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  • Pat:

    Welcome. If you have the "Twenty Years of 356 Registry on DVD" that the trustees sent out a couple of years ago you can read the history from Volume 1 to Volume 20. It was sent to all members several years ago but well after I joined (2001 or possibly early 2002 I think) and therefore well after you joined. I cannot remember if it was free or not, but before that I received a set of CDs covering Volumes 1 to 10. Yes there is overlap.

    There is some interesting reading in it, including how trustee Greg Young was driven out after being publicly lambasted - in the magazine no less - by then and now trustee Skirmants because Greg, one of the finest people I have met because of these funny little cars, had the temerity to ask questions about the running of the Registry and its finances.

    You can find people who ran for office on an "openness" platform. Nothing changed, however since those people lost.

    The more things change the more they stay the same.

    And Pat, I think you have my email address from prior correspondence, but, if you are REALLY interested, I can find, possibly, amongst my digital dust bunnies, more direct references to the early mags. There is a lot of interesting stuff, both about the club and about the cars - who knew?

    Bill Sampson

    BIRD LIVES!!!!!



    • Bruce:

      I was astonished that Mark Roth's financial question was still on the board over there since I figured that the trustees or the moderator would lock it and/or remove it - good for them for not doing so - yes I know it is early on Monday morning. Wes Bender would apparently prefer that Mark discuss certain topics only while in solitary, although there is no point in discussing them without others to join in the dialogue.

      So, you have reminded me once again why what Justin is doing here is a good thing. Thanks to you and to Justin.

      Bill Sampson

      BIRD LIVES!!!!!

      HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


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          • ........and if we didn't get enough people "piling on" (both "sides") I get a personal email from someone (known to me for a VERY long time) who purports to have found that the "Robert Bosch" of recent postings here is located "about a block away" from a person named Dunn, in Florida, whose address is in the Registry magazine.

            (It must be nice to be retired and a techie!)

            Maybe "Bobby" knows if this report is true...........


            • The more things change the more they stay the same. The first person to correctly identify the publication date of the following candidate statement will be added to the Christmas list to receive Bill's World Famous [Rum] Balls

              [Candidate One]
              Active involvement in 356 Registry affairs:
              "356 REGISTRY" magazine editor of "Asleep At The
              Wheel" column, 1979 to present
              East Coast Holiday Committee, 1984, Williamsburg, VA
              Position statement:
              "I'm running on two issues, equality and candor. . .
              should the Registry confine itself to being the central forum
              for exchange of ideas among 356 enthusiasts or should the
              Registry provide services beyond the magazine? For ** years,
              every member who sent in his money got exactly the same
              return - a magazine to share ideas about 356 Porsches. *** years ago all of us began forking over an extra ** in dues for
              event insurance to help insure someone else's fun, where it's
              now up to us to avail ourselves to this service, if we can. But
              additional services cost more than money - the hidden costs
              are the burdens placed on the 1% of the members who have
              volunteered to work to support the organization. As a Trustee
              I promise to vote AGAINST spending your money to help
              support someone else's special interest. I will vote FOR equality
              - everyone pays the same, everyone gets the same. Open
              communication isn't something the Registry has ever had in
              surplus. The majority of members have no idea what the
              Trustees have done: what issues have been addressed, where
              individual Trustees stand on the issues, who really represents
              our interests. If elected, I promise to submit a report on every
              board meeting to the REGISTRY magazine for publication.
              I will do what's required to make sure that a financial
              statement is published annually. I will keep you informed.
              Bill Sampson

              BIRD LIVES!!!!!

              HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


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                  • ----------
                    Keep 'em flying...



                    • Mr.Rio:

                      10hrs. later and your plug on the Registry thread for open discussion has not been deleted yet. Kudos.

                      Are we taking bets on the lifespan of this "2012 Registry Financial Report" thread?
                      Keep 'em flying...



                      • Hi S.J.,

                        I could not get the links to fire on there. According to Bill this glitch has been on going for quite sometime now. I understand its a work in process. Anyone interested can at least copy and paste the address provided they know how but its always nice to make it as easy as possible. I tried. The link in my signature works however so they could click there. we'll see what becomes of it..
                        Best regards,
                        Justin Rio


                        • "Robert Bosch",

                          Let me set the record straight. A members privacy is absolutely priority number one here. S.J. can personally attest to that. Just the fact you are allowed to participate here under this assumed identity should also tell you something about the policy in being able to remain annonymous. Try using a false name or "handle" on the registry forum; you must use your full name and tell others who you really are. Because this site has a free and open forum does not mean its chosen one side or the other. It is neutral as I am neutral. Example: "thier" posts haven't been censored and neither has any of "yours".
                          I take great offense to your accusation. Let me put it in perspective for you, I have four "garbage can" 356 projects (two of which are mine)clogging up my hobbie shop at this very moment. When I'm not grinding it out there I'm here helping to add photos and content to other 99% of this site so it doesn't go stale. I don't have the time and quite honestly the interest in finding out who you really are. No one asked me for any of your information nor would I give it if approached. You want to be Robert Bosch, then be Robert Bosch; just remember to leave me out of it!
                          Thank you,
                          Justin Rio


                          • Someone calling themselves Robert Bosch wrote: "Incidentally, were the methods used to attempt to track me down, legal, and did the owner of this website knowingly provide the seed information for this (personally assumed) breach of privacy?"

                            What I reported was from a "reliable source close to the investigation" and yet I was not made privy to how, why, how or by whom the location of said Bosch was determined, just that is was "very close to the address of George Dunn." I found that to be 'newsworthy', but made no claim as to it's accuracy and as it came to me unsolicited I left it for those reading to make their own assumptions. Had the person sending that 'intel' not been known to me for over 35 years, I would have completely discounted it myself. BTW, I did not know that person was 'lurking' on this sight. Amazing how it's coming out as to how many are checking in on this bizarre form of entertainment!

                            The only involvement of Justin Rio was the benign allowance of posting for all of us, period. To rudely suggest Justin played any part in ANY of this alternate communication about the Registry other than to offer his (already existing) site for our open use is totally unacceptable.

                            It shows that this forum needs to better self-monitor it's postings. Let's leave the clamping-down of a topic or thread "over there."

                            If Robert Bosch's privacy is so sacred as to require an assumed name, perhaps his(?) postings should be left untouched as well.

                            Perhaps the collective "we" need to focus on positive comments more, as infighting, deflections and distractions began the need for alternate communication in the first place.

                            A good friend against whom I raced in the '60s has a sign-off on his emails that says "Play nice." Let's do that here out of respect for each other and the site's owner. Do NOT "take the bait" from those who wish to disrupt healthy discussion, observation or debate about things Registry. From either "side."

                            Personally, as far as I am concerned, the 'fight' is with only a handful of men in leadership roles of the Registry who deny REALLY open and willing discussion of Registry BUSINESS and APPEAR to have "something to hide." That's IT.....

                            -Bruce Baker ("real name" -as Jack Staggs would close)


                            • [quote="S.J.Szabo" post=8097]
                              SJ Could you please elaborate on this comment? Thanks, Mark
                              Mark Erbesfield
                              57 356A
                              65 911
                              68 912
                              73 911S
                              66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                              79 450SL Dad's old car


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