Happy mother's day! I got a bit of time on the car before everyone woke up. Finished up the tunnel prep before installing the pans for the last time.

The accelerator rod clips needed to be encased in new plastic then greased.

I tried 1/2" plastic irrigation pipe cut down the middle as original, but it was too thick and unwieldy. I ended up using electrical shrink wrap. Once installed and heated it looked very original and had good lubricity. Bruce: the keys are removed

All the conduits greased.

New fuel and brake lines installed along with a cleaned OEM accelerator cable.
On to the pan installation.
The accelerator rod clips needed to be encased in new plastic then greased.
I tried 1/2" plastic irrigation pipe cut down the middle as original, but it was too thick and unwieldy. I ended up using electrical shrink wrap. Once installed and heated it looked very original and had good lubricity. Bruce: the keys are removed

All the conduits greased.
New fuel and brake lines installed along with a cleaned OEM accelerator cable.
On to the pan installation.