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Hershey, Pa swap meet 04/16/2016

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  • Hershey, Pa swap meet 04/16/2016

    Just to let everyone know that the all Porsche swap meet is on Saturday April 16. It's billed as the "largest Porsche swap meet in the world". Held in Hershey Pa. Along with the swap there is also a peoples choice car show plus if the weather is nice there is usually a couple hundred Porsches in the parking lot.
    1959A coupe

  • #2
    Thanks, Mic.

    Weather? What's the El-(whatever) Weather to be this year?

    I am finally going as a Tourist this year, having missed the space reservation by a couple of days.

    Maybe another trek to the Cleveland area in June but for sure looking forward to the September Ski Roundtop air-cooled only event!


    • #3
      Is anyone on here going to Hershey? Besides Bruce. Just for Saturday or arriving on Friday?

      Weather is supposed to be nice on both days. Sunny & 60-62 both days.
      1959A coupe


      • #4
        BTW, I will be taking a handful of fliers along to hand out as I meander about at Hershey.

        I figure if Adam Wright isn't wrong to promote the Registry at every event he attends, why not promote this site?

        Mic, Dan Haden said he wants to ride out with me and I've heard of other 356ers who plan on going, but they obviously haven't seen your post as yet.

        Eric Wahlberg will be there, as he runs the People's Choice Concours for his CPA-PCA region.

        See you there, I hope.



        • #5
          Heading out Saturday morning.


          • #6
            Leaving Friday morning looking forward to the trip might drive my 912.
            52 split window
            62 T-6 cab


            • #7
              Thank you Bruce, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing that!!
              Bless you!
              Justin Rio


              • #8
                Had a great time at Hershey except for a little sunburn. The weather was awesome, sunny & 65-75. Bruce Baker came over & introduced himself Saturday morning but we never did get together later as we wanted to.

                My weekend started Friday morning as I packed a bag, fueled up & on the road at 10:30am. Riding solo for the first time in 4 years as my son had to work, he would come up on Saturday. Arrived at the Hershey car museum at 1pm which was the starting point for a 90 mile rally/cruise which was set-up by the guys from 914 world. I think we had 16 Porsches plus a few daily drivers. Our first stop was at a park to just regroup & then on to Air-Cooled racings shop for a tour & hot dogs/soda. I'll talk about the shop later.


                Left to head to the next stop which was to be a vintage gas station turned into antique store. Sorry to say that the car in front of me stalled out so we pushed it off to the side & in 5 minutes had it running again but by this time the cars ahead of us were long gone (about 5 of them) & they just figured we would be able to find our way to the antique store. So about 10 of us headed to the location via gps but it sent us to ...... nothing. So we punched in the next location & headed for our dinner destination, Underdogs sports bar.

                Worked out well as we got an extra round of drinks while waiting for the others. After beer & wings it was back to the motel for us all as we hung out for some Porsche bonding time. These 914 guys really know how to have a good time.

                Saturday morning, up & off to the swap meet & car show. This was the 40th year of this event & with great weather they had lots of people & cars. The show is peoples choice (no judging) so it was very satisfying for me to get first place in the 356 class out of maybe 10 cars? Most of the cars were restored to a high level & absolutely gorgeous so I was very surprised when my name was called as I didn't expect anything. I took lots of 356 pictures but need to load them on here when I get them off the camera.

                After the show my friend Len was interviewed by someone from Pano about his 914. They did a photo shoot awhile ago & were just finishing up with the story. So if you get Pano look for it in a future issue. Then I headed back to motel until 5pm when I headed home & the 914 crew headed to dinner which they were going to do their own awards. Many were staying over again as Saturday is known to them as "tequila" night & a few were going to do the auto-x on Sunday.

                Total mileage for me was about 400 miles. Car ran great & started ok. Only had 1 issue on Saturday morning where it barely started. Thanks for reading my long winded recap. Pics to come soon.

                Until I get my pics up with 356 content here is a link to the 914 world pics. They call it the "Mid-engine invasion". What is really cool is that they set up a "live photo thread" so as people take pics at an event with their i-phones, etc. then send them directly in & they are posted right away. That way people on the forum who can't attend can watch what's happening in "real time".


                Oh yeah, anyone in the market for a 959? One was for sale at the swap. $1.2 million asking price.
                1959A coupe


                • #9
                  Stopped here for a pic on the way home. It was closing in 5 minutes so I couldn't do the tour. Americana at it's best. I remember going here as a kid & was awed by it. Over 80 years in the making.

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                  Typical row shots.

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                  Overview of the show. Maybe about 70-80 cars entered for the "concours" which is really just a show-n-shine with peoples choice, no judging. In the background you see the vendor area, all Porsche. Behind that is the car corral for sale cars & then they had a special area of general parking for just P cars which is a show of itself.

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                  More pictures tomorrow.
                  1959A coupe


                  • #10
                    Mic, thanks for the link and for sharing your day along with the photos; Enjoying the ride along. "Brown Sugar" was looking sweet and was in a class by herself for most of the day by the pics on 914 world I saw. Congratulations on your win! Looking forward to the rest of your shots!
                    Thanks again! Justin
                    Justin Rio


                    • #11
                      Here are the 356 pictures. I think there were ten 356 that entered the show. Two left before votes were tallied & one came late so I was told he did not get many votes. I was surprised more did not show as the weather was beautiful all weekend & for several days leading up to the show. As I mentioned earlier I was very surprised to get chosen at all let alone first place. So on to the pictures. It was hard to get open shots as there were many people around all day.

                      This is the car that came late. He actually parked in the spot of the guy who came first but left early. I voted for it as best of show (out of any model) but as I found out later he got very few votes due to being late.
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                      This I believe is owned by CJ Murray. (correct me if I'm wrong) It is gorgeous. He received second place.

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                      1959A coupe


                      • #12
                        Here is a speedster owned by Bill Tate in Maryland. He has owned this since 1966? I think he said. Drove it up that morning & arrived minutes before me. He was voted third but also received the best in show out of all the Porsches, maybe 70-80 of them.

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                        I have no info on these next two except they were nice.

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                        1959A coupe


                        • #13
                          Sorry no info on these either. The first white one left early. The red coupe I have seen a few times. I believe he took best in show last year which makes him ineligible for that again. This car comes on a flatbed every time I have seen it.

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                          1959A coupe


                          • #14
                            A pic of mine plus a shameless plug for my son Tim's instagram. It's mostly random car stuff & please don't ask me how it works as I have no clue. At the risk of being self centered I robbed these from the 914 world site. First (photographer unknown) is the beginning of our rally & second (taken by my buddy Len) was taken at the motel Saturday afternoon with my trophy.

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                            That is it for 356 stuff. Next up I have pics from Air cooled racing's shop, mostly 914 content. Thanks for looking.
                            1959A coupe


                            • #15
                              Here are some pics of our visit to Air Cooled Racings shop. I didn't know what to expect but we turned into a residential drive, past the house & there is the shop plus two barns. Barn one was not open but barn two had a customers 911 that had been backdated & a lot of 914 just parked. I guess you would call them barn finds. One all the way in the back was the owners personal 914 with 1950 miles, yes that is correct. The problem is it was parked in there 25 years ago on a dirt floor & is now the home to numerous rodents but it is all there. Barn pics. Third pic I was told is body work from a 917?

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                              1959A coupe

