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58367 The $75 Junkyard Carrera coupe restoration

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  • Justin,

    From those photo's I can see exactly where you are coming from, those new wheels will look great I reckon. You have to bite the bullet sometimes to get the correct job done.



    • I appreciate that Bill, thank you!

      Thanks Roy, I have changed my mind a lot and in doing so I usually end up spending more time and more money but I've come too far to cut corners on its final presentation now to ever be happy.
      Thanks again you guys!

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      Today's chore was building a secure crate for my door frames so I can finally get them off to Victor miles. I've been meaning to send these for about a year now but procrastinated mostly due in part of building this PIA wooden box and also the grand it will most likely cost to refinish them. No choice though, as Roy says it another bullet to bite. The silver lining here is that its the last of major trim that I need replated for this car. Wooden box is overkill but I just can't take any chances of damage during shipment especially on the return trip.
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Justin Rio


      • 8/28/16
        Remote Res. and planning stage.
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        Ashley Page was kind enough to hook me up with this Plastic Res. by Brembo that his company offers. He also included a slightly longer actuating rod which might be necessary for this application.
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        My plan is to build a custom mount that will work off of what would normally be the forward little rectangular access/trapdoor for steering box adjustments. The feed line will run through this new mount/door which will require NO modifications to the car or this OG GT cover plate; this being the primary goal other than it working properly. I'll have Bill machine me up something clean after I get it drawn and planned out. I wanted to thank Ashley once again for supplying me with these great parts!
        Thanks for looking!
        Justin Rio


        • 10/14/16
          Begin sorting bumper trim and hardware.

          I'm going in several different directions all at once on this car as of late but it all has to eventually be done so I found myself addressing the bumpers a few weeks back.
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          I broke a cardinal rule here by not fitting this trim before final paint. Be it laziness, excitement about final paint or both but I just didn't want to be bothered with it at the time and now I'm paying the price and running a risk. Began with the rear bumper first. Kick myself square in the ass for this one.
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          This old original has no dings or dents but the folder over tabs have cracked so the ends will need to be fully relaxed, TIG'd and fitted to the bumper.
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          decided to make my own mounting clips. Found these light spring clips and stainless hardware about a year ago.
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          quick little plug weld and its done.
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          Good to go with a firm grip after a little convincing. Scariest part was reintroducing it back onto the bumper several times to find true center and correct stud placement with these sticking out.
          I really screwed the pooch on this one.
          More later...
          Thanks for looking!
          Justin Rio


          • Neat idea, and nice work on the clips.



            • Ditto!!


              • 10/19/16

                Thanks guys! Several of the prefab clips I was looking at were too heavy duty with standard threads. After some scratching around at McFadden/dale I figured I could combine these lighter clips with some metric SS screws and have all that I was looking for.
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                Trim centered and all bolted up without scratching the paint.

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                It will have to come apart one more time for final polishing and TIG welding so I'm not quite out of the woods yet but close.
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                Repeat on the front bumper now.
                Thanks for looking!
                Justin Rio


                • 11/13/16
                  Original bumper hardware restoration.
                  Embarrassingly small update
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                  First chore was rounding up enough original NSF bolts and washers to mount my bumpers. Then the process of cleaning, blackening and clear coating each piece.
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                  Too much time invested in the treatment and restoration of each item. but these are lengths I'm willing to go to keep and use original parts. Original thread plates and bumper brackets were powder coated many years ago.
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                  It took several sessions to get here but I was finally down to my last batch on the bumper side.
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                  Begin fitting original brackets to the bumpers. These are not OG to this car or the bumpers so a bit of careful tweaking will be required.
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                  Again, like the alloy trim this is shit I should have fitted and established well before final paint. Paying the price of procrastination and laziness.
                  Thanks for looking!
                  Justin Rio


                  • Justin

                    I think we are all guilty of jumping ahead on things before we should. It seems to me though, its hardly ever the case for you. When I think back to my last body re-spray 27 years ago I should have kicked myself time and time again to prepare much more carefully than I did.

                    I guess its natural to want to see a finished result when there is still more work to do.

                    I am sure you will manage this without marking the car. I should have
                    had my bumper irons powder coated like yours, Sprayed them with black hammerite and they have never been actually removed from the car since new. Again Justin, there are few cars that have been so fully apart as much as yours!



                    • I see you have a bend in the bummer bracket. Mine are straight. Have you bent yours to bring the bummer closer to the car? Which I think it a better look.


                      • Are you referring to that kick in the profile? If so, all rear brackets need to have that in order to drop down and clear the hole in the body. Otherwise the hole would have to be cut in quite a bit higher to allow for a straight shot at the rear bracket mounts. The fronts on the other hand are straight.

                        Rear brackets continued.
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                        Once the brackets are synched down to the bumper they're pointing in an off angle. To get them dialed in I'm using this old frame section for mock up to save me the risk of scratching the car. I'm still kicking myself in the ass for not taking car of this before paint.
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                        To mount straight this iron has to be relaxed
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                        Taking all the precautions I can to try and save the finish while I manipulate it but I'll probably end up repainting at least one piece before its over. Remember to test fit all your parts before final paint so you don't end up like me.
                        Thanks for looking!
                        Justin Rio


                        • Hello Justin,
                          I have been meaning to write you for some time regarding your amazing 356 project. I too was bitten by this obsession back in about 1980 with a '56 356A purchase. The second car a'61 T5 in 1985 was a rolling body full of parts with plenty of rust, and very twisted. I still have the car and it's still not running but is getting closer.
                          All body and paint work is complete, for the second time.. I have pretty much all the components to call it now a Super 90 GT, with a Polo twist and a Wevo 5 speed to let it roll a little quicker.
                          I recall seeing your photos and notes some time ago when you used masking tape to locate the anchors for the oil lines on the right side to front wheel well oil cooler.
                          Could you direct me to the reference or page number for that entire section including the oil tank installation. I'd be very much appreciative.
                          Thank you for your help.


                          • Pete,

                            Sounds like you must have had plenty of fun getting as far as you have with your cars. Maybe when you have time you could post a photo or two of what you have been doing. Your engine and transmission sound interesting.



                            • Hi Roy,
                              Yee,.. it has been a time,fun,frustrating,successful,expensive and not over! Still have some miles to go before it all comes together, with a little help from my friends! Unfortunately my computer with photos is out of service and I'm on a back up unit sans my library. I will provide some photo proof of said T5 once life gets back to some normalcy. I have several stoves lit at the moment, with far too many burners.
                              Since discovering this great forum and seeing Justin's project a couple of years ago has made me more determined. It's all about time, 30 +years and counting but I still have some miles to go.
                              Thank you for reading this, If you know Justin, could you buzz him for me sometime,.... no hurry!
                              Several recent photos enclosed.
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                              • Pete,

                                You will hear from Justin, as you can probably guess, he not only runs
                                this super forum but is also so helpful in helping guys with their questions.

                                Good to have you on board.


