Finally to a nice big piece of metal to install!

First to prime and coat this area so it hopefully won't rust out in the future.

Nicely protected!

Outer longitudinal primed, top coated and ready for installation.

Can't forget the heater muffler before buttoning things up!

Door well also primed.

Ready for the rear closing panel.

So nice to be beyond the original mess that Bubba gave me.
Onto the closing panels next. Thanks for following.
First to prime and coat this area so it hopefully won't rust out in the future.
Nicely protected!
Outer longitudinal primed, top coated and ready for installation.
Can't forget the heater muffler before buttoning things up!
Door well also primed.
Ready for the rear closing panel.
So nice to be beyond the original mess that Bubba gave me.
Onto the closing panels next. Thanks for following.