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356 T-1 Rebuild

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  • #16
    I finally have all the inside and bottom metal cleaned with a couple of
    coats of epoxy primer.
    What a thankless task. seam sealer next, then undercoating.
    Looking forward to start on the bodywork.
    Thank you, Gordon
    Click image for larger version

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    • #17
      Your restored areas look beautiful Gordon! Very clean and they look correct; almost a shame to hide your handywork under rocker shootz. No Jackspurs, are you not reinstalling them? Thank you for the update its coming along great! Justin
      Justin Rio


      • #18
        Great work!
        Cool van too. Done a few motor swaps myself. Computers are fun.



        • #19
          Thanks Tony

          Justin, I have not made my mind up on the Jackspurs.
          I will probably talk myself into installing them. I sure like the look
          of the clean line under the rocker.
          Thanks again, Gordon


          • #20
            Gordon, Black primed areas look great. You are quite skilled at metal bending. How did you find you 356? Have you had others before? I would do the spurs even though you will never use them, just looks too smooth for a Porsche. Thanks for posting picks for all of us.
            Mark Erbesfield
            57 356A
            65 911
            68 912
            73 911S
            66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
            79 450SL Dad's old car


            • #21
              Thanks Mark, Found it on the Regristry a few years ago. This is my first 356 and I think you are right about the spurs.
              Thanks for the input. Gordon


              • #22
                Probably the right decision Gordon. Though it does look cleaner you would constantly have guys who know these cars asking you where the spurs are. If you need the measurements on where to place them I can look at my manual for you. Just let me know! Keep up the great work! Justin
                Justin Rio


                • #23

                  You are making a really nice job on your car. I also understand why the smooth line of the longitudinal attracts your attention but I also agree with Justin, the jack spurs need to go on to somehow make it look right.



                  • #24
                    New jack spur in place and starting seam sealer.
                    One more coat of epoxy primer to go.
                    Merry Christmas, Gordon
                    Click image for larger version

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ID:	8335


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the update, it Looks great Gordon! Relation to the bottom edge of the rocker looks fine. Just one more to go I take it. Is that your Rolls-Royce? If so are you gonna street rod it? Keep up the great work! Merry Christmas! Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • #26
                        Thanks Justin, The measurement came from the service manual and elevation from looking at your rockers.
                        The Rolls I have owned for 30+ years, I drive it on occasion in the
                        cold weather here. Gordon


                        • #27
                          The spur looks fine Gordon, so does the roller !



                          • #28
                            Cool Gordon! I am glad that my pictures helped you. Your Rolls reminds me of an old story back in the 90's. A buddy of mine had a step-father who was quite successful here in town and my friends mother who was now married to this man had always dreamed about owning a Rolls-royce of her own. While her new husband could certainly make her dream a reality she had to instead settle for an Infinity. When asked why he would not buy one his reason was this; "he did not want to be seen getting out of a Rolls because it represents the pinicle of excess and he believed anyone he might potentially do business with would automatically raise thier rates 10-15% on him just based on the perception of the car." It was a very interesting theory when I heard it and it did make sense; he wasn't a successful businessman for no good reason. So the moral is don't be seen in your Rolls before your rates are set. Your coupe is looking good!! Keep at it! Justin
                            Justin Rio


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by JTR70" post=2863
                              Cool Gordon! I am glad that my pictures helped you. Your Rolls reminds me of an old story back in the 90's. A buddy of mine had a step-father who was quite successful here in town and my friends mother who was now married to this man had always dreamed about owning a Rolls-royce of her own. While her new husband could certainly make her dream a reality she had to instead settle for an Infinity. When asked why he would not buy one his reason was this; "he did not want to be seen getting out of a Rolls because it represents the pinicle of excess and he believed anyone he might potentially do business with would automatically raise thier rates 10-15% on him just based on the perception of the car." It was a very interesting theory when I heard it and it did make sense; he wasn't a successful businessman for no good reason. So the moral is don't be seen in your Rolls before your rates are set. Your coupe is looking good!! Keep at it! Justin
                              Justin, I have always felt this way. Not that I can afford a Rolls, but I have never wanted to drive too fancy of a car at work bc I felt like my clients would not hire me bc they would think that I must be "charging too much". The funny thing is that I could drive a crew cab bla bla that would cost more than a "fancy" car that I would rather be driving. It's all about perception. Sorry to derail your thread Gordon. Now get back to work
                              Mark Erbesfield
                              57 356A
                              65 911
                              68 912
                              73 911S
                              66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                              79 450SL Dad's old car


                              • #30
                                Actually Mark, the standard 4 door rolls from the 70's early 80's can be had for under 7,500.00!! Repair and part is of course another story but they are definitely attainable if you have ever wanted to own one. Sorry Gordon back to your 356 build..
                                Justin Rio

