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Radio Free Registry

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  • Well Mr.Sampson, it was a spitball number. Perhaps Mr.Unobtainium could offer a better price for producing 7,000 copies of the 1990 version today (assuming the overage could be substantially reduced from the current 25%).

    The more that can be saved, the more that could be invested in the web presence, Chapters, and events, i.e.: tangible Member benefits.

    The shown financials are interesting but I can't help thinking that the cornerstone for reform of reporting remains getting the Club on an accrual basis. Adherence thereof is the "norm" that the Accountants keep talking about and produces a much clearer report picture with more relevant information.
    Keep 'em flying...



    • "And if you are happy, this old grumpy plaid shorts depends-wearing lurking flaming troll would have no more reason to exist. "

      Jerry, you flatter yourself, no sarcasm intended. (HA!)

      I, for one, AM happy, even laughing. I mentally checked "yes" at the end of your long list of "necessary ingredients" line items...but, like no one person being able to know everything about 356s, we still know who to call to fill in any blanks, and they wouldn't be current sitting board members.

      'We' are here because we really LIKE the Registry and would like to like it more again. A new club? It's like the old non-parachuter's adage of "why jump out of a perfectly good airplane that's going to land in a few minutes anyway."

      Speaking of jumping, if the changes (any) proposed here were to be effected, you would jump right in line, I'm sure, because you believe in the overall concept of the Club. So, have you no suggestions as to how the Registry could be improved? None? If you are going to 'take sides'...side with the Registry itself!

      Either way, the Club has lost a LOT while all this has been going on .....for too long... even B.L. (before lawsuit).


      • Ah, Mr.Bosch:

        You are an amusing fellow. Behind the bravado of playing the pointless Spoiler, just roiling the waters and poisoning the stew, I see a clever reverse-psychology ploy that illustrates the many weaknesses of the Status Quo and provides a very quirky mirror-image of the Truth.

        Of course
        Keep 'em flying...



        • Setting the financial issues aside what would you like to see the registry club change?

          I would most likely join if they had more "local" events. The club I am currently a member of runs 3-4 larger events every year as well as monthly meetings & they attend other events as a group. Every event is low cost & just fun to attend. For example the last one we all met at a shopping center parking lot (which had a Dunkin Donuts for fuel) & then proceeded to cruise on a preset scenic route about 30 miles to a lunch destination. Stopped on the way for photo ops too.
          Click image for larger version

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          Ate lunch, hung out & all left on their own. To me it's more about using the cars, hanging out with the people & having fun.

          Every event does not have to be some grand happening. It is more about the people & the cars.

          I get my fill of magazine articles, tech, & pictures from forums/web.
          1959A coupe


          • "Vic nor anyone else, regardless of knowledge, skills, longevity or any other criteria has any more rights as a club member than any other. The 'New' Club we have started and will eventually rejoin again, is the one you now belong to, so move over, get out of the way, or just go away."

            That's a biggie by Joel. The Registry has become a caste system (see the definition of 'caste' if you have any doubts) that needs to be broken up. Alas, apathy is the supporter of that system....but I think Vic would understand the "lead, follow or get out of the way" theory even if applied to the club rather than racing. The club is not supposed to be a competition, but a mutual support system.....but again, apathy of the majority (now called Subscribers) gets in the way.

            Let's talk about Holidays. Why are those (formally 2 annual) events now being given trustee 'mentoring'? The trustees need something more to do?

            Having helped with two (1980 & 2008, spanning and thus mirroring the growth of the club) I have my own thoughts, but I'd like to see the thoughts of others.....anyone?


            • Please bear with me, as a song on the radio on my way to work (to work on some 356s) gave me another thought.

              Some of us have been around long enough to be sentimental about "our cars"...and that bleeds over into the club that is charged with supporting them. That's almost 4 decades for me, so the sentimentality is strong.

              Therefore, walking away isn't easy, even if it's usually the easiest way to avoid something that irks us within something that could be rationalized as unnecessary.

              I tried that, but turned around last year and decided to try and change the irkiness through the last election. Those I wanted to see replaced pulled out all the stops (think Bach, toccata and fugue, D minor) and retained their power base.

              Disappointed (but not surprised) by the results, some of 'us' were undeterred and with reinforcement of my own perennial Registry questions that all begin with "why," I, at least, am fully aware that those in power would like those with questions to just....go away.

              My 'irks' are; being ignored by those in power. Disenfranchised even though I supported the club for so long. Having no impact or say in club decisions or direction and always wondering 'why.' I did run for trustee without even knowing what was expected or what time would be involved. Basically, it's about bad communication...and 'why'?

              So, here is a continuation of 'why' questioning:

              WHY would a club that is offered the volunteer services (that's read F-R-E-E) of a forensic CPA as a trustee not want to avail itself of those services? Add to that; WHY is another CPA suing the club for more financial information than what is offered by the trustees? Anyone else see a correlation?

              OK, one more; WHY are the trustees fighting so very hard to avoid just saying "OK, we have nothing to hide, so what is it you other members REALLY want to see?"

              That, my friends, seems to be the biggest sticking point when one looks through the smoke and around the mirrors. That's primarily why 'we' are here and not 'over there.' WHY can't that turning point be reached? Wouldn't that be like calling a hand to see which player is bluffing?

              But then, I'm just a sentimental old 356er....believing there are some changes needed in my/our club and hoping the very recent modest offerings are real and not too little, too late.


              • "Setting the financial issues aside what would you like to see the registry club change?"

                Good question, Mic. I'd like to actually change BACK to a better balance of aspects that usually make up a club. Of course, the best answer is to solicit more younger members to take the lead and let them decide the direction that best suits their future needs...and let the (printed paper) chips fall where they may.

                The Registry was originally set up to coordinate local groups, anyway. The same idea can be done now much more efficiently, and there we are, back to the money theme again.....


                • What is being done to solicit younger members?

                  When I was at Hershey I did not see/notice/hear anything about joining the registry. This was billed as the largest Porsche swap meet in the world. Don't you think there should of been a presence/spot/table set up to introduce people to the registry?

                  Maybe invite them to try the web site forum before joining? (already been done & I guess it didn't attract anyone worthwhile?)

                  Maybe have smaller events to invite newbies to that don't cost several thousand dollars to attend?

                  Maybe have local members reach out to owners who aren't members to just hang out, meet up at a cruise night or something.

                  Again I'm not bashing anyone. If the current registry is what the majority likes then that is their choice. But it is my feeling that it will not attract new young blood as it stands.
                  1959A coupe


                  • Mic-
                    I made sure at Hershey that all my gift bags had a back issue, application, postcard, and a sticker in there, and since I am not gray that may have helped get younger people's attention.
                    In years past there has been a Registry booth, not sure why they skipped it this year, but I try to do my part to keep the word out there, I did the same thing at the Stoddard swap meet today.


                    • Adam, I did get your gift bag & saw the registry stuff. Thank you. I was talking more along the lines of an official registry presence although I do think it is great that you like the club so much that you wish to promote it on your own.
                      1959A coupe


                      • "If the current registry is what the majority likes then that is their choice. But it is my feeling that it will not attract new young blood as it stands."

                        Mic, if the Registry keeps on the course it's steering now, it will die with those who either wish to keep it like it is right now or those who just don't care (the "majority").

                        I'll avoid the word "promote" used in your previous posting and note your word "worthwhile" in regard to trial participation in the online part of the Registry.

                        The charge that it was abused when it was to be a 6 month trial offer just meant that no one in charge was paying attention to a guest list and a calendar.

                        There were many who participated (especially overseas) who were more "worthwhile" than those who paid their dues, especially those who just pay their dues to get only a magazine and therefore marginalize the word "club."

                        Outreach to those who will carry on with the cars (that will outlive most of us if there are those left who care) is and always has been was assumed things would just carry on...but again, things have changed in many, many ways. This is a good aspect of the Registry on which to focus, eh?


                        • I believe there are many issues, some specifically related to the Registry and some related to the cars and hobby itself, but they all are very much intertwined. I realize none of this is new and all of it has been said before, but.....

                          The cars and parts have become so expensive that young folks cannot partake.
                          The current youth has little to no interest in OLD Porsches, especially with the cost and the state of the economy.
                          The Registry is geared toward and locked down by older Porsche enthusiasts who appear to care very little about the future. Legalities and ethics aside.
                          This bad judgement and lack of foresight by the current management is in turn serving to kill off the thing we all love, the cars.
                          In a few more years who will be here? The same old guys that have been here from the start, less the ones that pass on. Then what?
                          With no new blood, these cars will become things that sit around and either collect dust or become museum pieces. We already have a shortage of qualified mechanics and then there is the cost thing again.

                          Yes this is a negative and depressing list I have presented, but I do believe it to be reality and the likely projection of our hobby. I will continue to love my car, but I don't see my kids or others younger people too interested. And of course the Registry is doing nothing to help promote the future. Very sad.
                          Mark Erbesfield
                          57 356A
                          65 911
                          68 912
                          73 911S
                          66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                          79 450SL Dad's old car


                          • There is sense is all the replies by Mark, Mic and Bruce. There are younger guys that like the 356 but, my boys having grown up with my car always being there, treat it rather like an old relative. I tell them how to repair things how to keep it going but I just can't say for certain it will stay in the family when I am not here.

                            I do know wherever I go including even gas stations, the interest in the car is really strong, its the looks of the body that attracts.

                            If the registry has 7K or is it actually now 9K members, the interest world wide is strong as car clubs go. I belong to three forums for the 356 and am willing to pay a nominal sum which I do on two of them. The third, Justins forum I know do not expect any payment but I would if he needed it with website issues. The other's have never asked for a subscription.

                            When I started on the registry forum it was free then the 6 monthly try out came into place a number of times. For me I would have happy to have paid say $16- or so for my enjoyment of typing a few words but not over $80- to receive yet another magazine. I only buy them if there is really something I want to keep.

                            So, for a young man interested, he has to join to really ask a few questions. I posted over 800 times on the forum hopefully a few of those posts were of some help to people. Forums survive on helpful people and the registry has a lot of those.

                            If every one had to pay just $16- a year the forum would get $112,000
                            income. Of course its likely only 1500 might contribute to this the rest would want only the magazine. But $24,000 would keep the forum open easily. The magazine should be separate to a forum club.

                            Computers, car help forums and younger guys or girls go hand in hand
                            and most are free. Its correct, prices for cars and parts are high it makes it difficult for younger people to participate.

                            When I can look on the registry at any time night or day read all the incoming threads but not make a single typed reply it seems stupid to me. If you need anything to promote these days have a forum, put some banner advertising on it anywhere you like, get some revenue from that. People almost expect to see that.

                            If you have spare revenue cash left over spend it on some car meet ups over the country. Of course I can't go though!

                            Wasn't going to write all this, maybe should sit on the sideline and just say nothing



                            • DELETED


                              • Mark wrote:
                                "The cars and parts have become so expensive that young folks cannot partake.
                                The current youth has little to no interest in OLD Porsches, especially with the cost and the state of the economy."

                                This depends on the definition of "young."

                                'Young' to me is someone with kids younger than mine (42), usually without grandchildren...yet.

                                I have several younger customers in for full ongoing restos, all about the same age....two with kids, two married but without kids (yet, but planned) and one not yet married.

                                All have good jobs and are REALLY 'into' their 356s

                                All bought cheap 356s. One inherited an A Cab (his Dad's), another bought a project A Cab and the others have the more common T-6 B projects, abandoned by DIY enthusiasts, all under $7k in boxes. Another female customer has a C Cab for restoration that's now her heart's delight after taking a ride with me in a really nice similar Cab I restored last before she was born.

                                They pay as they can and I work as they can afford. They say 'time is on their side.' I encourage them all to do whatever they can for themselves, to be involved.

                                I must say that this is carrying over to the early 900-series crowd as well.

                                The point is a long-time saying which says..."the (Porsche) 356 is a disease for which there is no cure, only the hope of remission...if eventually needed."

                                What we need to do is pass this contagion along and find ways to afford to scratch the itch....and maybe be more accepting of "tribute" 356s as placebos.

                                One would think those who run the Registry and the 'members' who allegedly own it, would think in this direction, embrace and publicly support such ideas.

