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356 T-1 Rebuild

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  • Gordon, by chance did you take enough pics to do a how to posting for those visors? They really are nice. Or does someone sell repops? Thanks, Mark
    Mark Erbesfield
    57 356A
    65 911
    68 912
    73 911S
    66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
    79 450SL Dad's old car


    • Sorry Mark, I am not as good as Jason about recording my projects on film. A good friend of mine who usually takes the photos is laid
      up recovering from surgery. I had no shots of visors until I finished them.
      I used to be better about taking them. Gordon


      • Too bad. I would love to have seen some details. How about some narrative as to how you formed the frames and got all the bends to look so perfect? How did you do the rivets? How are the acrylic panels installed? Thanks, Mark
        Mark Erbesfield
        57 356A
        65 911
        68 912
        73 911S
        66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
        79 450SL Dad's old car


        • This shot as of two weeks ago.
          working in front hood compartment.
          Click image for larger version

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ID:	25527


          • Great angle. Love that color. Are those real Rudge's? Worth as much as the damn car!
            Mark Erbesfield
            57 356A
            65 911
            68 912
            73 911S
            66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
            79 450SL Dad's old car


            • looking good Gordon. Very clean working area!



              • Great photo Gordon! It is really looking nice! More photos please!
                Justin Rio


                • Thanks Mark, Roy, and Justin
                  Cleaned fuel tank etched and sealed interior then epoxy primed and painted.
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	25841

                  Click image for larger version

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                  Click image for larger version

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                  Built battery box cover and installed.


                  • No Problem Gordon, Thank you for posting!

                    That is a really clean job on this cover, of course with the quality of your sun visors I am not surprised. The all the bends and the stepped embossments look great! A lot of time spent here for sure and your skilled craftsmanship is obvious. Keep up the fantastic work! Justin
                    Justin Rio


                    • Gauges and under dash wiring done. I am starting to like the Aquamarine Blue.
                      Thanks, Gordon
                      Click image for larger version

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Views:	57
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ID:	25980


                      • Thanks for the update Gordon! It is really turning out nice! yes, that aqua is a nice color! Wheel compliments it too. Keep up the great work! Justin
                        Justin Rio


                        • Hey Gordon,
                          VERY Nice!
                          I like the color also!
                          I assume that the T-1s had the multi gage and tach reversed in there positions from later models.
                          My Roadster is opposite from your gages.

                          Click image for larger version

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Size:	172.8 KB
ID:	26025


                          • I believe the T-1's were arranged speedometer on the left, tachometer center and cluster gauge to the right. The speedometer and the cluster gauge were switched on the T-2's. I have been following your progress with interest Gordon. Looks fantastic! You make great progress. Someday hope to begin my restoration of '56 European coupe #55308.


                            • Good catch on that one Dick.

                              Ronald, thanks for posting and Welcome to our forum! You're absolutely correct on that detail. We talked about that here:

                              When you decide to get rolling on your coupe please let us know. We would love to see it! Welcome once again! Justin
                              Justin Rio


                              • Thanks Sunset, When you start your European you can draw a lot of knowledge from the list. We all have one thing in common, the love of automobiles. Thanks again, Gordon

