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58367 The $75 Junkyard Carrera coupe restoration

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  • Thank you Bruce! I agree you have to play with this stuff and dream a little to keep morale up.

    Thanks Gordon! Glad to see you making some progress on your coupe!

    Roy, I'll be sure to tell Bill; he has created so many custom parts for this project to make this idea I have in my head possible. Thank you once again! Greatly appreciated! Justin
    Justin Rio


    • The work involved in this part alone is incredible. Who, what, where, and how? My race car needs these, and in the EU we have a close copy of only the bearings and cages by my German buddy.


      • Spindles are a work of art. Nice job.
        Mark Erbesfield
        57 356A
        65 911
        68 912
        73 911S
        66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
        79 450SL Dad's old car


        • Looks killer Justin! But I do have a question, why so beefy? Are you going vintage racing and haven't told us yet?

          Oh, yeah I love the pics with all the brake drums!!!

          Engine # P66909... are you out there
          Fun 356 events in SoCal =


          • Thanks Trevor, I am glad that you like it! No, this won't be raced I just like trick race inspired parts and have an obsession to add all I can find either from the old days or the latest in technology. Its all overkill and unecessary of course but so is the car itself. Its not a daily driver or vehicle I'll reley on to get me from A to B. Its just a toy and am just building it up to an idea or dream I have in my head.
            Thanks again! Justin
            Justin Rio


            • Ok, cool. The quest for the best.

              What are you going to do with the RSK brakes, leave them natural or have them polished? I really like the A drums polished as well as the GT ones, but they are more round. I'm not sure how the hard edges of the RSK brakes will look shiny?
              Engine # P66909... are you out there
              Fun 356 events in SoCal =


              • Yes Trevor I also like the A drums polished. This started when I had a nice Norton motorcycle I polished all the alloy parts sort of carried on wthe the 356.

                Some polish away all the machining marks didn't want to do that, just wanted a shiney look which some Solvo Autosol seemed to do for me just fine. A rear drum below:

                Click image for larger version

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                Click image for larger version

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ID:	15224



                • Hey Trevor,

                  I bought those GT brakes already polished by the previous owner. I personally would have left the natural finish but they're done and look really cool just the same. The RSK drums I'll leave natural but may make them brighter with a little cleaning. I think polishing those would not only be a ton of work but a mistake value wise so I'll leave them alone.

                  Nice looking drum Roy! That Autosol works like magic on metal doesn't it? I think it works even nicer than Mother's polish. I need to get myself another tube of that stuff. Thanks again you guys! Justin
                  Justin Rio


                  • Cool, I think the RSK drums left natural is the way to go.

                    Ok, since we are talking brakes, can you take a pic of all three drums side by side, laying down flat? And maybe one more straight on so we can see the face of all three in one shot?

                    If I remember correctly, standard is 40mm, and GT are 60mm, what are the RSK...60 mm also? I've been in a few cars with my friend Jack after he did brake work and we've locked them up to check and make sure that they pulled evenly under extreme braking, IE no pulling right or left. Anyway, the standard ones always felt VERY good and inspired confidence in me, I would imagine the 60mm would be even better.
                    Engine # P66909... are you out there
                    Fun 356 events in SoCal =


                    • Hey Trevor,

                      Sure I'll round them up tomorrow and post some shots. Yes, the standard 40mm were more than enough to slow down these little cars. In fact these brakes are alot bigger than their American counter part of the day. We have a '56 Buick and its shocking how small they are as compared to a 356 unit. Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • Hey Trevor, here they are;
                        Click image for larger version

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                        Here is the entire 60mm racing drumbrake evolution before the annular disc's came out in the 60's. 356GT, RSK, RS61
                        Click image for larger version

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                        The last evolution on the RS61 went to lighter magnesium with magnesium shoes.

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Same basic casting but lighter material and the elimination of the inner teeth on the cooling fins.
                        Click image for larger version

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                        While they are both 60mm the RSk is just a bit wider than the 356GT drum or taller in this case.
                        Click image for larger version

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                        both take the same width shoe
                        Click image for larger version

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                        GT with standard 40MM drum.
                        Click image for larger version

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                        Click image for larger version

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                        GT shoe with standard drum.
                        Justin Rio


                        • Thank you Justin, great pics and description. 356 drum brake p*rn for us car guys.
                          Engine # P66909... are you out there
                          Fun 356 events in SoCal =


                          • Thank you Trevor, my pleasure...

                            New spindles now completed and install ready.

                            Click image for larger version

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                            Bill finished up my new end plugs with zerk fittings for the roller link pin assemblies.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            new end plugs pressed in and now ready to install the bearing races. The king pin is hallow so I pre-packed it full of grease to save time.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            Used a large bolt with stacked washers to draw the race into position.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            All races and roller bearing assemblies now installed. Everything fit beautifully.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            Another fun and exciting afternoon; Had to test to make sure. This time fully mounted and not just mocked up like the day I got them back.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            Everything lines up nice and is smooth and snug.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            Wanted to see it again with the brake assembly.
                            Click image for larger version

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                            Click image for larger version

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                            Although its so close I still have 3 more components to buy Shocks, alloy tie rod assemblies, and an HD sway-bar from Wilhoit. Never seems to end.
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	15410
                            I'd love to leave this on but will have to come back off so I don't get overspray and crap on them while I finish up the body. Thanks for reading this! Justin
                            Justin Rio


                            • OK Justin - it is 8:45 pm on Good Friday evening here in Beijing and I am looking at your front suspension photos. This is the coolest trick set up I have seen outside of the machinery at Renn Sport Reunion IV in Monterey! Actually cooler than just about anything there. Keep up the good work. I want a ride after I move back to the US.

                              Work on my Faux Cam progresses from afar. Procured a WISI hand crank radio antenna and a real Carrera blower shroud with ducting for the Eberspacher B2 heater. Working with a friend in Europe on a trick twin plug ignition set up. Maybe photos in a few weeks.


                              Bill Sargent

                              PS - how do I get my Karma above zero?


                              • Good to hear from you Bill. Hope all is well. Mark
                                Mark Erbesfield
                                57 356A
                                65 911
                                68 912
                                73 911S
                                66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                                79 450SL Dad's old car

