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Spyder 550 550A

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  • I have been given an amazing opportunity to sell an original Spyder - 550A-0121. As it is not going to auction, I need to create a marketing/advertising campaign that will flush out the potential buyers. Using social media as a main platform with a media kit for classic car publications, professional photoshoot and its own website, hopefully I will get a sale - wish me luck!

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    Driving the road to discovery -


    • Andrew thats easy.... You buy it
      Good luck with the sale.



      • WOW, what an amazing opportunity Andrew. I agree with JOP: "BUY IT"


        • Thanks - bit too rich for me! I would rather get the commission!
          Driving the road to discovery -


          • Click image for larger version

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            • Haven't seen 550A-0134 in red before!

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ID:	100215
              Driving the road to discovery -


              • [/quote

                Nice photo Gerd! Circa 1988?? That's what the cars in background are telling me. I remember those 5-hole Enkie wheels being all the rage back then. I also recognize that guy in the passenger seat as Al Cadrobbi's understudy in the ways of the 4-cam engine. He was there when I visited in '90. Wonder what ever happend to him?
                Thanks for sharing!
                Attached Files
                Justin Rio


                • Hi Justin,
                  must have been in 1989 or 90 - Hey, you're pretty good
                  The name of Al`s understudy was Jorge Carlos Lizalde, he came from Mexico and was living not far from the shop.
                  One day I have sent him a long letter but it came back after several weeks:
                  "No such person under this address".
                  I've no clue what happened to him or what he's doing now.


                  • Hi Gerd
                    Al if he is alive is in a home and no one has contact with him. Jorge was at the latest Lit Meet and is still around. Contact me if you want to track something down.


                    • Hi Jacques,
                      thanks for that info!
                      I hope that Al is still alive, I was wondering what happened to him because a few years ago his German driving licence was for sale on ebay??
                      When I visited the shop in those days they were working on a special race exhaust. It was very interesting to see what happens with the gas flow at different designs.
                      I told Justin that was in 1989 but I remembered wrong, it was in 1990, the same year he was there, I was there in October, found the old flight papers today
                      How can I reach you?


                      • Hi Gerd
                        I just registered on your site


                        • I had found nothing in print nor heard about Al's health from anyone for many years, but assumed Jacques would know. The the last time I saw Al he was tuning a 4-cam engine but having trouble with the shakes while using a screwdriver and also just standing....and that was also quite a few years ago....the last time I was in CA. I'll need more Prevagen to remember what year that was......

                          I also just heard of another Porsche stalwart passing, Tim Goodrich.
                          With ALS taking over his body functions, he eventually could only text and we had a brief time staying in touch through that. When that suddenly ceased, I was afraid to call his wife....but then I heard through the Porsche community he had succumbed to that awful disease. Now I should call Diane and offer condolences.

                          Time is marching on.....Justin, if you read this, perhaps a thread of the Replacements who are taking up flag of the Porsche legion from those experts who have fallen or even just retired from the older Porsche universe would be appropriate, even if seen as "free advertising."

                          Even I am being known recently as being "retired" due to the decision not to take on any more full restorations. For me, that's a reality I have trouble accepting, but like it or not, ready or not, time does really march on....and as we age, we need to know to whom to pass the torch... (oxyacetylene or TIG!)

                          Please excuse the morbid side track on this great 550 thread.....


                          • [quote="bbspdstr" post=42879]

                            I also just heard of another Porsche stalwart passing, Tim Goodrich.
                            With ALS taking over his body functions, he eventually could only text and we had a brief time staying in touch through that. When that suddenly ceased, I was afraid to call his wife....but then I heard through the Porsche community he had succumbed to that awful disease. Now I should call Diane and offer condolences.

                            Bruce, I should have probably posted this here also.

                            Link: [URL="
                            "]Passing of Tim Goodrich[/URL]



                            • It would be nice to see the 356 Registry note and recognize the strong relationship between Tim Goodrich and Steve Heinrichs ... especially when they use the cars that belonged to Steve that Tim restored for him .. such as the very first Speedster Prototype and first model Carreras.

                              Michael Doyle


                              • Yes, Joris, that sort of info would be appropriate here to keep things timely. Thank you for the link to your Registry announcement and the subsequent postings.

                                You wrote; "The grace in which he accepted his eventual faith was something truly special. Remaining positive and active till the very end." I am sure you meant "fate."

                                I am also aware of the physical limitations ALS imposes on one's body and "active" definitely does not apply. Tim's ordeal and passing means I have known three Speedster owners who succumbed to that dreaded disease. With mutual friend Dan Coughlin, we visited Jim Brunner a few times as his ALS progressed. He knew that he would eventually suffocate when his diaphragm muscle stopped and subsequently, his breathing...but his worsening frailty was the worst, skin and bones....and I'll stop there.......not good memories.

                                All I will say is that I would move to Oregon if diagnosed with ALS just to end a very full life on my own terms and not take the valiant "it's in God's hands" very bitter end.

                                Let's remember another 356er, Tom Youk, who died from ALS. His encounter, by choice, with Dr. Kevorkian, landed the Dr. in prison because Tom, surrounded by his whole family, could not begin the process of ending the suffering other than to blink his eyes to affirm his wishes to have the doctor initiate the process for him.

                                Yes, Michael...Tim had Steve as a VERY good client and I was blessed to call both of them friends, learning much from each but meeting neither face-to-face. Just 3,000 mile phone calls and emails......about details of a shared passion. Just don't expect any posthumous "kiss and make up" offerings from the Registry....that would be to the powers that still be, a sign of weakness. That whole saga was a shame.

                                To paraphrase an old guy for whom I did work on his '37 Cord 812; "Sure people assume I want to buried in my 356...I do....but I want to DRIVE IT AGAIN FIRST!"


