Vin panel and vertical wall welding continued:
Lateral plug weld run required an extra step of drilling down further into the underside flap to ensure all three layers that comprise this run were thoroughly fused together as found originally.
Leading edge flange clamped tight and as you can see a thorough weld penetration was achieved above the access covers. Would have been a PIA to join these panels properly while installed in the car first. So much easier with it mounted to my table and once I figured out that these two panels could go back in as a unit
the plan was set.
A lot of plugs along this run so a nice diversion as that process went was adding the spare tire strap clamp holes back in. Original panel section placed over top to locate them.
Plug welds in this area dressed smooth first then the holes were drilled.
Not quite centered with the conduit hole but this is where the factory had drilled them. A more important detail other than being perfectly center was that the holes ended up coming through the vertical walls flange for additional strength and support as originally found. Again, far easier performing these tasks out of the car. This redundant detail really appeals to me BTW.
the plan was set.