Jonesy's photo of the inner side of the lower cockpit exit shows the welding process. The exit inside appearance is unclear in my awful picture of the T-5 style in a T-6 Roadster and in Jonesy's T-5 style, so here is a cleaner T-5 in a T-5:

Here is a T-6 B for comparison. More to it, longer horizontal opening with an angled support/deflector bar:

Both have the indent for a baloney-cut tube to be almost even with the longitudinal vertical wall with a rather crude gas welding, seen inside and out on the various pictures.
In my own opinion, it could be either version on John's car, but the covering slide would be the most visual difference to a casual observer. To recreate even what I consider a Porsche "mistake" by using up what parts that were on hand and morphing into a later the right thing to do.
I just gotta say this: It is all good to be this critical of placement and authentic results without the jigs and preassembled components used originally, but only with an incredibly patient individual with talent working on their own 356....or a professional who cares working on a 356 with an unlimited budget.....
Here is a T-6 B for comparison. More to it, longer horizontal opening with an angled support/deflector bar:
Both have the indent for a baloney-cut tube to be almost even with the longitudinal vertical wall with a rather crude gas welding, seen inside and out on the various pictures.
In my own opinion, it could be either version on John's car, but the covering slide would be the most visual difference to a casual observer. To recreate even what I consider a Porsche "mistake" by using up what parts that were on hand and morphing into a later the right thing to do.
I just gotta say this: It is all good to be this critical of placement and authentic results without the jigs and preassembled components used originally, but only with an incredibly patient individual with talent working on their own 356....or a professional who cares working on a 356 with an unlimited budget.....