I dont know the full story and dont care to but I dont think the registry would last much longer without some changes. I know that I didnt like the was it was going serveral years ago to the point that I had a Mod pull the plug on my membership......and never looked back
No announcement yet.
Radio Free Registry
The part of my quote you highlighted is drawn from the complaint filed in the case which you are free to read online. The reference is to the fact that the suit is both individual and derivative as stated in that complaint. It's a long explanation which if you're interested send me an email at:
mondokook-idea20130517@yahoo.com and I'll give you my phone # so we can discuss the above or anything you wish about the case. The email here is disposable and I'll get rid of it when the bots annoy me enough. So far so good though.
I assure you that Steve, and before that several others, including I, attempted to have the trustees do the right thing with regard to the membership. To say we were all stonewalled gives the trustees a favorable comparison to a Confederate General which they don't deserve. The contempt that they exhibited toward a number of long term club volunteers was and is distressing and deplorable. The Registry thread on this topic was purged some time ago but the Samba thread is still there if you wish to read it. Or, you may call me after I furnish you my phone # if you want it. As you wish. Thanks.
BillBill Sampson
..........and, as always, thanks again Justin, for allowing open debate and varying experiences to be told...and yes, even opinions.
The body of the original posting here was edited by me, Bruce Baker, for exposing just how personal the current Registry situation has become.
Those who cannot understand such a personal involvement shouldn't be bothered by it here (or probably anywhere). Those who feel as I do ARE obviously viewed as "complainers," "piling on" to each others posts, trying to change the minds of others who seem to be unable to 'get' the frustration and emotional import of this Club situation.
If those who have a full understanding (are fully aware) of the background of the 'sides,' know the years-long history of this tussle and are still comfortable with the Registry leadership's status quo, that is their prerogative.
"We," on the other hand, are just interested in the business end of things in the club but frustrated by those signs that read "One Way," "Stop" and "Do Not Enter." (Oops, there I go again....)
It's just very important to understand that it is a host like Justin that needs to be commended (and thanked) for allowing such expressions of caring about a simple car club within an otherwise "fun" site.
I personally appreciate everyone having a level playing field on which to post that the Registry trustees (all eight) cannot control but on which they could post themselves.
Mr. Szabo,
Your outburst at the several of us for posting our own comments on RadioFreeRegistry is exactly the reason we don't often bother. You use so many derogatory words and belittling phrases, it ruins the experience for us. Instead of trying to embarrass us with terms like "lurkers" and "indifferent", why don't you bother to look around these forums, you would find lots and lots of participation on our parts. Yet you try to make us look like free-loaders who offer nothing to our club or these forums.
"Democratic determinism" should not mean you are on one side, or you are on the other side. It means you get to chose whatever level of participation you like. If one finds it too bothersome, that's OK, not something to ridicule with "acidic sarcasm". I know you can be very good with words, and your civility stops short of "not in mixed company" stuff, but I offer that you'll catch more flies with honey.
I also didn't realize RFR was the proprietary forum for Mr. Heinrich's lawsuit. The "Porsche 356 Registry Litigation: Update?" should be that, so why shouldn't "perks" be an acceptable subject here? Of course the objection is that specific examples are lacking (since the club doesn't furnish expense accounts), but the "appearance" is and of itself a fact, maybe worthy of some comment? I guess not...
Nothing I am saying here is meant to support the Registry management, or Mr. Heinrich's lawsuit, but neither is it meant derogatory to either. The splinters are firmly stuck in my butt!
From a not-so-grumpy Veteran guy,
CraigCraig Richter
[quote="Craig Richter" post=8067]Mr. Szabo,
Your outburst at the several of us for posting our own comments on RadioFreeRegistry is exactly the reason we don't often bother. You use so many derogatory words and belittling phrases, it ruins the experience for us. Instead of trying to embarrass us with terms like "lurkers" and "indifferent", why don't you bother to look around these forums, you would find lots and lots of participation on our parts. Yet you try to make us look like free-loaders who offer nothing to our club or these forums.
"Democratic determinism" should not mean you are on one side, or you are on the other side. It means you get to chose whatever level of participation you like. If one finds it too bothersome, that's OK, not something to ridicule with "acidic sarcasm". I know you can be very good with words, and your civility stops short of "not in mixed company" stuff, but I offer that you'll catch more flies with honey.
I also didn't realize RFR was the proprietary forum for Mr. Heinrich's lawsuit. The "Porsche 356 Registry Litigation: Update?" should be that, so why shouldn't "perks" be an acceptable subject here? Of course the objection is that specific examples are lacking (since the club doesn't furnish expense accounts), but the "appearance" is and of itself a fact, maybe worthy of some comment? I guess not...
Nothing I am saying here is meant to support the Registry management, or Mr. Heinrich's lawsuit, but neither is it meant derogatory to either. The splinters are firmly stuck in my butt!
From a not-so-grumpy Veteran guy,
X2. Mr Sazbo, you appear to be a very well educated grumpy old man who definitely makes it no fun to want to post anything on your threads. Cheers from a not so grumpy Porschenut.Mark Erbesfield
57 356A
65 911
68 912
73 911S
66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
79 450SL Dad's old car
The Registry has now posted its financial statement for the fiscal year that ended 9 months ago on August 31, 2012. It filed its tax return for that year on or about March 5, 2013 but the tax return, a public record available to anyone, was just scanned within the last week or so by services that do so and then post them online.
A couple of comments - you should draw your own conclusions. For the prior fiscal year (9/1/2010 to 8/31/2011) the Registry included a footnote advising that publishing expenses, the single biggest item, were for 7 months. A cursory examination of the 9/1/2011 to 8/31/2012 financial statement and tax return suggests that publishing expenses reported in those documents were for 5 months. Each issue costs approximately $45,000. "Balancing" the two years, appropriate in my opinion - please form your own, indicates that the $67,000 loss for 2010-2011 might more accurately be a $22,000 loss and that the $20,000 profit for 2011-2012 might more accurately be a $25,000 loss. It's just more appropriate arithmetic, in my opinion - reasonable minds might differ.
The financial report is not audited and reflects that management (in this instance the trustees) elected to omit substantially all disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The financial report itself is viewable by members on the Registry web site and is presented here for those who are not members but maintain an interest in the organization (such as me).
The tax return is available here:
http://990finder.foundationcenter.org/990results.aspx?990_type=&fn=356+registry&st=&zp=&ei=&fy=&action=FindBill Sampson
I think spending 62-79% of your total revenues on a print magazine vs. 2-3% on your web site needs to be seriously evaluated. That is crazy! It tells me that whoever is running the show is oooooold school. But what do I know, I'm just a member.
Mark Erbesfield
57 356A
65 911
68 912
73 911S
66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
79 450SL Dad's old car
Well, why have a great and very well respected magazine? I can give you a couple of reasons.
1. Without a quality print magazine the coverage of the Registry would suffer. Try getting press passes to Rennsport if you say you have a website, or getting an interview with a famous racer, or getting pictures from a well established photographer. The answer to all three is you won't.
2. The archival quality of the magazine is phenomenal, which is one of the aims of the Club, by doing stories and establishing facts can be knowledge that will be pass through the ages.
3. The demographic of the club is older, and they want the magazine, so why deny the members who pay their dues what they want.
And please if anyone wants to dis-agree with my thoughts and observations do so politely and argue the merits of what I am saying. I will not debate someone if they can't hold the sarcasm.
All very good points. Maybe I should have said that I think the spread in percentages seems very great, but then again, a well build web does tend to manage itself quite economically.
PS. As I mentioned earlier, I too like the magazine, tho it tends to be mostly advertising like all magazines, which of course helps with the revenues.Mark Erbesfield
57 356A
65 911
68 912
73 911S
66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
79 450SL Dad's old car
Mark, I'm not saying the website doesn't need improvement, it really does. When it was first brought online there was a big push to get lots of how-to articles and commonly asked questions section. This has fallen off, but this wouldn't cost money, just more involvement and a push by one of the Trustees. I have written a few of these articles and they have been very well recived, like my "How to Crate a 356 Motor", people love that one.
The website could also be built more heavy with articles from the magazine and archival info. I wanted some info a few days ago while at the shop and had to wait until I got home to pull the issue, this would have been a lot easier had the info been archived on-line, but this too wouldn't cost much, just more involvement. But print costs money, there is no way around that. That's one of the beautiful things about a website, once built expansion is a lot easier.
Joel, concerning Road and Track, that is one of the pitfall's of the times, print media that is dependent on advertising is dying a slow death. That is one of the great things about club magazines like the Registry and Pano, they are not dependent on advertising for their existence, they are funded by dues of the club, which as long as the club still wants the print magazine in the mail, the show will go on.
The Registry would get less access without a print product, this may change as time goes on, but for right now, having a website will not get you into all access, that's why Gordon always gets about a dozen guy's wanting to cover events like Rennsport, because they are highly restrictive on who gets Press Credentials. I agree that getting participants to cover events is a great idea, I know I write for a number of Porsche magazines on events but when it comes to getting archival footage from older photographers saying you are doing it for the Registry Magazine opens doors that sometimes won't open otherwise. And in terms of interviewing racers, I wasn't talking about racers at events, I meant getting them on the phone for an interview or for background on a story. I know this from experience, I had to interview Stirling Moss a few years back as background on a story, I hadn't decided who to pitch the story to when I first contacted his press people and was having trouble getting him, but once I said I was doing the story for the Registry Magazine, a well known and established story, I was talking to him within hours.
Thanks for debating politely.
I guess I'm just new old school, but the Web is THE future and tho print is the past, I seriously question the costs involved. I bet if the issues were digitally sent to China, oh no not that, it would be almost free. Don't get me wrong, I hate China, but you get my point. Print is close to dead and the current cost structures do not match the future usefulness.
And, 356JAGER, I think that when you refer to Adam as "Captain U" you are being sarcastic and disrespectful. No disrespect to you.Mark Erbesfield
57 356A
65 911
68 912
73 911S
66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
79 450SL Dad's old car