This Saturday is D-Day!!!
Rick stopped by this afternoon to check on me and to let me know that he's got his spray booth up in his new shop. As he looked the car over I was telling him that its all about ready save for a few spots I had to reseal (now only to sand back down) and of course the retaping. He said he was available this weekend and weather is supposed to be perfect so with that as a goal I'm making the final push to have it ready to go by Saturday morning.
This last week:

Hood taped and all final sealing and finish sanding done.

This is where most of this last week went.
I ended up stripping both door wells back down to metal. I was going to just sand and scuff them but as I did I noticed the clear coat was still soft.
I painted these well over a year ago so I messed up on the catalyst. Anyway, I just could not risk this area wrinkling up as this anticipated final paint goes on. I've made this mistake too many times in the past only to watch it begin to crinkle as the solvents went to work. It was a total pain but I just couldn't risk it and besides this does keep the paint thicknesses in check which I like.

Wells primered and am in process of smoothing out the A-pillar and door jambs here.

Lots of time burned on all the facets all the while trying not to sand through.

Lots of time spent truing the edges, smoothing and trying not to sand through.

Sanded through on the lower rolled edges as they were very thin so I had to reseal both front and back.

Spent the last hours of today's session fine finishing the right door and retaping. Its officially ready for final paint here. Both lids are done and will finish up the left door tomorrow which leaves only micro finishing on the body and remasking. I should make it by Saturday. Hopefully I'll have a shiny car to show you guys on Sunday.
Thanks for watching! Justin
This Saturday is D-Day!!!

Rick stopped by this afternoon to check on me and to let me know that he's got his spray booth up in his new shop. As he looked the car over I was telling him that its all about ready save for a few spots I had to reseal (now only to sand back down) and of course the retaping. He said he was available this weekend and weather is supposed to be perfect so with that as a goal I'm making the final push to have it ready to go by Saturday morning.
This last week:
Hood taped and all final sealing and finish sanding done.
This is where most of this last week went.

Wells primered and am in process of smoothing out the A-pillar and door jambs here.
Lots of time burned on all the facets all the while trying not to sand through.
Lots of time spent truing the edges, smoothing and trying not to sand through.
Sanded through on the lower rolled edges as they were very thin so I had to reseal both front and back.
Spent the last hours of today's session fine finishing the right door and retaping. Its officially ready for final paint here. Both lids are done and will finish up the left door tomorrow which leaves only micro finishing on the body and remasking. I should make it by Saturday. Hopefully I'll have a shiny car to show you guys on Sunday.

Thanks for watching! Justin