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356 T-1 Rebuild

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  • Hey Gordon,
    Nice elec pump installation.
    Very neat as is all your work!
    Question: With the manual pump in place on the engine how does the fuel get to the carbs?
    Doesn't the engine fuel pump block the fuel flow unless the engine is turning?
    I have the same problem with the Roadster if the engine isn't fired up each week.
    It takes some cranking to get fuel to the float bowls.
    I have the engine pump only and 6 volts!
    Cold days are more of a problem!
    I am in the habit of turning the fuel cock off before I shut the engine down, since I saw a customer whose cylinders filled full of fuel and hydraulicly locked his engine.
    They pulled the plugs and it turned over.
    On a 912 resto project the shop gutted the engine fuel pump to retain the original appearance when they put in a electric pump so the fuel would bypass it.
    Its nice to have a Porsche repair and resto shop close by that lets me in to help and 'hold a flashlight' for them.
    We're working on restoration of a 64 Coupe right now.

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    • Dick, An electric prime pump has no problem pushing fuel through the stock pump. Shutting off the fuel while parked is a good idea.
      I used a normally off switch so there is no chance of leaving the pump on
      by being forgetful. (you have to hold the switch in to run the pump)


      • OK Gordon, That answers a bunch of questions.
        So the pump doesn't run all the time, just when you push the switch!
        I kept thinking that the stock pump would not let fuel thru it unless the engine was turning.
        Did you place the pump on the out let side of the fuel cock?
        And where did you tap in for elec power-off which terminal of the fuse panel?
        Did you select a fuse that was hot only when the key was on?


        • Gordon,
          The 6 volt Airtex pump is on order thru Amazon.
          It should be here Wednesday.
          I got a 'Momentary' 'ON" SPST switch at Radio Shack and have picked up the hose clamps and other parts that I'll need.
          I checked the 3rd fuse from the right that I think I'll tap from.
          Its labeled 'Supplementary Heat'.
          OK what is that?
          No electrical wire coming from the down side.
          So I don't think it is running anything!

          Click image for larger version

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          SO when its warm in my unheated garage, I'll start on it!
          Thanks for posting the pic of your finished pump installation.


          • Nice info Dick. This pump and the way you both use it looks very good to me.It will fill the bowls so much faster than cranking. Have not used the car for a week with bad weather here but this morning after a very hard frost its dry enough and not icy at the moment so will take it out. Bet I have to crank it for a while



            • Dick, I started my T-1 after sitting for almost two weeks on a 35 degree
              day and it started right up. First time that has ever happened.
              Be sure and add hose clamps to all fittings on the pressure side
              of the pump. Gordon


              • Hi Gordon,
                You bet cha hose clamps!
                I have 4 brand new ones along with 3 feet of new fuel hose from NAPA to put on when the pump arrives.
                Amazon says Wednesday-maybe its coming by drone!
                I plan to pull the hose off the tunnel line that is connected to the fuel cock and put that end on the supply side of the pump with new fuel line and clamps on the pressure side thence to the tunnel fuel line. All present fuel lines were changed during restoration in 2010.
                I showed the picture of your installation to the guys at Lufteknic today.
                They use the Airtex pumps and some Carters also.
                NOW I have to figure out how long do I push the button to run the pump prior to engine turn!



                • Gordon,
                  Thanks so very much for posting your AirTex Electric Pump installation.
                  The Roadster now sports one also, a Model E8011 6 volt version.
                  I road tested it today after fighting with a fuel weep for a couple of days on the supply end of the pump.
                  A couple inches of 'yellow' pipe thread tape fixed it.
                  I had to do some rerouting of the rubber fuel lines for the Roadster due to the shortness between the fuel cock and the hard fuel line that goes into the tunnel.
                  Not a big deal!
                  I used a momentary push switch that I got at Radio Shack and a 10 amp in line fuse.
                  For power I came off the 3rd fuse from the right of the fuse block which on my car is labeled as 'Supplementary Heat'-I don't have one of those and is has a 25 amp fuse that I don't use.
                  I also did not drill the forward panel of the passenger compartment to secure the pump.
                  I used a small piece of 'camping foam' to cushion any shock. with the hose attached and this foam base to cushion it the pump isn't going anywhere.
                  For the pump ground I used the 10mm bolt that is used to hold the passenger floor board in place.
                  This is the pump in place.

                  Click image for larger version

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                  This is the passenger floor board back in place showing the routed fuel lines.
                  I did have to cut the top right side of the boards to make clearance for the fuel line, but they are not original boards since I made these many years ago when the originals rotted out.

                  Click image for larger version

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                  After it was installed, I pushed the Momentary Switch for about 5 secs and fired the car up.
                  The real test will come after it sets for a while to let the ethanol loaded fuel evaporate from the float bowls.
                  With the rubber mats in place to cover up and protect the lines from abrasion there is no noticeable deformation in that area.

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                  My Porsche Logoed carpets go on top of the rubber mats.

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                  Thanks again for your idea-great!


                  • Nice job.


                    • Heading to the Salem Roadster show.

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                      Snug fit, this trailer was built for my Jag


                      • Nice fit Gordon.
                        Looks like when we headed for ECH in September.
                        Have fun!

                        Click image for larger version

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                        • Hey dick,

                          Had a good laugh at your photo's I bet you clicked submit and instead of waiting till the forum responded you thought what the hell this is slow and clicked again, then clicked again, then clicked again and again Made me grin

                          Mind you the back of your car always looks great!! and not much room either side!



                          • Good luck at the show Gordon! Please take us a couple of shots while you're there. That is one sweet looking little coupe! I really like how your exhaust tips exit wide at the corners. Very unique and nice looking!
                            Cool trailer too...yes a very tight fit.

                            Yes, sorry about the slow loading you guys. Sometimes you have to give the system a solid 30-40 seconds to complete its task. An eternity I know while your just staring at the screen. I'm pricing dedicated servers to speed things up. Will keep you posted on that. Thanks again for being part of this site, warts and all.
                            Justin Rio


                            • NOPE Roy and Justin,
                              I only click submit once and I get those multiple posts!
                              I do not know why it does it.
                              I go to the abcgt web site via IE.
                              Lets see what happens here.


                              • Salem Roadster show a few weeks ago. Had some fun. Gordon

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