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Im back,,,,,,,,,My Outlaw Build

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  • #91
    All tacked in,all butt welded.......

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    60 Coupe Outlaw Project


    • #92
      Looks great.
      Mark Erbesfield
      57 356A
      65 911
      68 912
      73 911S
      66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
      79 450SL Dad's old car


      • #93
        WOW! What a difference fresh metal makes! Looking good brock!

        I have to disagree with you Manolin; Muriatic acid never goes out of style. Its cheap (10 bucks gets you two gallons)and readily available from any hardware and even some grocery stores. Its very safe and easy to work with as long as you're careful. (water instantly neutralizes it) If applied as a bath it can be used over and over again until it weakens and just takes too long to clean parts.(really makes that 10 bucks stretch) It is highly corrosive which is why its so effective for cleaning thick, scaley old rust. Blasting cabinet style rust; when you dont have a blasting cabinet. Ospho, naval jelly etc. will not touch thick heavy vintage oxidation. Now for flash rust and preservation of course, ospho, galviprep etc are perfect for the job. Muriatic acid is the heavy lift part of rust removal. Horse and buggy aside if something works, it work. Justin
        Justin Rio


        • #94
          [quote="JTR70" post=8855]WOW! What a difference fresh metal makes! Looking good brock!

          I have to disagree with you Manolin; Muriatic acid never goes out of style. Its cheap (10 bucks gets you two gallons)and readily available from any hardware and even some grocery stores. Its very safe and easy to work with as long as you're careful. (water instantly neutralizes it) If applied as a bath it can be used over and over again until it weakens and just takes too long to clean parts.(really makes that 10 bucks stretch) It is highly corrosive which is why its so effective for cleaning thick, scaley old rust. Blasting cabinet style rust; when you dont have a blasting cabinet. Ospho, naval jelly etc. will not touch thick heavy vintage oxidation. Now for flash rust and preservation of course, ospho, galviprep etc are perfect for the job. Muriatic acid is the heavy lift part of rust removal. Horse and buggy aside if something works, it work. Justin

          Justin, do you ever apply muriatic acid inside the shop on part of the car you are working on or only outside?
          Mark Erbesfield
          57 356A
          65 911
          68 912
          73 911S
          66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
          79 450SL Dad's old car


          • #95
            quote="JTR70" post=8855]WOW! What a difference fresh metal makes! Looking good brock!

            I have to disagree with you Manolin; Muriatic acid never goes out of style. Its cheap (10 bucks gets you two gallons)and readily available from any hardware and even some grocery stores. Its very safe and easy to work with as long as you're careful. (water instantly neutralizes it) If applied as a bath it can be used over and over again until it weakens and just takes too long to clean parts.(really makes that 10 bucks stretch) It is highly corrosive which is why its so effective for cleaning thick, scaley old rust. Blasting cabinet style rust; when you dont have a blasting cabinet. Ospho, naval jelly etc. will not touch thick heavy vintage oxidation. Now for flash rust and preservation of course, ospho, galviprep etc are perfect for the job. Muriatic acid is the heavy lift part of rust removal. Horse and buggy aside if something works, it work. Justin

            Im ordering some of the Gibbs product as that looks "too good to be true" but worth a look. I saw it first here!

            Otherwise I use muriatic acid all the time. You can dilute it to what ever strength suits the job from heavy rust, striping cad off hardware, very light rust, etc. Just use common sense as with any process.

            Something a little off topic but I really like manganese phosphate as a finish for steel in a lot of applications and I think, if the hype has some truth, the gibbs brand will work very well with phosphate.
            Ashley Page


            • #96
              Got it fully welded and mostly ground off today.
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              I wanted to see how well Ospho and some scotchbrite would work on the body,came out good.

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              60 Coupe Outlaw Project


              • #97
                I have never used the gibbs over the ospho but the guys over on the HAMB have ran it on bare cars for long periods of time so it should work well. Magnsium wheels/parts also seem to be a place that it is used a bit.
                60 Coupe Outlaw Project


                • #98
                  Looking good Brock! You're really making some headway on it. The Opsho does a nice job on that flash rust...

                  Ashely, what does Manganese phosphate do? etch the metal before primer?
                  Justin Rio


                  • #99
                    Ospho Cup looks great. What color are you painting? I was going to run with rust, but having second thoughts over concern for damage to metal bla bla.
                    Mark Erbesfield
                    57 356A
                    65 911
                    68 912
                    73 911S
                    66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                    79 450SL Dad's old car


                    • Thanks Justin, that "fresh face" sure makes the whole car more pleasant to look at.

                      Not real sure on a color Mark, it looks to have been Aetna Blue but I may go with something like Aquamarine or something close.
                      60 Coupe Outlaw Project


                      • [quote="Restomod" post=8909]Thanks Justin, that "fresh face" sure makes the whole car more pleasant to look at.

                        Not real sure on a color Mark, it looks to have been Aetna Blue but I may go with something like Aquamarine or something close.

                        My car was Black so I will start w basic black Epoxy primer and go from there.
                        Mark Erbesfield
                        57 356A
                        65 911
                        68 912
                        73 911S
                        66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                        79 450SL Dad's old car


                        • Mark, Nothing wrong with good ole DP90!
                          60 Coupe Outlaw Project


                          • Well the second most dredfull/hatefull non mechanical job you can do on a car in the summertime heat has started......SANDING FILLER!!
                            Been starting at 7am to beat the heat and sun and the Rage has been flowing freely . Been a while since I had to do this and my arms are KILLIN me! My air file took a dump so its all by hand.

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                            60 Coupe Outlaw Project


                            • Thanks for the update Brock. Amazing transformation already with the new nose and the flash rust cleaned up. The body is actually in pretty nice condition. Yes, blocking the body by hand is a very good workout. Keep up the great work! Nice spread you have out there BTW.
                              Justin Rio


                              • Thanks!! Its one of those the more you do the more you find kind of things. I sand and feel around and find a ding or a wrinkle,fix it find another ect ect.
                                60 Coupe Outlaw Project

