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New guy from Northern California

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  • New guy from Northern California

    Greg is my given name. The majority of my car time has been with VW's, but in the last 5 years or so I have been getting into 356's as well.

    I've owned 3 '54 Coupes and countless "parts cars" from '53 - '65. While I am probably too big (6'-2" 250lbs) for a Speedster, I have one on my bucket list.

    My current driver -

    Click image for larger version

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  • #2
    Love your car Greg. It's come a long way. Great to see you here!
    Jack Stenner
    1953 Porsche 356 Coupe 1500N
    1959 VW SO-23 Camper


    • #3
      Greg, Nice coupe, Ya at 6'2" your going to find a Speedster a little tight fit.LOL I'm 5'11" and find my 55 Speedster a little snug at times.
      Welcome to the Porsche world and welcome to the group.



      • #4

        I like your 356, very nice indeed. ) Pleased you have joined up here its a nice friendly place to be as well interesting regarding 356's




        • #5
          Welcome to our forum Greg and Thank you for posting some shots of that sweet Hotrod coupe of yours! Alot of us have watched you perfect it through the years and it really has turned out to be quite the package! Really nice job on it! Thanks and Welcome once again! Justin
          Justin Rio


          • #6
            Love your coupe Greg. White and red is a great combination. Polished Fuchs too! My absolute favorite on any Porsche. I've always liked the bench seat as well. As far as being too tall for a Speedster, I fabricated a seat frame fron 1/4" flat bar stock that lowered the seat a bit and adjusted the rear stops which reclined the seat substantially giving me more headroom. Erik


            • #7
              Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

              My Coupe is in this months AirMighty and will be in #2 or #3 of Porsche Lifestyle as well.
              Fuchs are my wheel of choice, always chromed, sometimes detailed as well. The front on this car are a little different being 6's I cut down to 4.5's so the spokes stick out farther.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	20905

              Click image for larger version

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Size:	8.2 KB
ID:	20906


              • #8
                That is SLICK; a touch more positive offset than a stock 4.5 alloy. Nice work Greg! Its trick custom stuff like this I love learning about. I realize you wanted something unique but how did you come out cost wise? Cost of the donor wheel, machine shop time and tig welding? Equal to the value of an orignal 4.5? Thanks for sharing this build detail. Very COOL!! Justin
                Justin Rio


                • #9
                  I've done 4 - 5 sets. The ones I have sold I let go raw and get chromed 4.5's and cash as payment. It's a labor of love, and other people wanting them understand the time / money involved to make them.


                  • #10
                    Welcome Greg

                    Cool car and cool rims!


                    • #11
                      After disclosing this you may get sevaral orders for more. Nice looking conversion once again! Justin
                      Justin Rio


                      • #12
                        Thanks again guys.
                        No problem on the wheels either. I'll make them for anyone interested.


                        • #13
                          Because Justin asked to see it.


