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Canuck 1960B T5 Coupe Resto

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  • #91
    What amazing work. Few outsiders would realize how complex these "cute little cars" are under their curvaceous outer skins. Thanks so much for documenting your efforts. John in CT.


    • #92
      final prep on front closing panels to close up the front longitudinal and speaker box area. this was a lot of complicated metal shapes at one point. Glad to seal this up for the last time - checked for tools and pieces just in case before I weld in - don't want any rattles down the road. Always remember the story of GM workers on the line - when they new a cop car was on the assembly line they would weld in a loose quarter on the front doors so every time the cop car would come to a quick stop or stop the quarter would roll around and make noise.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	05122017frontclosingpanelareapreparredandcoatedreadytohaveclosingpanelcover.jpg
Views:	143
Size:	43.3 KB
ID:	88481

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Name:	05122017frontclosingpanelscutshapedandholesdrilledreadyforfinalposition.jpg
Views:	147
Size:	39.7 KB
ID:	88482

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Name:	05122017frontclosingpanelinpositionreadyforwelding.jpg
Views:	154
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ID:	88483

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Name:	05122017frontclosingpanelweldedin.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	36.7 KB
ID:	88484
      1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
      356 Registry main thread;
      1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


      • #93
        The last piece to completely close in the longitudinal is the support piece that is welded on the top to the rear longitudinal and the rear frame. This will close up the last open bit. I kept this until last to get the seatbelt bolts in. Question? once this piece is on is this the last flat overlapping piece for this area before I begin shaping the curved vertical piece that provides support to the base of the B-pillar? I am not sure here if there is still another lapping flat piece to go on.
        thanks for help.

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Name:	05122017openspacetocloseoveratrearlongitudinal.jpg
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Size:	35.7 KB
ID:	88486

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Name:	05122017roughshapeandcutforcoverbracepieceforrearlongitudinal.jpg
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Size:	38.5 KB
ID:	88487

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Name:	05122017overlapbraceforrearlongitudinalreadyforwelding.jpg
Views:	141
Size:	40.5 KB
ID:	88488
        1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
        356 Registry main thread;
        1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


        • #94
          Mate, I'm hardly an expert, but if my BT5 is anything to go by, you're done. I can take photos of my original if you need.

          Thanks for sharing,



          • #95
            Thanks Jonsey for the confirmation. Will button it up.
            1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
            356 Registry main thread;
            1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


            • #96
              Long overdue upadate. All paint stripped all interior framing cut and welded in - including b pillar cusset. All metal media blasted yesterday. A little bronzing needed in a few thin places Hoping to epoxy prime tomorrow. Good feeling to have all the rotten metal gone and no more cutting out.
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ID:	93033

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ID:	93035

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Name:	IMG_0715.JPG
Views:	142
Size:	61.0 KB
ID:	93036
              1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
              356 Registry main thread;
              1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


              • #97
                Ain't clean metal nice to work with!!


                • #98
                  Looking good Scott! Touching bottom with the rust removal and deconstruction phase is a really nice place to be for sure, congratulations. Are you operating that sandblasting outfit right there on site? I sure miss living in a rural area where I was able to do that exact thing. Keep up the great progress!
                  Justin Rio


                  • #99
                    Thanks guys. My friend lives out on a rural farm and had the media blaster. Two compressors can hum away without any neighbour complaints. Scoop the sand with a backhoe when done and dump in a hole. Still a messy job in tyveks and mask
                    1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
                    356 Registry main thread;
                    1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


                    • I am starting to shape and cut the transmission cover. Not sure if the cover sits on top of the transmission bolt supports (pads?) or under. The picture shows it under the bolt pads but needs to fit up tight to ensure enough of a folded edge turned down to weld to the transmission cross brace panel. It seems like it gets welded underneath the transmission bolt support pads but welding on top of the pads raises the panel enough to give more of a turned down edge to weld to the transmission cross-brace panel. Confirmation would be appreciated.

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	transmissioncoverlpanel.jpg
Views:	145
Size:	66.0 KB
ID:	93306
                      1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
                      356 Registry main thread;
                      1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


                      • Those reinforcement place are on the outside Scott.
                        Justin Rio


                        • Justin, if I understand your response, you are suggesting the way The transmission cover is positioned in the photo is correct.
                          1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
                          356 Registry main thread;
                          1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


                          • The opposite way you show it Scott.
                            Justin Rio


                            • Thanks Justin part is sitting much happier. Still a lot of shaping
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Name:	IMG_0765.JPG
Views:	143
Size:	52.6 KB
ID:	93345
                              yet to due. Thanks for the guidance.
                              1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
                              356 Registry main thread;
                              1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.


                              • Thanks for the guidance. Panel is now properly shaped, it took a lot of cutting and shaping conform to multiple compound shapes under the parcel shelf and curves of the back of the seat pans. Ready to burn in.

                                Question for the seat pans. It looks like there is a small edge on the backside of the heal panel. Does the forward face of the seat pan rest on this edge or should the top flange of the seat pan come up to the top of the heal pan edge? How deep does the base of the seat pan sit from the top of the edge of the heal pan?
                                Click image for larger version

Name:	transmissioncoverfinalshape.jpg
Views:	141
Size:	124.3 KB
ID:	94018

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Name:	transmissioncoverfinalshapeinposition.jpg
Views:	141
Size:	84.9 KB
ID:	94019

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Name:	SeatPan.jpg
Views:	143
Size:	25.8 KB
ID:	94020
                                1960 356B T5 - under major resurrection.
                                356 Registry main thread;
                                1968 912 - running like a scalded cat.

