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~Back from the dead outlaw build~

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  • ~Back from the dead outlaw build~

    I figured even though it will be a slow process I will begin my thread for everyone to see what I am building...

    As seen in the dead and bloated section
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    I took this picture shortly after I left RustyTubs in Georgia. One last check of the tie downs before my trip back home to Missouri.
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    A shot of it in my driveway with some parts for the build.
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  • #2
    A crate of parts has arrived,
    Click image for larger version

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    I bought a fiberglass front end to use as a template when I try to make one out of metal.
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    Also in the crate was a hinge panel and some repair panels.


    • #3
      This is my donor car. After I cut the body down to what I will be using (luggage area/package tray and the inner front trunk area)I will remove what is left and then shorten the pan.

      Click image for larger version

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      • #4
        Moved the Ghia in the garage yesterday...7-09-2013
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        This is what it looks like today...7-10-2013
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        A shot of the 356 body in the corner waiting to be built.
        Click image for larger version

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        • #5
          Hey Frank, Thanks for sharing your build! This is going to be quite the fabrication job to mate these two together and I am looking forward to watching you do it! Man you are packed up tight in there! I thought I was jambed up for space. Is that your Volks-rod under the 356 body?
          So you are using ghia trunk well and A-pillar/apron/foot well area as your base? Thanks again and best of luck! I'll be cheering you on! Justin

          BTW: sorry for posting your clip in the D&B thread.
          Justin Rio


          • #6
            Thanks Justin! I'm lucky they are small cars and easy to move around. You are correct that is the volks-rod hiding under there. On the other side of the garage is my friends bug I'm messing with. As soon as it is gone I will have the 356 on one side and the volks-rod on the other. Yes all those sections from the Ghia minus the a-pillar area, I have that from a section of the dash I bought on ebay. Then will be using the cowl/dash top to make it all up. I know how it will all go together but when I type it out I make it sound confusing.


            • #7
              Glad to see you started a build thread Frank!! Cant wait to see it come together.
              60 Coupe Outlaw Project


              • #8
                Thanks Brock, Your Outlaw is looking great!

                Got a little more work done tonight...7-11-2013
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                • #9
                  You're really getting after it Frank! So you'll be sectioning the center tunnel to get your wheel base? Will you be also raising the torsion tubes to lower the center of gravity like your volks rod? If so, how radical will you go? Motor sticking up through decklid opening?? Justin
                  Justin Rio


                  • #10
                    Hey Justin~ As soon as I get the front end off, engine and trans out and fix some rust issues on the frame head I'm going to weld the new floor pans in and then cut out the section to shorten the wheelbase. After all that I can start on mating the body to the pan.
                    I'm not doing any mods the body, They look great the way they are. I'll keep the cutting to the volks-rod. Thought about raising the motor/trans so I won't have so much negative camber but will read up on it before doing so.


                    • #11
                      Here is what is left. Front end is unbolted and the motor/trans are out. Instead of fabricating a section for the frame head I am just going to order the piece I need from cip1, it will save me a lot of time. So now I will clean all the years of dirt and grime as I wait for the part.

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                      Here is the section needing repaired.
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                      And what it should resemble.
                      Click image for larger version

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                      Until next time...


                      • #12
                        WOW Frank! Not much left of that Old Ghia that was in your driveway a few days ago. Its good to see that you have just about touched bottom and are now making your way "upward". So you'll lop-off that rustout bulkhead/strap that the master cylinder mounts to; order a new assembly and weld it to the "new" shorter location on the tunnel?
                        Thanks for the update, Alot of hours here!!
                        Justin Rio


                        • #13
                          Thanks Frank, what are your plans for power? Is the Ghia the same wheel base as the Beetle?
                          60 Coupe Outlaw Project


                          • #14
                            I'm using the 1776cc motor that I ran in my 1960 VW Singlecab. It moved my pick up down the road pretty good and will be perfect for the lighter 356. Here is a picture of it clean freshly done right before I installed it in my truck.
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	23082

                            Yes the ghia and beetles had the same wheelbase, Once I get the metal work done I can shorten the pan to match the 356 wheelbase.


                            • #15
                              Looks like a really healthy mill; right, if it performed well in your truck then for sure its really going to be a lot of fun in your hot rod! Interesting fan shroud BTW, not squarish like a VW but more shaped like a 356/912. Is this an aftermarket unit? Electronic ignition with 40 Delortos? Nice motor! Justin
                              Justin Rio

