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  • Thanks Joel and Bill!

    Okay so the SCC is now the SoCal 356 club. Since history tends to repeat itself I am sure they broke away for similar reasons.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	3562661.JPG
Views:	29
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ID:	39582
    Bill, you are correct I found Felix on the inner cover of this old newsletter as a current trustee at the time. Thanks guys!
    Justin Rio


    • It's an excellent day. The trustme's lost in State Court (again) and lost in the Federal case also.


      • Why don't we let the members decide what to believe rather than another personal opinion of events. Our demographics has shown we are a well educated bunch of guys who just love Porsches.
        Keep 'em flying...



        • Whew....I was looking at the Registry site and noticed that Bill Sampson's wife Rosemary had posted a link to this Reply Topic RFR that also referenced me by name.

          So here I am. I am always curious how my postings read after they are up for a while, so I enabled the link (yes, for most published links that are not 'live' you can now click to go right to them without a copy/paste) and began @ page one (out of 112). Yikes!

          I guess I was in the low thirties count when I saw this (now behind in the count) quote from Phil:

          "This topic has over 5000 views. Don't know if it is possible to find out how many unique viewers there are, but assume it might be enough to start a new 356 club. Instead of waiting for the Registry to change to what most of the active participants want, why not just start a new 356 club that adheres to it's founding principles and promotes many local events and face to face contact. No print mag, just a web based communication medium. Why keep wasting your energy on what may be impossible to accomplish?"

          While reading before this quote came up, I realized how embarrassed I am that I wrote so much repetitive (albeit therapeutic) rhetoric, just killing time until Steve's lawsuit runs it's course. So little needs a MAJOR 'change'...yet it's amazing how many words can be put together and broadcast in such limited ways with so little recognition.

          So, with the honest admittance of keeping my options open, the lightbulb went off in my head via Phil's post! Without forced 'changes' ...... wheels will just continue to be spun on the Registry's Business end. That's frustrating. I have tried to live with "he who angers me controls me," but it can be less dramatic to just say "he who frustrates me controls me" and move on. Posting is better placed in other areas of what could be called Justin's online 'club.' (Is there a possible topic search capability on this site?)

          Like DG, I'll see if They will take my money and see what happens during another year. I'll lurk, but allow a little more time here participating in other (and more 'fun') Topics. Meanwhile, with all those hits and such little participation of new viewers, time (for me) is better spent in other areas. I've said all I need to say about the Registry more times than enough. I liked a quote 'over there' when Dennis ODonnell said "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man." (or horse, his word...or sheep, snakes, whatever) That about sums it up with regard to The Apathetics.

          I have a 356 of my own that I have promised myself would be drivable AGAIN this year. I also hope to see any 356ers at Hershey, PA's swap meet on April 19. I have been assigned spaces at the end of two aisles, B80/81 and C34/35 and will be taking some decent customer's excess parts.

          Meanwhile, if a local 356 group is either apathetic like my local one is..or there really isn't one near to you....make some inroads. If one close is active, participate. Host and post..and make it FUN.



          • Thanks a lot Bruce! you asked: (Is there a possible topic search capability on this site?)

            I received my notice several months ago that the next version of this software is out and that its about upgrade time. A search feature will be on the wish list along with a PM feature and several other upgrades. Improvement suggestions are of course always welcome from you guys. Keep you posted on this. Thanks again! Justin
            Justin Rio


            • Here's another "official" bit of info for those interested in the short lived relationship between the 356 Registry and the former Southern California Chapter (currently the 356 Club):
              Jack (analog man from the stone age)


              • Originally posted by Jack Staggs" post=17495
                Here's another "official" bit of info for those interested in the short lived relationship between the 356 Registry and the former Southern California Chapter (currently the 356 Club):

                Thanks so much for locating that. I KNEW I had seen that some time. Do you know when the "separation" occurred?

                Bill Sampson

                BIRD LIVES!!!!!

                HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


                • I noticed a post yesterday from Bob Watts on the Registry site speculating that Porsche got member contact info out of the deal to make the Registry an "official" Porsche club. This is something I've long assumed was just naturally part of the deal. I almost can't imagine it wouldn't have been. Marketing is obviously a big part of any such company, and support for enthusiast clubs is a marketing tool, albeit one that is more pleasant and mutually beneficial than many other such tools. And while I did take the survey and got the little model car mailed to me, I know I was receiving Porsche marketing materials in the mail some time prior to that.

                  I'm not overly concerned if that happened. Its just junk mail, and pretty much any 12 year old that has a mind to can find my email and mailing address in a matter of minutes. But I was surprised to see Mr. Maltby's response. Apparently he is also privy to the super secret agreement between the Registry and Porsche? I had thought it was only to be viewed by Trustees, and apparently even some of them were not allowed to see it? Anyone know? I'm starting to feel like all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal then others.....

                  Just like trustee meetings and expense reimbursements, just what the heck could possibly be so sensitive in this agreement (ostensibly made on behalf of members for the betterment of the club) that members cannot be allowed to know what's in it?



                  • David,
                    The below was written by Mr. Anonymous in response to Gordon's recent post on the 'Secret Porsche Contract '. I think he pretty much covered the gist of the problem and the reason for all the secrecy.

                    "Sort of annoying, isn't it, that a vendor has obviously seen and reviewed the agreement between the Registry and Porsche and mere members, who, after all have contributed to a very nice riverfront home for said vendor, cannot?

                    But Gordo has every Right to see that contract as an officer of the corporation. There cannot be any entanglement with The Vendor, as that's also a corporation of which Gordon is a mere employee.

                    Geezz, you guys just don't get it, do you? Let's take it from the top;

                    The trustees are just mere members elected by the other least a few members each cycle.....who are then to do as They see fit, with no strings attached, behind closed doors if they wish, with no oversight or constraints, answering to no it or not. Brahmans by election.

                    Got that?

                    According to Them, they work incredible hours, very diligently, doing all the work for the many, as VOLUNTEERS. They just prefer not to tell anyone what that is or how long it takes, as that's privileged info Right up there with 'contracts.' Mere members need not know and if anyone is to are obviously the enemy, trying to tear down their club.

                    Anything else? See, it's easy if you listen to the Right people......."


                    • Originally posted by DG58INNM" post=17570
                      I noticed a post yesterday from Bob Watts on the Registry site speculating that Porsche got member contact info out of the deal to make the Registry an "official" Porsche club. This is something I've long assumed was just naturally part of the deal. I almost can't imagine it wouldn't have been. Marketing is obviously a big part of any such company, and support for enthusiast clubs is a marketing tool, albeit one that is more pleasant and mutually beneficial than many other such tools. And while I did take the survey and got the little model car mailed to me, I know I was receiving Porsche marketing materials in the mail some time prior to that.

                      I'm not overly concerned if that happened. Its just junk mail, and pretty much any 12 year old that has a mind to can find my email and mailing address in a matter of minutes. But I was surprised to see Mr. Maltby's response. Apparently he is also privy to the super secret agreement between the Registry and Porsche? I had thought it was only to be viewed by Trustees, and apparently even some of them were not allowed to see it? Anyone know? I'm starting to feel like all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal then others.....

                      Just like trustee meetings and expense reimbursements, just what the heck could possibly be so sensitive in this agreement (ostensibly made on behalf of members for the betterment of the club) that members cannot be allowed to know what's in it?


                      They (the Registry Trustees, et al) are unfortunately "Controlled by a Few" ...and they are Ignorant, Backwards in Time, and Self Serving. They, and Their Attorneys - simply do not know what they are doing...other than to further Cover-up, Time delay (like they are really Smart) ...and most likely, go into an obvious see-through, petty loss protect-prevention effort.

                      What a terrible embarrassment these recent past and present Trustees are to Porsche AG - which tried to do a simple stand-up and legitimate survey-marketing effort to the Membership at large of the 356 Registry.

                      -Michael Doyle-


                      • Michael,
                        Couldn't agree more. Porsche AG has been and is, being totally embarrassed by the despicable behaviors of this self serving
                        group of individuals. They must not be paying attention to this
                        ongoing fiasco, or they have been provided erroneous information.
                        They should immediately demand the departure of this group and
                        the compliance of the Club with US laws, or withdraw their name and support. They owe Mr. Heinrichs an apology for allowing the situation to require his efforts and wherewithal to defend their interests. I am at a loss to understand why they would lend support to a group that provides Porsche AG with controversy, and not give that support to someone who has provided serious additions to the Porsche historical archive through his cars, books, events and research, NEVER having anything but the very best interests of that company as his intent.
                        Best to you,


                        • A Study in Somnambulism?I belong to the registry, hook line and sinker. Sorry folks, I don't understand this hype. I've never received anything from Porsche. But when I do contact them, I have nothing but praise for the support I receive. Maybe I live on a different planet, but, I don't think so. Our conspiracy types need to drive their tubs more and leave the tube off in the evenings. I think we're catching too many nasties (cup is half full types) on this thread lately. Keeping the faith. Anyone watch Welcome Back Kotter lately?
                          Keep 'em flying...



                          • SJ, you are indeed the lullaby Meister.

                            Your seemingly surgical dismemberment of these chosen posts from the Registry are perfectly formulated to cure the most devout of insomniacs.

                            I too, on occasion, have trouble dropping off to sleep, so I thank you for your contribution this evening... It's all I can do to keep my chin in my hand as I read yet another of your self serving pomposifications.

                            Good job.

                            And so to sleep, perchance to dream.

                            Mike Ruddy.


                            • "pomposifications"
                              Life is made up of opportunities to learn something new in most all situations. Mike, I am supposing that the word above is of English English derivation?



                              • All right you guys, STOP IT! It's impossible for me to fall asleep when I'm laughing out loud.
                                Jack (analog man from the stone age)

