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58367 The $75 Junkyard Carrera coupe restoration

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  • Amazing the amount of work and time you are putting in to this car!
    Can't wait to see it with some wheels.


    • Thank you Tony and thank you again for reading through all of it! its going to be back on wheels here shortly but unfortunately only caster wheels. Oh well its a step closer. Thanks again! Justin
      Justin Rio


      • alot of the metal work there is what I have to do also ..

        I don't mind metal work and I like making panels from scratch. I am going to meet a friends uncle who made the Audi Union car from his work shop 1hr from me here I am very excited to go and see his work in the new year.

        Your doing a cracking job there like you said it's about making it look as factory as possible.
        A few old Porsches no one wanted and some big old kites for water work.


        • Thank you Mark, I appreciate it!! Your friends uncle sounds like a great contact! As you can see I am more of a body and fender guy than I am a motor mech. A visit with someone like that would be incredible.Please take some photos and let us know how it went. Thanks again! Justin

          Tomorrow is D-DAY!!

          Click image for larger version

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ID:	7780
          After 2 years 6 months on this hoist (car pictured above the day it was remounted) All of the metal work and fabrication requiring the use of a rotisserie is now finally complete. God it sure felt good to type that just now. My Buddy is hopefully going to swing by the shop tomorrow with his forklift so we can finally dismount this shell!

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ID:	7779
          Spent this afternoon prepping and remounting this frame dolley I built several months ago.
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Name:	carrera906.JPG
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ID:	7778
          Remounting this car was less stressful then because it had no rockers installed. A lot more care must now be taken to ensure they do not get crunched during the dismount.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera909.JPG
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ID:	7777
          I welded this sub-frame on which will act as direct contact for the forks and a barrier to keep the rockers clear of the lift.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera907.JPG
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ID:	7776
          As you can see the end of the frame sticks out just past the body and will act as the buffer.
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	7781

          Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera910.JPG
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ID:	7782
          once in position this frame will be strapped to the forks before the "big lift" to ensure no movement or slippage.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera911.JPG
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ID:	7783
          Very nervous and excited all at the same time! Thanks for stopping by! Justin
          Justin Rio


          • Car safely back on the ground and a new chapter begins!

            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera912.JPG
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ID:	7791
            My buddy Mark made it over to the shop late this afternoon. Just about ready to go here.
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Name:	carrera913.JPG
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ID:	7792
            Forks have now been securely strapped my little subframe and we're all ready to go. DRUM ROLL PLEASE!
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	7793
            Safely on the ground with no issues.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera915.JPG
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Size:	53.2 KB
ID:	7794
            It was very strange after all this time to see the body so low to the ground. I'm used to the rockers being waist high.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera916.JPG
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ID:	7795
            Could not wait; I wanted to see how the roll bar looked at more realistic height/vantage point.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera917.JPG
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Size:	51.1 KB
ID:	7796
            I'm happy so far.
            Click image for larger version

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ID:	7797

            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera920.JPG
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Size:	50.9 KB
ID:	7798
            The little subframe worked perfectly. It kept the body clear of the forks and made a great tie-off point.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	carrera921.JPG
Views:	86
Size:	50.9 KB
ID:	7799
            Only a paint job away from reassembly! Such a sweet spot to be in after all these years and effort. No more torch heating, welding or fabrication to this body! Just straight forward blocksanding which I can practically do on autopilot. Got my weekend planned now. Thanks for stopping by! Justin
            Justin Rio


            • Congratulations. I know how stressful it is dismounting a car from the rotisserie. Glad everything went smoothly.
              Mark Erbesfield
              57 356A
              65 911
              68 912
              73 911S
              66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
              79 450SL Dad's old car


              • Thanks Mark!! Yes, very stressfull and very exciting all at once! Hope your making some headway on your coupe! Thanks again!! Justin
                Justin Rio


                • Originally posted by JTR70" post=2581
                  Thanks Mark!! Yes, very stressfull and very exciting all at once! Hope your making some headway on your coupe! Thanks again!! Justin
                  It's confusing having two Marks out there. I looked at tonight . Was out in the shop making sure my buddy Scott was working hard and not screwing anything up. We just got his rear qtrs welded back together. Major 911 surgery. 3 or 4 different cars to get one back together. Amazingly, all were so close, even the 993 that contributed door jams and rain gutters.
                  Mark Erbesfield
                  57 356A
                  65 911
                  68 912
                  73 911S
                  66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                  79 450SL Dad's old car


                  • In my best voice of Ari Gold from HBO's Entourage... "BOOM!!!" Congratulations Justin that is a monumental step. I'm proud of you!
                    Engine # P66909... are you out there
                    Fun 356 events in SoCal =


                    • Thats a great impression Trevor! Thanks alot for all your fantastic support during this journey! I really hope you'll find some time to get back on your coupe! Thanks once again Trevor!! Justin

                      Hey Mark, sounds like you guys have your hands full!! Hope its turning out like you want it to! Sounds like a real interesting project. If you get some time post some shots of it in the 911 section. WOuld be interested to see what you're doing. Thanks again!
                      Best Regards,Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • Well done Justin, I bet you had a good night sleep after that exercise. Looks good !!



                        • Hi Roy,
                          Thank you! Yesterday was a very good day! I left the shop feeling like I had won. That doesn't happen too often as you know. Thanks again! Justin
                          Justin Rio


                          • Hi Justin,

                            Just got registered using a VPN from here in China. Many sites, including 356ABCGT blocked without a VPN. Once you get the last soft oil line fabricated and installed do you need to pressure test the system, or are the flared fittings pretty fool proof?

                            Car is looking GREAT! I may make the LA Lit meet in early March - see you there?

                            Bill Sargent


                            • Congrats.,Looking good , it must make you feel great passing another milestone by getting it off the Roto. and back on the ground. Your project will be picking up steam now. And the closer to the finish the more fun it gets as you can see all that hard work pay off.
                              Keep up the good work , Bruce


                              • Hey Bill!
                                Welcome and thanks for joining! VPN Huh? I forgot about the censorship you might be subject to over there. I am glad you found a way around it! Yes, you're right I'll have to rig up some end fittings to pressure test the system. I'd be foolish to believe that every single joint is 100% leak proof. My biggest challange was fighting the urge to overtighten them. The company I bought them from said not to exceed 20LBs of torque and warned me of this common mistake. As I sinched each one up I'd have to repeat to myself "not too tight" "not too tight" I'll get something togther to test it. I'll try to make it to the lit meet this time around. I'd really like to meet you in person sometime soon. Thanks again for all your support and useful input on this project. It has all helped a great deal! I hope you'll share your GT clone project on here as well. It is loaded with great info and really trick parts! Like I said you know where all the good stuff is! Thanks again for joining and welcome once again!! Justin

                                Hi Bruce,
                                Thank you so much sir! I sure am hoping things will move a little faster but it just depends on what pace I can keep with my block sanding. Your right once its almost finished as a painted shell the real fun of final assembly begins! I cannot think of a more exciting and rewarding time! Something to look forward to for certain! Thanks again for being here! Justin
                                Justin Rio

