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Spyder 550 550A

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  • Hi Andrew,

    This is going to be my summary post on what seems to be our disagreements as to a few of the 550s.

    The big summary is that we do disagree on more than I would have thought.

    Regardless, I will be sending you a copy of the book because you have helped greatly and I respect your serious approach to difficult questions.

    So, here we go as to what I think the disagreements are:


    The carwas at '53 Paris. It went to Brazil 1-54. It stayed. We have photos of the car in races, know that Stuck "sold" the car, photos of the car (from the rear) with Fasinello in the driver's seat, and it was in a book written in the last few years. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever.

    Now---I have asked you---if not 05---what car possibly could have been there in 1-54 and "sold", etc?

    It cannot be an Annie car.


    Please remember that this was originally a bucklewagen. When reconfigured the first could well have had the "unique" rear. There is no doubt that 07 went to Vieullet (I have misspelled--sorry). There is no doubt that 07was picked up by Annie before LeMans. There is no doubt that her mother's name is on the list
    of cars brought in for repair, etc. It was re-done three times. It went to Blendl. I have the export list re Annie's pick up at factory. Now---then it looked like a Wendler car. Nonetheless, according to Porsche, it was 07. They never built an 043. You can call it 043 but that car does not officially exist. And, Porsche sold the "fixed after fatal accident" car to Blendl---car 07. I have the registration stuff.


    Bothe 0028 and 0079 were red with white hood when delivered. Both cars were at Monza 6 April 1957. We have a photo showing both. 0079 was piloted in various races by Schiller. I ask---if Schiller was not in 0079---which car was he in? The car remained in Europe, we think.

    I do not disagree as to 0020 now having 0079 panels. Still, to believe the 0079/Hoffman notion, onemust believe that this originally Swiss car came to the US (Bird) and then back to Europe so that Marco or whomever could have the panels to put on 0020. Meanwhile, the frame stayed here to be bodied as an RSK??? Odd.

    Also, note that at least one of the Schiller races in 0079 is when Byrd you say raced in US.

    Again as to where 0079 went originally---we have two serious factory items that say Switzerland. First, a list of where various cars went. Second, the test report. There was one for each car and each notes where the car went. In both cases, the answer is Switzerland.

    So the summary of summaries is:


    0079 panels for 0020

    Byrd car---not 0079. What is it? Not sure.


    Steve Heinrichs

    We think Byrd had a different 550. We do not disagree that he raced a black car---just that it was not 0079.


    • Like you Steve, this is a passion no less than an obsession. I have dedicated many years to the history and knowledge of how these cars tick. You ask me about any other Porsche car and I couldn't tell you the difference between a 996 and a 997. I have great respect for your knowledge and honestly, it wouldn't matter if you were gifting me the book or not, I would still buy it.

      I post here because I learn a heap and it makes me research even more based on the topic. I have an amazing resource of specialists, historians, builders and owners who I can draw upon for any particular car. Things I post are all meticulously researched which sometimes results in a different conclusion than first thought.

      I know the new book is very important in many ways to you and that we do have to wait until it is published to see the extent of the research and findings, but I doubt you would want something so significant to have errors that could have been corrected.

      I have a lot of certified documentation on the existence of 550-0043 from qualified people including photographs to say it was not just a frame. I know your response for a lot of these cars is 'what other car could it be?' - honestly, I have not been able to access records to do research on this, which I hope to do one day when I can dedicate travel and time to it.

      I am happy to share these documents with you.

      Driving the road to discovery -


      • Wow, it is really intressting to read your stories about various frames and bodies.

        BIG Thank you, Steve & Andrew.

        Found this one in Otto Mathes werkstatt in early 90 and its not a real one I know but a good looking one with similar form

        Keep sharing the history & stories with the rest of us.
        THX, Per
        Click image for larger version

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        • What Andrew say about welding the ID plate "007" over the #43 to get the car over the border sounds logical to me.
          (I know the factory doesn't like to hear that).
          Annie probably didn't want to loose time with paperwork but wanted to race.
          And, another aspect-probably she could save a lot of money (import taxes) by getting back a "repaired car" from the factory...
          So #43 might have exist all the time as a complete car but with another identity.


          • 'The car was at '53 Paris. It went to Brazil 1-54. It stayed. We have photos of the car in races, know that Stuck "sold" the car, photos of the car (from the rear) with Fasinello in the driver's seat, and it was in a book written in the last few years. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever.'

            If you can share this photo of it in Brazil during the time when Annie raced, it will be conclusive and you are correct...

            If you refer to Karl Ludvigsen's book Porsche Spyders P39, he says 'Porsche never entered 550-05 in competition' and that it remained in Porsche's inventory as a test vehicle.

            Obviously Karl got it wrong too...
            Driving the road to discovery -


            • The 550 spyder when Blendl owned it...

              Click image for larger version

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              Driving the road to discovery -


              • love that shortened "bumper" trim


                • Great photo Per. Thanks for sharing it. That wasn't a real spyder in Otto's garage? It looks all alloy.

                  Andrew is that the same car Annie B. was killed in post repair?

                  Great historical stuff once again you guys, I know more about these cars than I ever thought I would. Thanks! Justin
                  Justin Rio


                  • Justin, its over 20 years since Otto told the story of the alloy "Porsche" but it was something that he had done..... Since it was before digital photos, I need to dig into my old papper photos as I remember I have more shoots of it also inside.
                    He garage was a BIG WOW....he didnt throw away anything and had so much cars, bikes, boats etc in his treasure


                    • Click image for larger version

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                      • Originally posted by JTR70" post=21119

                        Andrew is that the same car Annie B. was killed in post repair?
                        After the accident it went back to the factory again and was repaired. If you look at the accident photos you will see that the actual chassis was very much intact and straight including the wheels. Annie was thrown clear of the car as it flew through the air.

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Driving the road to discovery -


                        • Originally posted by Steve Heinrichs" post=21100

                          The carwas at '53 Paris. It went to Brazil 1-54. It stayed. We have photos of the car in races, know that Stuck "sold" the car, photos of the car (from the rear) with Fasinello in the driver's seat, and it was in a book written in the last few years. There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever.

                          Now---I have asked you---if not 05---what car possibly could have been there in 1-54 and "sold", etc?

                          It cannot be an Annie car.
                          Hi Steve,

                          I have gone back through some Porsche reference books and found this photo again of the 3 Spyders with a caption in German saying "the middle car is 550-05 and the white car is 550-018". It also says "Porsche allowed photographer Kurt Worner a glimpse into the hallowed halls of the racing department, where the 550 was mounted"

                          If 550-0018 was built in January 1955, how could it be in the factory next to 550-05, when 550-05 was in Brazil from January 1954 (the book photo shows clearly the hump in the middle of the rear)

                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	47753
                          Driving the road to discovery -


                          • What's also interesting on that photo Andrew is that the spyder in the back has the "new" front with bug headlights but a high fender rear.


                            • Please look at that photo again Andrew.
                              The backgroun car has not only the high rear but also the higher doors.
                              So it's 1/3 "new" to 2/3 "old" style body, right?
                              Is it repaired #7 or did #15 look like that (your website shows #15 with the newer Wendler body)?


                              • I zoomed the photo and see that the angle of the rear shock tell us it's the old frame.
                                Reconfigurated #7, Steve?

