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My '54 Coupe, that we call "Curb Appeal"

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  • #91
    At this point, I'm 99.9% sure I'll be going back to VW power. Cheaper, more reliable power that way. This is an Outlaw afterall, so I'm not concerned with what the purist think, and as Justin reminded me, I build my cars to make me happy...

    So the 356/912 engine is for sale. When it sells I will be 100% going back to VW power...


    • #92
      Fantastic car, and I don't think cheap and reliable's a hot rod and the purists and non purists will like it. Build it-drive it.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Manolin" post=28466
        Fantastic car, and I don't think cheap and reliable's a hot rod and the purists and non purists will like it. Build it-drive it.
        I agree. Unfortunately some purists have been less than pleased with MY car. Sucks for them. I like it, A LOT!
        What I don't like is how long it's been sitting instead of being driven. That needs to change ASAP!!


        • #94
          I happen to really like it!
          Build it the way that YOU want.
          That's what makes us happy...
          Moderation in all things - resistance is futile


          • #95

            That transaxle has a most interesting configuration. Love the ratios.

            Who put it together?

            Is there some adapter for a stock twin mount nose?

            Will it mount without modification to the tub?
            Keep 'em flying...



            • #96
              SJ my father ran type 1 VW gear box in our T1 coupe but it requires modification.
              Click image for larger version

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              The bulk-head face must be cut away to allow for clearance. (this was done before he bought the car for a corvair drivetrain) A heavy flat-bar drop bracket was made by dad and buddy of his who was helping him to get it running in the late '60's. It bolted into those holes drilled into each mount horn there and carried the stock VW trans mount in the center. Wished I would have taken a photo of it. Anyway the stock trans hoop and mounts bolted right up to the bell housing and all the drop linkage for the shifter lined right up. So it can be done.

              Can't wait to hear the new motor Greg!
              Justin Rio


              • #97
                Finally, another real hot rodder not being pressured by the purist BS.
                Aren't there enough over restored cars out there?
                Greg, your project is inspiring. I get so tired of these guys that drink the grand poohbahs koolaid.
                The VW arena offers more in options and hp. I'm going IRS with mine.
                Thanks for getting me goin on a dead project.
                Frankenstein will come alive.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by S.J.Szabo" post=28503

                  That transaxle has a most interesting configuration. Love the ratios.

                  Who put it together?

                  Is there some adapter for a stock twin mount nose?

                  Will it mount without modification to the tub?
                  Looks like Justin covered the twin mount install. I have seen a lot of different methods to get a VW gearboox (or 911 box) into a 356. If I had a twin mount car to work from I'm sure I could come up with a non-invasive method to do it as well. I got lucky with mine. Being a PreA it's the same setup as an early VW and I already manufacture a mount to put the late trans into an early VW. No cutting to the car, just so reshaping of the nose cone.

                  The "new" transmission came from Benco. The gearing came out of necessity. Since most of my cars are lowered with smaller rear tires +/- 25" it's hard to maintain decent speeds without over revving the engine when using a 3.88 or 4.12 R&P, so 3.44 it is. the .82 4th should make for a nice freeway cruiser.

                  Thanks for the kind words. Like I said earlier, revisiting this build got me motivated, which in turn got me thinking of what I really wanted when I first put this car together. I want memories of driving / enjoying it, not of standing around a parking lot looking at it and talking about how correct it is.

                  I'd *really* like to do a 5spd / 6cyl 911 swap if I ever find another decent car.

                  With that being said, I'll update this thread as progress moves forward. Right now I have quite a bit of customer work to catch up on first.


                  • #99
                    Thinking of going back to something similar

                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	64810


                    • What are the specs on this engine Greg? Is this a milder mill than what was in there? I like that exhaust system BTW!
                      Justin Rio


                      • That's a 2276cc I was going to run in the 356 maybe a year ago. I dug it out this week to put together for one of my buses...

                        What I am going to do is take the same 2332cc that was in the 356 and "de-tune" it a bit.

                        Change out the SuperFlo heads for something more reliable for a daily street car (044 Wedgeports or 044 SuperPros) change out the FK89 cam, again for something more streetable, and drop the compression to below 10:1 so I can use pump gas.

                        I'll still be running IDA's and the sweet exhaust Kris at Paradise made for me originally.

                        I'm sure the HP will still be in the 125 - 150 range which I am OK with

                        Up in the air is the color combo. I sold the 911 shroud, etc. that was on the engine, so I need to figure that out as well.


                        • Sounds like it will still out perform a 356/912. Looking forward to seeing your progress on it! So, you couldn't run your other motor on super? Racing fuel only??
                          Justin Rio


                          • The 2332 ran on 91 / 104 mix great. It ran OK on 91 alone.
                            I don't want a driver car I need to mix fuel to drive.

                            Someone (you Justin) talked me out of doing a high dollar 356/912 engine. My buddy here talked me out of starting fresh and building a 100% new VW engine, so I'm saving money all around

                            I have a 2 cars getting new engines in front of any work on the 2332 so it may be awhile, but I will post up my new specs, and dyno readings here once I have them.


                            • Not having to pre-mix the fuel will be a nice change. Reminds me of my old 2-stroke dirt bike riding days as a kid. Sorry about that, I probably should have kept my opinion to myself on your 912 engine. Couldn't help myself though, as its just the logical choice. Your VW mill will eat a 912 motor alive at a fraction of the cost with more reliability while doing it no matter what you do to that 912 engine. Purists be damned! Preaching to the choir I know. Sounds like you have a lot of work but keep us up on it!
                              Justin Rio


                              • Something is happening....

                                Rebuilt 3.44 R&P trans is going back in finally!!

                                No engine yet, but it will roll once again!!

