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Dad's old '66

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  • Dad's old '66

    Below are some shots of my fathers very first Porsche in its current state and condition as of last week when I checked on it. Its been under this old chicken coop for at least 20 years and the structure is slowly collapsing around it. Its one those deals where the car is in limbo he won't sell it nor will he ever get it up and running again. So here it will sit until I can eventually get to it. There is alot old photos and memories of this car which I'll digitize and begin adding soon.
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    Original Red/black car. Only repainted once by my father way back in 78. The paint is oxidized but it would still polish right out.
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    No severe rust issues and never hit hard.
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ID:	10711
    1966 911 not an S but an original six cylinder car. Numbers matching motor and trans. Has the early Nadella half-shafts.
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    Will post some old photos next. Thanks for stopping by! Justin
    Justin Rio

  • #2
    Here's a couple of old photos I just digitized both are from 1969.
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    This shot taken at Riverside raceway. Thats my mother sitting in the car. Poor thing she was probably bored to death with cars not being her thing.
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    Taken in San Diego in the parking lot of what looks to be a driving range.
    Thanks for looking! Justin
    Justin Rio


    • #3
      Dad bought this 911 from a soldier stationed at a nearby Army post. It was a 68 911L soft window Sportomatic. Bahama yellow w/S appearance
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      group and black leather. I took my driver's license exam in this car on March 20, 1975, my 16th birthday. When the examiner asked if it was standard or automic, I said "yes". I haven't thought about that in years.


      • #4
        I just keep finding more photos. That's me right after I got my license. 1975
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        • #5
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          • #6
            This was a 68 912 Dad bought from a guy that showed up at our house and said he heard he bought Porsches. Dad looked it over, asked him what he wanted for it. He told him how much and Dad said "I guess you heard right" and wrote him a check.


            • #7
              This was a 68 912 Dad bought from a guy that showed up at our house and said he heard he bought Porsches. Dad looked it over, asked him what he wanted for it. He told him how much and Dad said "I guess you heard
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              right" and wrote him a check.


              • #8
                Erik, Thank you! Great old stories and photos. Our backgrounds are quite similar in that we both had alot of 911 exposure growing up but were drawn more toward the 356 anyway. At 16 I too took my drivers test in that old '66 coupe. We also have this '67 911 Soft-window targa as well...
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                These photos dated January 1978. My parents took out a 3K loan and bought this targa from my father's brother David. The car ran just fine but was tired looking However, could still have been used as least for a while.
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                Well, my dad being "Mr. autobody" wasn't going to be seen in a car with tired/splotchy paint. He began almost immediately taking it apart "just to paint it" well, it quickly snowballed as these things do and before we knew it he had it all cut-up and torn down with all sorts of issues that needed addressing like fender wells, new pans etc.
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                Here is the car as is it sits today. Needless to say it was never "painted". Still a very sore subject with my mother since this was supposed to be "her car". We only took it up the street once to see what it was like then he began his work Thats my dad! Justin
                Justin Rio


                • #9
                  Click image for larger version

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                  This shot was taken in 1968. my Dad's in his early 30's here and probably only had this car for a few months.
                  Justin Rio


                  • #10
                    Erik's got me going again on digitizing old photos. Here is a series dated July 1969. A couple of years after aquiring this car something major happened to the motor requiring removal. (I'll have to ask him what the problem was again) At the time my Dad knew nothing about these engines but after getting zapped with expensive repair bills he took it upon himself to buy several manuals, learn and do all the repairs shortly there after.
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                    The car up on blocks at his fathers trailer park where he lived in San Diego at the time. The hired mechanic's VW bus parked off to the left here.

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                    Almost in and ready to head back to the mechinc's shop for the repairs....
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                    Motor delivered back from repairs and mated togther once more with its trans. You can see the five quarts of Valvoline off to the side there for fire-up time.
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                    Old aircooled motor mechanic hired to do the job...
                    Justin Rio


                    • #11
                      A trip to the Sequoia National park late 1970
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                      My Mother sitting in the passenger seat.
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                      tunnel log..
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                      Pregnant with me at the time...
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                      A note she wrote on the back many years ago...
                      Thanks for stopping by! Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Christmas 1970
                          My mother surprised my dad with a brand new set of 5.5X15 Fuchs she purchased from Vasek Polak.
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ID:	21990
                          Taken at thier first apartment they had together. What a nice thoughtful wife she was...
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                          This Christmas still very much stands out in my fathers memory.
                          Justin Rio


                          • #14
                            AWESOME! I have 2 questions. 1) Are they still on the car? 2) When are you gonna get it back on the road? Erik


                            • #15
                              Thank you Erik! Yes, the same wheels are still on it and can be seen in those recent pics on page 1. My Dad blacked the backgrounds out in the mid 70's. Still have the original Steel wheels and caps for it too. Oh god who knows when anything will happen with this car. My plate so full I can't even think about that. It needs everything! Thanks again! Justin
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	22071
                              Here it is shortly after its new rolling stock was mounted. Probably 1971.
                              Justin Rio

