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Goodwood breakfast meeting 4th August

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  • Goodwood breakfast meeting 4th August

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Name:	resizegoodwood7.jpg
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ID:	24155
    Took the 356 to the Goodwood race circuit yesterday for the breakfast meeting. They hold these around 6 times a year and its all free except for the breakfast if have one. Goodwood has a restuarasnt that runs along side the track and of course also other food outlets.

    Yesterday was 'pre 66 Thoroughbred Sunday' if you have a car that meets this standard you get to park in the paddocks or on the circuit.
    I arrived at 8.35 and the paddocks were full so had to park on the circuit. The place was packed thousands I guess. I took my photos late in the morning so many had left.

    I attach a few photos one of my friends 1959 ivory 356A, a view of mine from some distance and a few of some cars I liked the VW and the mini were nice. The black Mercury was actually on the floor at the back resting on the bumper. I presume he had a hydraulic lift to raise it. final picture is from the top of the restuarant late morning.

    I live 15 minutes away so go there often last Thursday actually for a Porsche track day. My goodness, some of those could really move fast.


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ID:	24150

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  • #2
    I am not using the photo entry so well? I attach the final photos of the Goodwwod day. The poor old Mercury seems to have come out more than once and the mini and ivory 356 are small.

    Oh well, keep trying.


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ID:	24157

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ID:	24158


    • #3
      Cools shots. Can you tell me what is the car behind the white VW?

      You seem to be doing fine loading photos.
      1959A coupe


      • #4
        Thanks Roy, interesting group of cars. Is this get together like "cars and coffee"? Thanks for posting! Justin
        Justin Rio


        • #5
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ID:	24206

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ID:	24207

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Name:	2013_1085goodwoodbrkfstAug13028.jpg
Views:	21
Size:	96.9 KB
ID:	24208


          • #6
            Not to mess up this thread, but I have learnt something today. I entered the text for the last message and put the three photos on above. These I not 'shrink' as I normally do the size. It seemed to upload but no message arrived to say it was successfuly loaded. I waited 5 minutes, nothing. so I removed the ferrari picture and tried again.
            This time it uploaded and confirmed successfully uploaded.

            Then... opening up the thread I notice the first attempt with 3 photos not shrunk in size was there okay. Then my second attempt also on the thread okay.

            Justin, I always wait for the 'successfully loaded ' info to show on screen. Is that important or not.

            I think I will go back next time to as it is much faster to upload. Is that what you do??


            Confused Roy.


            • #7
              Hi Roy, Sometimes that happens to me too. I'll hit submit and wait then it will just not give that confirmation window. What I do if that happens is I scroll up to the top and hit either "index" or Forum to get out of it. Once it takes me back the beginning I find my last entry successfully posted there. Give that a try. Sorry for these minor glitches every now and again. Justin
              Thanks for all the really nice pics and details of this event! I enjoyed looking at them.
              Justin Rio

