At the motel. Caution teener content.

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Hershey swap meet 2014
The mastermind behind my engine, Hans Ziereis with my friend Chris. Hans told us it was he first time attending the swap but not his first at Hershey. He won the Hershey hillclimb event in his 356 & ran it regularly in the 50s & 60s.
1959A coupe
Last pic is of a young girl we met at a rest area while waiting to meet up with a couple others to caravan to Hershey. We parked & went in the building. When we came out she was checking out my car & was soooo excited over it. We talked a bit & she left. Then she came running back with her Mom & camera to ask more questions. We had to beg her to get in the car so her Mom could take pictures. It turns out she is going to go to Austria for school, a 5 year program, for electrical engineering of machinery & autos. It made my day to see someone so young so enthused.
1959A coupe
Great photos Mic, thank you for sharing them! It was so neat to see your car running up the road after all you've been through these past several weeks; car looked good BTW! Neat story about the young gal taking such an interest in it too; there's hope for the future! Thanks again enjoyed them! JustinJustin Rio
In case anyone is interested in more pics here is a link to the 914world "live event thread". They set this up so people can send in pics from their phones during the weekend as it's happening plus others.
Lots of 914 content.
1959A coupe