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Rusty Tub 2 1958 Speedster Project

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  • #91
    Aint you a lucky guy that finds a rear end Speedster only 10 min away.....
    I had to go over channel to get mine from Mike @ PRS

    Looks salvageable for your project.
    If you need any photos or templets made from the 1958 then tell me because it is back in my garage after some repairs.

    The Jig you made will be good for your Drews Porsche Mass Repair Service....

    So have you set back the tempo to find a BIG garage with a small annex to live in now when you manage to tent your german breads on your backyard?


    Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2016-03-08.jpeg
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ID:	73512


    • #92
      trade you a speedster rear for that D rear end.


      • #93
        What a nice find that was! The inner wheel house panels do give it away as being from a D or roadster; close enough anyway. Congratulations.

        Justin Rio


        • #94
          Thanks Per for the offer I may take you up on a few details and dimensions as this project gets started.

          Manolin, tell me more although as Justin says this will be close enough.

          I was wondering who would be the first to spot the 'D' details. Having owned one many years ago it was the first thing I pointed out to it's owner.

          Now can the very knowledgable guys on here add to the list of differences between 58 Speedster and 59 'D' rear ends that I will have to alter.
          1. No ribs on inner panels
          2. Returns on inner door striker areas will need to be removed.
          3. I seem to remember that the upper lip dips down just before the hood frame mounting point.
          4. Hood frame mounting is different and I think set further into the body.

          Please add to my list if I have missed anything.

          I will upload pics when I get it back into the workshop and start cleaning it up.



          • #95


            • #96
              Congratulations on your 1000th post Roy we must meet up at some point.
              Do you remember any details of that 'D' in Twickenham, did you take any pictures?

              The chassis 'Dolly' frame table (or whatever it is called) is finished and put straight to use, I mounted the 58 onto it and did a quick and dirty measure up with steel rules and set squares.
              I calculated that the front left is high by about 4mm and the right side is short by about the same 4mm I would like to know from the guys out there with proper cellete frames wether this is acceptable.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF6350_sml.jpg
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ID:	74127

              I am also going to invest in one of Justin's digital protractors just to check that it's the chassis and not the bench that is giving me these readings.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSCF6366_sml.jpg
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ID:	74128

              Other news is that this chassis will be going into hibernation for a while whilst I crack on with one of the RHD 59's I will start up another thread and post progress as I go along.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	74129



              • #97

                Always interested in your posts! No pics taken of the convertible D in Twickenham but it was red I remember. Looks like you have plenty of 356 work in the future. Great to watch your progress. I am sure Justin will advise on your Cellete questions.



                • #98
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Speedsterdashplan_photos.jpg
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ID:	78970

                  Next up is the drawing itself, front on, from the top and a slice through the center.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Speedsterdashplan.jpg
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ID:	78971


                  • #99
                    WOW, Really nice Cad drawings with overlay on my photos Drew!
                    I can get you some of those dimensions here shortly. That's the right way to go, save as much of the existing cowl as you can. You could conceivably fabricated the face relatively cleanly but the cap is a very complex curve and if you only have basic hand tools like I do then its going to be quilt. The bottom lip too is also a very involved shape and Your time to fiddle making one with only fair results needing filler to be "right" must also enter into the equation. Yes, I had a ton to correct on my dash but if you order from Trevor I think you'll be just fine. With all that I've been through so far, if I needed one tomorrow I'd still buy one from Trevor rather than waste my precious time trying to create one from flat stock. I know my limitations and I wouldn't be happy with the end result but that is of course just me and my own personal opinion. I do wish you luck however if you want to try making it yourself.
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	78982
                    This is the one piece Roadster dash I mistakenly bought from Trevor about 16 years ago. It fit beautifully right out of the box but there are differences from a speedster dash. The gauge cluster does set at more of an angle upward and I know for a fact that a roadster eyebrow is a good quarter inch thicker than a speedster brow to compensate for this.
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	78983
                    I don't know when the cut-off occurred when the T-2 speedster went to the more one-piece roadster cowl version but I would assume very late 1958. I have seen a late '57 T2 speedster with the early dash. I personally prefer the two piece because its stronger and offers more W/S frame base support. You have this inner flanged lip and a lap joint with the cap. On a one-piece roadster you have a strap of metal that shadows under the base trim. Reinforced yes but no corrugated type strength as with the early version. Also too that strap invites corrosion in between the interface through the trim screw holes. Once the sides are leaded and its fully upholstered the lap joint won't be seen anyway. I guess its just a matter of which T-2 you want to build a December of '57 or a December of '58 pretty much identical right?
                    Justin Rio


                    • Drew, this is what I got 4 U
                      / Per
                      Click image for larger version

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ID:	78988


                      • Hi Justin
                        Thanks for the info on early/late dash styles, I will probably go with your 3 piece version.
                        I know this could be a big project but the challenge is half the fun and I've always wanted to see if my 6 tonne press could create these shapes.
                        Have you ever seen how Trevor creates the eyebrow bulge?
                        What did you end up doing with your roadster dash?

                        Thanks Per I am downloading your dimensions and will amend the drawing accordingly, looking at your protractor readings it looks like the dash face is leaning back by 76.8 degrees is that correct?

                        Will you be stripping the whole dash area back to bare metal?

                        I am still looking for an answer to the lower dash question, Is it completely straight on the bottom edge?

                        I will keep updating the drawing and reposting.


                        • Drew, you do still have same email ?
                          All was sent to you direct
                          Yes, it is in degrees roughly 77 so slightly tilted.
                          It was early morning when I did the measurements....will try again.
                          The dash will need to be painted with a new layer so it will be cleaned up and everything taken off.
                          I will get back to you later when its being done.


                          • Hi Per
                            Yes email is the same I have got your original pictures and dimensions, thanks.
                            Would love to see pics as you strip your dash.
                            Would be interesting to see if it is a 3 piece construction from underneath.


                            • Here are some detailed shots you asked for Drew...
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	79113

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ID:	79114

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ID:	79115

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ID:	79116

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ID:	79117

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ID:	79118

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ID:	79119
                              Distance from lid opening to edge at dash center.
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	79120

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ID:	79121

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ID:	79122

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ID:	79123
                              This relief on a roadster dash is much shorter and steeper to account for the additional degrees of tilt of the dash face.
                              Justin Rio


                              • Thank you Justin
                                These are just what I needed.
                                One question, If you placed a long straight edge on the lower edge of the dash, Is it completely straight?
                                Looking at your shot below it looks like it.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Dash_1.jpg
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Size:	173.9 KB
ID:	79128

                                Would you also be able to email me the high res original photo's.

