Lower left corner contour.

With the body in white the cornered edge really began looking out of place to me. (green arrow)

Checking my original reference confirmed it. The corner is much more graceful and rolled under.

The way the nose and fenders are set together now means that there is just too much metal here to make the turn. It has to go somewhere so this excess forces the corner down to make the turn.
A quick relief cut fixes that.

Just about ready to throw on a tack weld but I wanted the corner loaded and set where I need it before I joined it back together. Bottle jack pushes it up where I'd like it.

Welded and dressed. Still required a heat shrink spot to soften the turn. Stubborn...
With the body in white the cornered edge really began looking out of place to me. (green arrow)
Checking my original reference confirmed it. The corner is much more graceful and rolled under.
The way the nose and fenders are set together now means that there is just too much metal here to make the turn. It has to go somewhere so this excess forces the corner down to make the turn.
A quick relief cut fixes that.
Just about ready to throw on a tack weld but I wanted the corner loaded and set where I need it before I joined it back together. Bottle jack pushes it up where I'd like it.
Welded and dressed. Still required a heat shrink spot to soften the turn. Stubborn...