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Coupe into Speedster Conversion

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  • Great story, Roy. Thanks for sharing.

    Justin, for those people considering buying a speedster frame and just popping on new sheetmetal......good luck! Your experience really underscores that you need original parts to measure from and more importantly: you need to skill and persistence to make it a reality.

    Great job!



    • Thanks a lot Roy! That's a traumatic story which I'm sure would most certainly be burned into your memory. Unlike performing in front of a live audience in real time as you were doing there I have the luxury of time and editing so I don't let myself look too 'in over my head' Hindsight being what it is there are a few changes I would have made like preserving more of the original cowl panel to make my life easier.
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Name:	coupster022.jpg
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ID:	55473
      I know better because I preserved the original hood gaps and cowl shoulder on my coupster way back in 2000. Was in process of splicing Trevor Marshal's dash in here.
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ID:	55474
      It was a full piece right up to the trough and actual fit like a glove much to my surprise. When I took this photo it literally snapped right over the original gutter section. I debated on cutting it as I was dreaming of "factory" weld joints but practicality soon set in and I realized how dumb it would be to mess with the factory gaps especially with the original hood.
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ID:	55476
      I have since removed the cowl because I have that full original dash.
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ID:	55477
      For a factory part I'll make the exception and the effort to keep it one piece.
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ID:	55475
      I removed this one because I had major cancer to fix a different hood and I needed a clear shot at those splash pan tops etc. Again with hindsight now I could have/should have left more.

      John, thanks very much! So true, I'd be at a complete loss without those original components for direct reference. You know exactly first hand how involved and heartbreaking sheet metal work gets with these cars in particular. This cowl section is definitely testing my patience and current skill level for sure. Thanks again you guys! Justin

      corner shaping and stabilizing con't
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Name:	Achassis2982.JPG
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ID:	55478
      original dash corner profile shows a gentle V-shape trough running from the hoods corner on back.
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Name:	Achassis2984.JPG
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ID:	55479
      As you can see the corners needed more heat shrinking to get them to stop "oil canning". The v-tapered trough also helped the problem.
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ID:	55480
      Profile had to roll gently without being too defined so I had to go really slow working it against this shoulder.
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ID:	55481
      After a solid session heat shrinking and adding in the V-detail to both sides it was finally ready for another test fit. I mounted the dash face as well to get a better idea of its overall shape.

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ID:	55482
      A long ways yet to go but I at least feel confident enough that it will all work out okay in the end.
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Name:	Achassis2991.JPG
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ID:	55483
      There are still some profile shapes and details that still need improving but its getting to the point where I feel it should be mounted to the car permanently to get those out. Sort of like stretching a canvas out over a frame if that makes any sense.
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ID:	55484
      I am really looking forward to the day when these two pieces are welded in and the W/S mounts are built. What a monumental day that will be when I shoot those pictures. Working on getting a little closer tomorrow. Thanks for looking! Justin
      Justin Rio


      • 1/28/15
        prepping substructure and cowl for install.
        Getting really close to finally mounting this piece on for good. A lot of humdrum prep-work to do first.
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Name:	Achassis2994.JPG
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Size:	54.5 KB
ID:	55735
        Getting the leading edge flanged for the bend along this corner is one of those chores that has to be done beforehand.
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ID:	55736
        Much short lead on this side compared to the right.
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ID:	55737
        Before I could mark the bend line on the skin I had to establish the shoulder on the substructure. I decided to add a few MM's of length to these original sections to close the gap up a bit more requiring less lead once all is said and done.
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ID:	55738
        initial flange roughed in.
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ID:	55739
        a few reliefs to add to make the turn down at the bottom there but not a bad fit for starters.
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ID:	55740
        By looking at the tip of the ruler you can see it will require only a sliver of lead to create the new door gap.

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ID:	55741
        Very raw but its a start
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ID:	55742
        With that I moved over to the right side and realized a fitment issue with the right splash pan I had overlooked before. The corner is way too high encroaching into the bodyline coming off the door.
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ID:	55743
        The skin sits way too high.
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ID:	55744
        Trying to avoid cutting it I heated this area and tightened up the bends and shoulders a bit more though it helped it still wasn't enough. A few relief sections would be needed.
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ID:	55745
        Also adding to this shoulder to tighten up the eventual gap as well. Nothing exciting or glamorous these past few session but all absolutely necessary to be able to move on. More of the same tomorrow.
        Thanks for looking! Justin
        Justin Rio


        • 2/9/15
          Locating and setting the Windshield post mount tubes.

          The front cowl is all but ready to be tacked in for good but with the lower base strip pre-mounted and set everything including the windshield post mounts must all be staged correctly in relation to one another = a lot going on all at once.
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Name:	Achassis3013.JPG
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Size:	70.3 KB
ID:	56388
          My initial thought was to tack the cowl first then go back and build the W/S mounts but again with the chrome strip set there is some slight jockeying and adjustment I know I'll have to do so I realized it best to leave it loose until the upper W/S frame and mounts are set.
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Name:	Achassis3016.JPG
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ID:	56389
          Initial Lateral, elevation and approach angle carefully being established here. I can't tell you how many laps I did around this car measuring, shifting and remeasuring for a close initial fit.
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Name:	Achassis3026.JPG
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ID:	56390
          After much debate and cross checking I was finally at point where I felt comfortable enough to place my first tack-welds.
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ID:	56391
          Tubes tacked in their initial positions. BTW the doors where also mounted to help confirm and establish the correct height of the frame. Skin around the post hole must continue the contour and bodyline of the door's top.
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ID:	56392
          Once the tubes were securely tacked the cowl was refitted and windshield assembly reinstalled with its bolt synched down for the first time. I can't tell you how many times I've repeated that process since this photo was taken a few days ago.
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ID:	56393
          It was surprisingly very close. All that extra precaution in the beginning actually paid off for once. Chrome base tucked right behind the posts as they should and the base rubber laid right into position.
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Name:	Achassis3032.JPG
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ID:	56394
          Of course it wasn't perfect; The windshield approach angle lays back just a touch too far creating that gap in the center. It needs to be stood-up just a bit to close this down for a uniform seal.
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Name:	Achassis3027.JPG
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ID:	56395
          Off it comes once again to begin tweaking the tube mounts. Another critical fitment issue was the bolt head clearance to the pocket at its lowest point. So far so good but just barely.
          Justin Rio


          • Justin, really nice progress
            You will soon NOT have that much time for this 356 when your own is back all shiny of the fresh layer of silver on it

            Atleast then you can choose on your daily mood and swop between the 2 ..... Clean coupe build up or the raw dirty Speedster


            • Thanks Per!!!!!! Yes, it will be very hard to stay away from my coupe after its in paint. That will mark the official fun part of its very lengthy restoration. Thanks again! Justin

              part 2

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ID:	56400
              Beginning with the right side I cut the top tack free and began slowly increasing the angle of the tube by adding in slivers of metal in behind it.
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Name:	Achassis3031.JPG
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Size:	62.2 KB
ID:	56401
              Red arrow marks the newly establish approach angle of the right side. Left side here shows how much it needs to come up to match.
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Name:	Achassis3038.JPG
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Size:	73.5 KB
ID:	56402
              I thought I had it but it moved a little after welding...cut and retry. Fourth time was the charm..
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Name:	Achassis3041.JPG
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ID:	56403
              Both tubes securely tacked in their new matched approach angles and cowl and W/S installed (AGAIN) with bolts synched.
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Name:	Achassis3039.JPG
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ID:	56404
              That initial center gap in the seal now gone. The eventual tension rod will take it home from here. I think this unit is finally there... BTW don't let these quick series of photos fool you there is a solid series of sessions just getting this to all line up in only tacked together form. This is partly the reason this latest entry is so late. The progress was so slow, repetitive and uneventful that there really wasn't much to say until this evening.
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Name:	Achassis3043.JPG
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ID:	56405
              Bare frame remounted for some cross reference rechecking before I fully commit to any welding. Having an original example speedster on hand would of course been nice for confirmation but as this has progressed I've come to realize the only thing that really matters is how all these pieces are fitting together in relation to one another on this particular chassis. So a real reference car is not necessary to move forward confidently; the parts are all telling me if its right or not.(concerning the forward cowl area anyway)
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Name:	Achassis3044.JPG
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ID:	56406
              Ready to begin closing up all these layers to firmly root the tubes and create the rest of the mount.
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Name:	Achassis3045.JPG
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Size:	59.9 KB
ID:	56407
              Paper templates begin. Thanks for looking through all of this! Justin
              Justin Rio


              • Well done Justin!


                • Thanks a lot Don! Its slowly getting there and is tremendous relief to be on the closing end of these W/S mounts.


                  Left pocket capped and templates for the final enclosure begin.

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ID:	56456
                  After 3 generations of templates the cap was ready to go to steel.
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ID:	56457
                  flare punched the opening for a cleaner and stronger joint with the tube.
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ID:	56458
                  after trimming not much remained of the original piece. ready for a tack weld here and hammer formed in the rest of the way as the welding progressed around the tube.
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ID:	56459
                  Cap all welded on this side.
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ID:	56460
                  I'll roll the car upside down later and seam weld the cap and tube out here as was done originally.
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ID:	56461
                  Templates for the final enclosure begin.
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ID:	56462
                  mimicking the reinforcement enclosure as found on an original speedster.
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ID:	56463
                  pretty straight forward compared to the pocket cap earlier, just make a box.
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ID:	56464
                  The tops will have a flange for a stronger attachment point to the eventual skin/cap.
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ID:	56465
                  Began a template on that as well.
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ID:	56466
                  That section originally is just part of the cowl however I want a more stout contact point to hold the upper end of the tube in position and a more solid base for the windshield post. I'm going to make these cornered caps out of this 16 gauge plate instead of the 20 gauge stock the cowl is made from. Once complete it will be undetectable from the way it was originally done but much stronger.
                  Click image for larger version

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Size:	56.9 KB
ID:	56467
                  Will begin going into metal with these items tomorrow.
                  Thanks for looking! Justin
                  Justin Rio


                  • Originally posted by JTR70" post=20568
                    Absolutely right Jack, thanks. I quickly became aware of this clearance issue as I fabricated the mounts on my coupster.

                    The trajectory of the mount shank and the shape of the cups do begin to head toward one another toward the tip of the bolt. As I was building this mount clearance around the head was one of many issues along with of course proper alignment and levelness of the mounts themselves. There was a lot going on at once to say the least. That's why I would say this part of the conversion is by far the hardest part and most critical to get right. With that in mind I did make this pocket on the deep side as insurance. I forgot to mention that detail so thank you for reminding me! Justin
                    This one. Good job.
                    Attached Files
                    Jack (analog man from the stone age)


                    • Thank you Jack! That was my first go around with these mounts.
                      Justin Rio


                      • Btw, really nice job on the restraint of the heat shrinking of the cowl corners. I know how easy it is to over-do it. Like Roy would say "you really know your onions". I suck at it.
                        Jack (analog man from the stone age)


                        • Jack, thank you very much for that! I have to admit I'm not quite out of the woods yet on those corners. Their close but at this point I need the cowl secured at the edges before I can effectively go any further. So I'm not going to know for sure until its mounted on the car. Thanks again, appreciated! Justin


                          Post mounts continued
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3066.JPG
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Size:	52.2 KB
ID:	56564
                          To better stabilize the right tube during repeated W/S test fits as I finish up the left side I went ahead and capped the pocket this afternoon. Not fully welded yet and will follow this initial weld up with my TIG to smooth it out more.
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3065.JPG
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Size:	61.3 KB
ID:	56565
                          With all this welding going on (you guessed it )it was time for yet another W/S frame mock-up to make sure the mount tubes were still in the right position. So far so good
                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3069.JPG
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Size:	66.9 KB
ID:	56566
                          New metal closing section all ready to tack in after several template evolutions to copy its very specific shape.
                          Click image for larger version

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Size:	56.1 KB
ID:	56567
                          Tacked and will finish stitching it up tomorrow. Slits on the upper corners will also be added so I can peel the top like a banana to create the mount flanges. With no more direct access to the tubes you can now see why I had to retest that W/S frame just one more time to make damn sure those tubes didn't move.
                          Thanks for looking!
                          Justin Rio


                          • Justin,

                            My 'O' my, what a fabrication exercise I am sure so many including me, thought the total project would be so much easier than what has proved to be the case.

                            Really looking at the w/screen trial fitment must give you a sense of pride. You have done so well so far. Far more to this type of work than meets the eye for sure.



                            • Thank you Roy! Yes, seeing the windshield mounted does wonders for my morale. It is a lot more work than meets the eye for sure but starting out with such a rusty and bare candidate did compound the amount of total work that's been required as well. Thanks again for the nice post and for noticing all the effort that has gone into it so far.

                              Left reinforcement enclosure complete.

                              Click image for larger version

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Size:	51.1 KB
ID:	56612
                              All stitched and dressed.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3072.JPG
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Size:	56.4 KB
ID:	56613
                              Had to swoop in the bottom just a bit quicker to form fit to the additional reinforcement plate I added. Again all this will all be deep under the dash and hard to see once finished.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3074.JPG
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Size:	41.5 KB
ID:	56614
                              For an authentic "feel" once the dash is mounted this A-pillar will be smooth and flush with the pocket undetectable from the inside.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3077.JPG
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Size:	49.1 KB
ID:	56615
                              Began Cutting and angle bending the flanges for the cap next.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	Achassis3078.JPG
Views:	46
Size:	53.6 KB
ID:	56616
                              Will begin making the cap tomorrow. Thanks for looking! Justin
                              Justin Rio


                              • Justin,

                                I agree with Roy: "I am sure so many including me, thought the total project would be so much easier than what has proved to be the case." You've put in lots of extra work to fit all those panels. Do you know if the panel molds will be modified so the next person to use them will have an easier time with it?

                                Great job! What does your client think about it all?


