fenders out farther to meet it (and would be welcomed for a hot rod modification)I am already at the outer limits of stock distance away from the chassis as mentioned earlier.
The lower apron section shares the upper tails profile and better illustrates the problem. Actually the problem lies with both panels. while the tail is swinging too wide the end of the fenders are too crowned and tight and are rolling in too soon. I've mounted a ruler at the bottom to give me some mechanical leverage to roll the wired edge in to swing the very end of the fender out to relax the excessive tapered profile.
However when I do that the edge of the fender sucks in where the arrow is. Not enough material there to allow the movement I need so a relief cut is coming.
Out of time....back in a few hours.
Thanks for looking! Justin
Fender to tail profile issues.
While wrestling with the apron and top to bottom profile it dawned on me that now was the time to deal with the profile and body taper down the sides.
Not only where these two panels rolling in where they meet but the actual corner of this tail sticks out too far(green arrow)and "dwells" too long for lack of a better term rather than tapering quicker to meet the approach angle of the fender. While I could push the fenders out farther to meet it (and would be welcomed for a hot rod modification)I am already at the outer limits of stock distance away from the chassis as mentioned earlier.
The lower apron section shares the upper tails profile and better illustrates the problem. Actually the problem lies with both panels. while the tail is swinging too wide the end of the fenders are too crowned and tight and are rolling in too soon. I've mounted a ruler at the bottom to give me some mechanical leverage to roll the wired edge in to swing the very end of the fender out to relax the excessive tapered profile.
However when I do that the edge of the fender sucks in where the arrow is. Not enough material there to allow the movement I need so a relief cut is coming.
Out of time....back in a few hours.
Thanks for looking! Justin