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Abarth Carrera GTL

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    to learn more please read the full story :


    • Paolo

      If you had read the above I would appreciate your comments on what was written in his September 28th article

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      Axel Collon, the journalist, who had interviewed for Classic Porsche, Andrea Zagato


      • For Paolo again, even more worrying than the Speedster magazine article I have discovered that by July 25th 2017 the fake Abarth ex Fiskens, has been displayed in England at the Heveningham Hall (Suffolk) concours of Elegance amongst a large number of the most expensive and rare cars of the world
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        The text below the first pic not only state that this car is really the ex-Le Mans 1961 Buchet car(we all know it is not true) but also that the original gear box and engine have been put back in this car
        You may also read that this car was crashed during te 1961 Tour Auto which again is absolutely not true as it was the 1962 Tour auto

        Anyway who (The owner ? Andy Prill ?) enter this fake in such an elitist show and what proof were given to support their entry ?


        • Another sentence not clear in that article
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          Buchet has effectively raced the September 1960 Tour auto with Hans Joachim Walter on an Abarth Carrera GTL but it was not 1002 who at that time was Paul Ernst Strahle property (sold to Buchet by mid 1961)
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          Does somebody know whose chassis number it was knowing that factory 1001 was registred S KH 17 and that tis one is registred MZ AH 44 ?


          • Porschinelle,
            1.It appears that Axel Catton wrote his Zagato Porsche "Sanction II" story without any input from recognized Porsche historians nor did he do any scholarly research of his own into the GTL's history. I believe he has accepted Andrea Zagato's statements concerning his firm's (non-)involvement with the GTL project, as the truth without asking any hard questions. After almost eight years of continuous GTL research, it is frustrating for me to read about Zagato's claim of paternity for the GTL's body when I have primary source documentation from the Porsche factory archive and from personal interviews in Turin that provide overwhelming evidence to completely refute any of Zagato's claim to the GTL.
            2. I saw the photos of the blue GTL replica at the Heveningham Hall concours. The accompanying description is full of errors, as you have described. I have no idea how entries to these so-called prestigious events are vetted, if at all.
            3. Robert Buchet and H.J. Walter entered the 1960 TdeF with GTL#1007. The MZ-AH444 German license plate number refers to Mainz, Germany where the deceased owner, Max Nathan lived. It is believed that Nathan's widow kept #1007 after his death and allowed his good friend, H.J. Walter to use it until it was sold to the second owner in 1961. I owned this GTL in the mid-1970s when I lived in Germany.


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              Driving the road to discovery -


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                  Driving the road to discovery -


                  • Hi Andrew

                    Fantastic color photo I have never seen before
                    Have you an idea of :
                    where ?
                    When ?
                    who ?
                    Obviously this pic has been taken somewhere in Italy (cf the Campari publicity on the wall, the numerous Fiat Abarth 600 and the blue Fiat Abarth behind the Abarth Carrera GT)
                    According to the start number 354 hand pinted on the door it is not any of the Targa Florio editions ( limited to around 150 cars max)
                    If you have no idea I suggest that you post this pic on the French Autodiva forum dedicated to the Abarth Carrera GTL where specialists of this car such as Lutz Montowski will find it for us
                    As far as I know I believe the Abarth to be the ex-factory car 1018 (cf the registration plate S AU 893)
                    1018 was raced in the 1963 and 1964 Sebring 12 hours and also at Laguna Seca
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                    • If I am right the second Abarth plate number S NR 938 is 1013 to day at the Stuttgart Porsche museum

                      1013 driven nby Wester/Holbert finish 9th the 1963 Sebring 12 hours
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                      1018 (Barth/Linge) finish 10th
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                      • Hermann/Linge 6th overall with 1018 at the 1960 Targa Florio
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                        • Please amend what I wrote above It was the 1962 Targa Florio not 60

                          This same car at this same race
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                          Found also this model car of 1018 at the 1962 Targa Florio
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Name:	AbarthRargaflorio63telllights.JPG
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                          Interesting that in 1962 1018 had 356 Tail lights at the back changed to round lights when the car was in the US


                          • 1013 had also the back changed to round lights when it was campaigned in the US
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                            • Comment

                              • Thanks Paul

                                I knew that 1013 and 1018 were both work cars
                                I am wrong to believe that 1013 belong to day to the Porsche Stuttgart museum ?
                                If so why the change of plate number ?
                                May be both numbers belong to Porsche and they moved the plates from one car to the other ?

