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"Perfect historical replica" of 550A #0140

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  • "Perfect historical replica" of 550A #0140

    I am doing some research do have a historically correct aluminum replica built of 550A #0140 which is buried in Johannesburg South Africa somewhere. I am currently making a documentary about this Porsche -

    If anyone can send me some contacts or ideas, it will be much appreciated.

  • #2
    Hello Frank,

    Thank you for joining us and welcome! I went to your site and not only was I impressed with its presentation but equally so with your passion and commitment to the 550A and in particular with #140. Well done!
    So were exactly are you at in this project build? Just the planning stage? Justin
    Justin Rio


    • #3
      Hi Justin, thank you. At first I was actually only interested in making the documentary on this 550A #140 and how it came to be mysteriously buried somewhere beneath Johannesburg. But now I am also starting the process to build an actual museum piece. So, yes ... planning stage ...


      • #4
        There are several really talented shops that could perform the sheet metal work and the guy who performed the entire re-body on #141 is located in Lake Havasu Arizona:
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        The 550A version space frame would be straight forward enough to replicate provided the original plans can be procured.

        So is 140 still buried?
        Justin Rio


        • #5
          Hi Justin, yes #140 is still buried somewhere.

          The body work on the 550A below is beautifully done. Really accurate. Where could I reach the artist who did that?


          • #6
            If you are searching internationally you may wish to consider Barry Carter, based in the UK. Search on the DDK site. However, like anybody good he has a very long waiting list.


            • #7
              I'll see if I can get that contact info for you. In the mean take a look at this:
              He's another artist who could most certainly perform the work.
              Justin Rio


              • #8
                Thanks Justin! I sent Joe a message. He would be perfect as he has done a 550A before. Fingers crossed


                • #9
                  Thx Neil, but I can't seem to find any details on Barry Carter...


                  • #10

                    are you still looking to build a 550A replica?

                    I can supply an accurate chassis copied from an original 550 A

                    I also can supply other parts

                    get in touch if you are interested



                    • #11
                      See the March issue of Hemmings Sports and Exotic Cars for the article on Rainer Cooney's Spyder reproduction work. He could also be your man.


                      • #12
                        I forgot to mention

                        All my data came from 550 141. Steve kindly let me survey the car when it was in Bill Doyle's work shop in pieces being rebuilt. A long time ago now actually.

                        Ill post a picture when I get back to my studio.

                        We also have a perfect digital survey of the body and are in the process of making the buck.



                        • #13
                          Thank you Joel! I'll check it out.


                          • #14
                            Please Dom, that will be awesome. frank at smokejumpers dot co dot za


                            • #15
                              ... now you got me drooling

