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Radio Free Registry

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  • #16
    I think Dave's Deliverence beard is going to light up long before his sandals do. You might want to get him a hairnet for that beast while he is welding.
    As far as the magazine goes, I do think that is what the majority of the membership wants, a nice magazine. Considering there are over 7000 members and roughly 250-300 of them show up for a holiday, well, lots of guys either don't own cars anymore, are too far apart, or just don't care, but they all like getting a well done mag in the mail.
    As far as the other arguements concerning changes in the Trustee structure and the club in general, well, those are on-going and more pushing from the club memebers will probably have more effect. Grass roots efforts would have a much greater impact than on-line, reaching the on-line guys is easy, and most of them have already decided one way or the other. If you want real change, go to your local events and talk to other club members, I bet you will find a lot of them who have no idea what you are talking about, those are the guys you need to talk to if you want to change things, bouncing the same ideas around to the same dozen guys who are posting is not going to accomplish much, other than giving the other guys something to snicker at.


    • #17


      • #18
        I don't know if this should be in this thread or in the litigation thread. I am quoting below, verbatim, (in italics) my post to the Registry forum of April 8, 2011. For this all of us became "accusers" and "attackers" bent on destroying the Registry. My plea to eschew personal attacks obviously fell on deaf ears, blind eyes or infertile minds. Incidentally, Skirmants eventually admitted a $600 rental car bill, which, I would emphasize, is the absolute right of the trustees to approve, although I think they should have told us about it. Likewise, it is their absolute right, once elected, to send two guys to South Africa although at the time it was approved even the treasurer suggested they shouldn't. If those last two questions were "accusations" which they were not, they were, in a very real sense, true.

        Unfortunately, until Steve Heinrichs stepped up to the plate and sued those guys, NONE of the suggestions implicit in my post were implemented. As for items 1, 2, 3, 4 partial implementation has occurred post law suit. Number 5 would require a bylaws amendment which is difficult but far from impossible to get to ballot without trustee support. Numbers 6 and 7 were done - as I say, under our bylaws, absolutely within their rights. Although I DO reserve the right to state that just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD - especially when your organization is losing money.

        Actually, the grudging and incomplete changes are, to me, a cause for optimism as is the fact that it took a giant voter turnout for the current regime to receive even its tepid 2/3 approval rating. Remember, it isn't just a few, fully 1/3 of the voting members rejected, completely, what the current regime is doing.

        Post subject: Poll Questions - 356 RegistryPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:51 am
        1. Should Trustee meetings be open to the membership? Any limitations for those in favor?

        2. Should the minutes of trustee meetings be published? Any limitations for those in favor?

        3. Should the books of account be done on a computer as opposed to by hand on columnar paper as is now the case?

        4. Should the books and records of the Registry be available to members as is required by Ohio law unless the Trustees show an improper or unreasonable purpose for the member's viewing?

        5. Should we have trustee and/or officer term limits? If so, for how long or how many terms?

        6. Are you in favor of a trustee renting a car for $600 for a weekend trustee meeting as recently happened?

        7. How many, if any, trustees should we pay for to attend a meeting in South Africa?

        I have intentionally refrained from posting my own opinions at this point but would like to know yours. I'll post mine if anyone is interested in the future. Personal attacks on the trustees should not be made - they donate their time to us regardless of what anyone may think of present policies, whether praiseworthy or otherwise. If you simply must attack the author of this post for his all too numerous and obvious shortcomings please humor the moderator and send them to my email rather than bludgeoning the other members with an enumeration of those personal failings here. Please concentrate on the questions posed. Thanks.
        [Emphasis added.]
        Bill Sampson

        BIRD LIVES!!!!!

        HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


        • #19
          Seeing the pictures of Bill and Jack in flip-flops brought back memories of making Dave wear Nomex socks when he worked in my shop in Birkenstocks ....welding! OSHA would NOT be amused! It's so difficult to find steel-toed sandals, too.


          Inimical Bill
          Bill Sampson

          BIRD LIVES!!!!!

          HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


          • #20
            INIMICAL (per Oxford English dictionary):
            tending to obstruct or harm:
            actions inimical to our interests
            unfriendly; hostile:
            an inimical alien power

            BYLAWS: Section 7 - Suspension

            Any member may be suspended by a two-thirds vote of the Trustees for infractions of the 356 Registry rules or regulations or for action inimical to the general objectives or best interests of the 356 Registry.
            Bill Sampson

            BIRD LIVES!!!!!

            HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


            • #21
              Adam Wright wrote: "As far as the magazine goes, I do think that is what the majority of the membership wants, a nice magazine. Considering there are over 7000 members and roughly 250-300 of them show up for a holiday, well, lots of guys either don't own cars anymore, are too far apart, or just don't care, but they all like getting a well done mag in the mail."

              No arguement now, unfortunately, but it was different for many years. Now, a magazine as the main attraction blurs the definition of "club." Is Road and Track a "club? Is Excellence a "club." Is Panorama part of a betcha, and many (including me)stay in PCA (since '66) for the magazine long after activity in the club turned to activity in the Registry when it was both a newsletter and a club....but the club part still exists in PCA for members who want it to be more than just a subscription to a magazine.

              (BTW, "just over 7000 members" doesn't cut it. I would expect a change in reporting from Membership to be plus or minus 1% at any given time, so has the group changed in the last month from X-number of members, up or down 70 "or so"? It really doesn't matter, but less members means less income to the treasury, hardly a good trend and possibly a reason to up the dues.)

              "As far as the other arguements concerning changes in the Trustee structure and the club in general, well, those are on-going and more pushing from the club memebers will probably have more effect. Grass roots efforts would have a much greater impact than on-line, reaching the on-line guys is easy, and most of them have already decided one way or the other. If you want real change, go to your local events and talk to other club members, I bet you will find a lot of them who have no idea what you are talking about, those are the guys you need to talk to if you want to change things, bouncing the same ideas around to the same dozen guys who are posting is not going to accomplish much, other than giving the other guys something to snicker at."

              Adam, your point is well taken, but why would differences of opinion garner snickers?. Are those who embrace the status quo snickering at the Heinrichs lawsuit?

              One big problem concerning this topic is apathy...nationally and locally. Even organizing a local 356 picnic in my area is showing to be a challenge compared to the 15 years or so when it was a successful annual event prior to our ECH. Before the last election, locals that I spoke with had no idea trustee meetings were not open. When told they weren't, the comment was always "Well why not?" and the answer then is.........?
              The only answer then was to stump for "The Team of Four" and we still got the same old, same old when it was all over.

              When some care and most don't, it's usually called something like 'pissing up a rope.' The problem is evident that some members (or former members)are aware that human nature can allow apathy to be seen as approval of the way a few think (and do things) which is opposite of how a few others think (of how things should be done) and when a balance of power is isn't, we are, a few concerned 356 enthusiasts frustrated with others having control of the group, bitching online to each other, hoping for a few like minds to join in and network.... and the rest just wanting a slick magazine that includes nasty rotten 356 cars and parts schlepping as "entertainment".

              Let me put you on the spot....what is YOUR view of the Registry's management from what's known right at this time? Of the officers and trustees, what one person is most influential at this point in time? Do you think the Heinrichs legal challenge to the Registry's current regime is well-founded or not?


              • #22
                My thoughts on all the topics are well known, both on the Samba and on the Registry site, so there will be no surprises there.
                All my decision making concerning changes to the club go back to one thing for me, "What is best for the club." Because like it or not, 40 years from now it will be up to guys like me to carry the torch, so the decisions I make and the opinions I have always have that in mind, what is good for the club for the long haul, the big picture, etc. So while my ideas will not bring swift change to a club model that is growing ever more antique, they will bring change, needed change, but I will not burn this village to save it, nor will I tear down false idols in a grand sacrifice.
                So you think there should be new Trustees? Well, there will be another election. Did you know Lincoln lost no less than 8 elections before becoming the 16th President. So the candidates you backed lost in the last Trustee election, well, you didn't think it was going to be easy did you?
                I think it is unfortunate that the problems that existed now have to be hashed out in a courtroom, few people leave a courtroom happy, not in a case like this, it isn't the OJ trial after all. I am willing to bet the end result will be anti-climactic, for all parties, which is a shame when we all arrived at the party because we like cool cars, not ledger sheets or bylaws.


                • #23

                  First, let me welcome your voice to this chorus of views. I hope that an appreciation of the joyful dissonance that is the free expression of differing views, expressed with courtesy and without fear, will prove enticing to others as well.

                  And yes, grassroots efforts are very important to the eventual success of any movement for change, but the reality of the far-flung nature of a national organization requires more. Particularly when one well-entrenched faction has ready access to very powerful, far-reaching, and tightly-controlled avenues of expression to dispense what amounts to propaganda supporting the authoritative Party Line.

                  Radio Free Registry is intended to provide some semblance of balance to the equation; call it recognition that you do not want to be the guy to bring a sling shot to a gun fight.

                  And while I can appreciate the comfort in gradual change, I fear that comfort comes from overlooking the powerful effects of momentum and status quo. When that giant boulder has been rolling down that hill for quite a while, its gonna take more than tossing pebbles in front of it to change its speed or direction. It takes determination and a will to risk for a good cause to step up and start pushing.

                  And you're right that a few guys cannot do it alone (though I submit that there is now clear evidence supporting the idea that some pushing is better than none), but that is why an open and accessible dialog is so important. It becomes a hub of interest/curiosity that lets folks see that there are other views and promotes and supports a multitude of dialogs on a personal level. In time more folks hitch up their big-boy pants and join the push. I would remind you that the last such discussion thread drew over 100K hits in less than six months and promoted what was probably the first election that was not a boat race.

                  So, welcome indeed and feel free to bring a friend.
                  Keep 'em flying...



                  • #24


                    • #25
                      SJ, it was only mildly cute when you somehow forgot my name on the samba, can we just all laugh at the joke now and go back to using my name?
                      Adam Wright

                      Or if you must use Unobtanium, at least call me Captain Unobtanium, like some people do.


                      • #26
                        Which client base are you referring to?

                        Oh, the one that doesn't include you, yeah, you are still on that list. Your money is no good at Unobtanium, sorry.


                        • #27
                          My dear Mr.Wright:

                          Have I forgotten once again how important your fame is to you? Of course, that's the problem with being a legend in your own mind; others just might not see it the way you do.

                          Well, in my defense I will note that when you get to my age, you will find that your memory is already too crowded with a lifetime of actual important stuff, so you'll forgive me if I still don't care.

                          The reason you know my name is because I sign my work and do not presume upon the retention priorities of others. It seems to me to be the grown up thing to do.

                          But "Captain Unobtanium"? Really? Rust colored mask and cape?
                          Keep 'em flying...



                          • #28
                            At least we don't have to wonder why you got booted out of the club, being such a nice guy and all.
                            Rust, that's cute too, you should really take your act on the road.

                            And why attack me, oh wait, because I don't agree with you, isn't that exactly what you are professing the Registry is doing to the people it doesn't agree with. I wonder, if SJ was running the show, how would he act when he can't even tolerate 1 person who doesn't agree with him.

                            I bet you have a mirror in your house, go take a long look, you might not like what you see, because it may be the very thing you seem to hate.


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                Come, come Mr.Wright:

                                I would remind you that you're the one who suddenly (and without provocation) made this conversation about you (and your alter egos) and not the issues at hand. Sorry the outcome is not to your liking, but this is always the risk when so many egos are running things while the brain sleeps. However, I laud your excellent illustration of one of the issues at the very core of the problem with the current Leadership: too many controlling egos concentrating on personal animosities and too few active brains making decisions to the benefit of the Membership and for the good of the Club.

                                In the interests of accuracy, I will note that I resigned the Club before The Boot reached my dissident butt.

                                The mirror thing is too deep for me.

                                So, now that we have learned all we could wish about Adam Wright's personal fantasies, do you suppose we could get back to the issues? Given your carefully hedged opinions, I'm not actually sure that we, in fact, disagree. Are you?

                                Let's talk about it; it'll go best if you check the egos at the door.
                                Keep 'em flying...


