What a great summer with the kids and vacation! Not much time on the Porsche, but I'll give a quick update on how my door repair is progressing.

The bottom part of the door skin needs a bit of help now that I've repaired the rest of the door.

I made a template and placed reference marks on the door to help realign the replacement during welding.

The offending rusted section was removed.

Now having access to the inside of the door I could see lots of surface rust.

The side lip was also rusted through so it was removed.

Replacement piece.

Repaired and looking so much stronger.

The inside sanded to remove the old paint and rust and the remaining tar removed with scraping and gas then treated with phosphate.

Epoxy primed and top coated. No future rust!

Now to fit the replacement door skin bottom and try out my new jigs.
Thanks for following.
The bottom part of the door skin needs a bit of help now that I've repaired the rest of the door.
I made a template and placed reference marks on the door to help realign the replacement during welding.
The offending rusted section was removed.
Now having access to the inside of the door I could see lots of surface rust.
The side lip was also rusted through so it was removed.
Replacement piece.
Repaired and looking so much stronger.
The inside sanded to remove the old paint and rust and the remaining tar removed with scraping and gas then treated with phosphate.
Epoxy primed and top coated. No future rust!
Now to fit the replacement door skin bottom and try out my new jigs.
Thanks for following.