A few pics.

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Rennsport V sept. 25 / 27 2015
Max, Thank you sharing your photos with us here! Looks like it was an unbelievable collection of cars there.I really need to think about putting this one on my calendar. I noticed a few shots didn't load for you, please try again and if all else fails you can send them to me and I have a go. Thanks again for posting these great shots!
JustinJustin Rio
That 5th car the front row, the A cab, with the hard top, is Bill Sergeants. (Now photo Below) I followed it across the ferry to the NW Group Bullsession in August. It has a newly installed 2.0 four cam Carrera in it. They finished the install at 03:00 and left at 05:00 for the meeting 200 miles away. Bill said the first time he move the wheel was leaving Vancouver BC, for the Picnic. After dyno tune, he drove it down to Rennsport from Seattle. Quite an undertaking.
He calls it the FAUX CARRERA, he made most of the conversion parts to adapt the 4 cam into the standard A CAB. It is a spectacular job and it runs like a rocket. There is a very in depth saga of the project on the R web site projects blog. He is also working on a cosmetic kit to make a push rod engine look like a 4 Cam that is also as impressive. Bill is quite the engineer, fabricator and just a nice guy tub fanatic.Pushed around since 1966.