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Evolution of the 356A T1 & T2 How they differ

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  • #61
    Small detail changes to the dash.
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    Early T1's had both the courtesy light and ashtray installed both in dash above the radio.
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    Aside from the cigarette lighter on the left the Later T2 dash face was left blank here. The two circled holes should not be there. T2's got a pair of courtesy lights mounted in the roof above the B pillars instead. The ashtray design was also changed and moved below the dash under the radio. The newer T2 repositioning of the gearshift made it possible to move the ashtray down here. A T1 configuration would never clear. Maybe Roy might be so kind as to show us a prestine example of a T2 dash and ashtray.
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    Slight change to the glovebox strap. 1956 and super early 1957 had a fixed strap which was spot-welded on top and stud mounted at the bottom.

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    Underside shot of that welded-on stud to secure the bottom end of the strap on early T1
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    A totally removable strap was introduced sometime in mid-1957. The strap was now secured at both ends with a chrome plated cheese head screw. The removable lock catch was also a change from the stamped in version of the T1. Not sure when this change occured.
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    You can see here that the upper screw was exposed. More details changes to come thanks for reading this! Justin
    Justin Rio


    • #62

      Some pics of my still factory original T2 meissen blue dash. (apart from one small hole to accept the switch for the two driving spot lights I put on the car in the 60's.) I have since removed them but still have the switch. Thats shown midway on the dash panel above the radio.

      Of course my car is RHD so everything for you is about face but the detail of the glove box is the same and I attach a few pics of that and the strap.

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      Some more on the next post



      • #63

        I should add the 'Motorola' radio was fitted by the importer of my car. Apparently this was often the case and I have seen one 1959 T" 'a' the same as mine with the same radio. Mine a valve (tube ) is still working fine the other guys has a problem.

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        • #64
          Thanks Roy! Great detailed shots. Noticed they went to four rubber buffers instead of just two like on my T1. Is that the original ignition switch to this car? Also is your trunk release still on the left side there?? Thanks again! Justin
          Justin Rio


          • #65
            Yes the ignition switch is still original and the hood release is on the left side.



            • #66
              Thanks Roy! Interesting they left the hood release on the left side. I guess they did not want to make a mirror image front latching mechanism?
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              Thanks for the confrimation on the ignition. Here is a correct original one for early t1 cars. Looks exactly the same as the Pre-A version however this has the additional "start" pole eliminating the need for the push button found on a Pre-A.
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              Set screw terminal type.

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              This one was actually in my T1 coupe the day my father bought it. I believe this one to be the next evolution/replacement type.
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              Still has the early set screw type terminals. Yours are bullet connectors right Roy?
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              Justin Rio


              • #67

                I do have the handbrake ( emergency brake ) handle on the r/side of my car. They had to modify that to yours. I presume the hood pull is close to your handbrake lever.

                All the connections under the dash on mine are bullet as you mentioned.

                I attach an underdash picture showing bullet connections. The majority are bullet types.


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                • #68
                  Thanks for the great detailed photos Roy! Yes, my hood release is just above the handbrake assembly. Here is another subtle change between T1 and T2; the outer guages were switched.
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                  Early T1 placement with combo guage on the right and speedo on the left.
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                  T2 placement with combo now on the left and speedo on the right. I can only assume this change occured in '58 along with the other changes to the dash. This arrangement would remain until productions end in '65. I am thinking this maybe a 356A LHD thing only. Roy, your guage order is the T1 style. Justin
                  Justin Rio


                  • #69

                    Interesting the positions of the instruments. You are correct the RHD 'A' cars up the 356C had the instruments in the following manner:
                    speedo, rev counter, combination gauge.

                    The 1957 drivers manual shows a LHD car with the gauges: multi, rev counter, speedo. ( very late T1 I guess if the book was printed in 57 as stated.)

                    A LHD 1956 T1 is shown with the gauges: speedo, revcounter, combination gauge.

                    I did read somewhere the 'A' range always had the prominent rev counter in the middle as the most important gauge for your eye to see.



                    • #70
                      Hey Roy,
                      Thanks for expanding on the details concerning this guage orientation. Did not know about the unique order on RHD cars. Here is another small detail concerning the deluxe horn ring.

                      Later T2 style hornrings changed just a bit from the earlier pre-A/ 356AT1 full hornrings.
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                      Here is an original VDM early T1 horn ring. Though basically the same there are two subtle differences. The first is the weight; an early T1 version is a slightly heavier casting than the later T2. The second difference is at the lip of the hornbutton opening. A T1 is smooth right up to the button. The later T2 version has a raised beveled lip at the edge. Maybe we can get Roy to show a detailed shot of his. I assume this change coincided with the introduction of the 420mm T2 steering wheel because the early 400mm wheel has no raised lip around the button but this later 420mm does have this raised lip. Each wheel mimics thier respective deluxe rings. Thanks for reading this! Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • #71

                        Now this interesting ( for me anyway ) I attach some pics of my T2 400mm steering wheel, ashtray close up, and horn ring. There is a difference to the early T1 you show. Now I have never been positive about wheel diameters. I understood only speedsters were first fitted with 400mm diameter wheels and all other 'A'models had 420mm as standard. Some time into the 'A' manufacturing some owners complained that the 420mm was too large they wanted the smaller 400mm version so at request like my first owner obviously did, a 400mm was supplied to special request.

                        The horn ring casting does look slightly different to the T1 you show but needs both photos side by side to actually see that lip that is present on mine.

                        But you might say the T1 cars were standard fitted with 400mm as well as the speedster and only the T2 had the 420mm as standard.

                        I don't have all the books to really establish I would like to know though what you think?


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                        • #72
                          Roy, thanks for those great High res. shots! BTW that is one amazing example of a prestine orginal hornbutton! Your last statement is correct. According to the Late Craig Stevenson All 1956 and early 1957 cars came standard with the 400mm late Pre-A VDM wheel. All speedsters until productions end also came standard with this 400mm version. I have no doubt that a T2 coupe or cab could be ordered with this smaller wheel as yours was. I've had several 420mm wheels and later T2 horn rings but have since sold them all so unfortunately I cannot provide a side by side comparison shot but I did take some detailed shots of my T1 unit.
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                          Horn button removed for a clear shot of the opening. Again no raised lip as Roy's later example shows above.
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                          400mm smooth matched opening also showing no raised lip. If ever you remove your horn ring Roy your wheels hub will look the same. You can pick off a 420mm or 400mm wheel without even a measurement; just look for the raised edge or in this case lack of one.
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                          Matched early ring and hub profiles. Justin
                          Justin Rio


                          • #73
                            I am wondering if anyone has touched upon the differences in exterior door handles in this thread.

                            Beyond the difference in the shapes of the base, it is my understanding that the T1s were "handed" (right and left), while the T2s were not.

                            However, I don't know if this characteristic existed in pre-As.
                            Keep 'em flying...



                            • #74
                              Hi S.J.,

                              No, we haven't gotten to the door handles yet I have been bad about updating this thread these past couple of weeks. Its the exact opposite. The square T1 and Pre-A outer door handles were generic. These handles are identicle BTW, except for a very limted run of late T1 square handles with T2 style lock tumbler buttons. The rounded T2 handles were a designated left and right unit. A part # can be found in the inner hook/tab with either an L or an R after it. Will try and get some pics up. Thanks! Justin
                              Justin Rio


                              • #75
                                With all due respect Mr.Rio, I believe that I have summarized correctly (regarding T1s anyway).

                                I am confident that the square-base T1 handles are indeed "handed" as they are on my early '57 coupe, tho not so much about the earlier handles.

                                I am also fairly sure that the handles on T2s and beyond are ambidextrous.
                                Keep 'em flying...


