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~Back from the dead outlaw build~

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  • #76
    The 64' Ghia title is clear. But they consider the rear clip a major component want vin numbers for every part.

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    • #77
      Now for the hood, doors, fenders, and trunk I wouldn't need vin's

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      It's ridiculous, too many rules and regulations. If I don't have a vin# for the body, they won't let me proceed any further to get the constructed vehicle title to get it on the road.

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      • #78
        So I have the vin for the Ghia and if I had a vin for the Porsche body, they would run the numbers and verify that they are not stolen. Then I could fill out papers to apply for a constructed vehicle title. after that is done they would issue the car a completely new vin number.


        • #79
          Hey Frank, Sorry to hear about that but that is pretty much the norm when dealing with the DMV. Why not just build this car titled as a Ghia? Is it absolutely necessary to get a special reconstruction number, why not just fly under the radar? Since the donor body was cut ahead of any original VIN # stampings there is no way for anyone to verify that that is its original identity so this may be another problem you might run into when you take it down to be verified and blessed; even if you get a title from Rusty tubs. (He is going to call you BTW) I have had a little experience with this when I rebuilt my Toyota truck from a roll-over wreck. My old mentor had some sound advice years ago when I was trying to get title " be honest if they ask but don't volunteer more than you have to, every time you open your mouth it could mean an additional fee or hoop to jump through".
          Justin Rio


          • #80
            We are happy to provide you ( or them ) with images before the car was sliced and diced-
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            post hibernation in Texas.
            We BUY $ell Trade any NOS green Porsche metal!
            Call toll free today.


            • #81
              Hey Frank,
              Hope your having some luck and making headway with the DMV.
              In the mean time I saw these two build photos and thought of your project.
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              A really slick and easy way to build sill plates on a VW pan to hang your 356 body work from such as your rockers ,hinge and striker posts. If you welded all that up as a unit it would really stiffen things up on your chassis too. Food for thought....
              Justin Rio


              • #82
                Hey Justin,
                Were the two photo from a build thread or just some random photos you came across? I would like to see it being constructed. I thought about changing things around with the chassis many times for my car, getting it to look more like the original but in the end it's still a VW underneath.
                Haven't messed with the DMV stuff yet. At the moment I'm waiting for a data plate and certificate of manufacture to arrive for a Fiberfab Avenger kit car I acquired. And right now I'm getting that '46 Ford to be a roller so I can park it outside because it takes up so much space in my garage.
                I will eventually get back to the 356, just thinking of different ways of building it as I work on other things.


                • #83
                  This is a build by a guy named Gary Blundall. Its posted on the replica speedster FB page. Take a look. Here's a few more of it:
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                  Justin Rio


                  • #84
                    Just in case anyone was wondering, I'm still here!

                    I haven't worked on my since my last posts but the good news is... I have the title done and in my name! Now I don't have to worry about spending money on a car that I wouldn't be able to get on the road. The bad news is I have a few projects I need to get moving so I can get back on my 356. As soon as I do, I will be sure to start posting pictures of the build.


                    • #85
                      Does anyone have the small "1959 Model" tag laying around in their stash they would be willing to part with?

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ID:	92618


                      • #86
                        Glad to hear you're not giving up on this project Frank. Look forward to you picking back up with it. I might have one of those tags, I'll scrounge around.
                        Justin Rio


                        • #87
                          Just looking at this blog and can see that you have some pictures up of one of Gary Blundall's Speedster Clinic Chassis. THese Are great Items and I have one that will be underpinning my Pre A Coupe. He does a number of different options so check out to see his chassis options....This is mine nearly completed as a rolling Chassis with Red 9 double Wishbone front and coilover rear suspension.
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                          • #88
                            Always thought Gary's subframe was a nice platform Rob and those photos help to confirm it. Love to see your pre-A build if you have some time.
                            Justin Rio


                            • #89
                              Unfortunately I don't have the time to maintain 2 blogs with my build so if you want to see the details of my build then please check out my build on DDK.


                              • #90
                                It's really been almost two years since my last post! Time flies (...and I get easily side tracked)
                                Not to worry, I still have it and plan on getting back on it after I make some room...I really need to get a shop!
                                I'll post some pictures of what has been keeping me busy all this time.

