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356 Mid-Atlantic local Picnic

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  • 356 Mid-Atlantic local Picnic

    Forwarded for Bruce Baker:

    The 356MidAtlantic local picnic is September 29, a Sunday. Anyone can contact me at or Dan Haden ( or Eric Wahlberg ( for more information, but we'd like to get as accurate a headcount of those interested as soon as possible.

    Justin Rio

  • #2
    I am trying to fit this in to my schedule. The problem is my anniversary is the 17th & I already put that off to go to the All Air Cooled Gathering on the 21 & 22. Not sure how it will go over if I take another weekend for car related stuff.
    1959A coupe


    • #3
      Originally posted by MMW" post=10762
      I am trying to fit this in to my schedule. The problem is my anniversary is the 17th & I already put that off to go to the All Air Cooled Gathering on the 21 & 22. Not sure how it will go over if I take another weekend for car related stuff.
      Mic, depending on your wife, but if you want to celebrate another anniversary next year you may want to take a pass
      Mark Erbesfield
      57 356A
      65 911
      68 912
      73 911S
      66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
      79 450SL Dad's old car


      • #4
        Originally posted by JTR70" post=10640
        Forwarded for Bruce Baker:

        The 356MidAtlantic local picnic is September 29, a Sunday. Anyone can contact me at or Dan Haden ( or Eric Wahlberg ( for more information, but we'd like to get as accurate a headcount of those interested as soon as possible.

        Where is this held?
        Mark Erbesfield
        57 356A
        65 911
        68 912
        73 911S
        66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
        79 450SL Dad's old car


        • #5
          Mark, Mic, all- the event is a restart of a long tradition of an annual picnic for 356ers in the Philadelphia, PA area that grew to include people from VA, CT and NJ/NY. Basically, they grew like ripples from a drop in still water, year-by-year.
          That tradition was interrupted by our core group of 'doers' doing the 2008 ECH.
          Since then, 356ers would ask "Hey, when is the picnic this year?" and I'd retort with "Whenever and wherever you tell us!" The 2 years of Holiday planning left us burned out and it was someone else's turn, right?
          Wrong. No one picked up that ball, so recently, a core of three (emails above in the thread)teamed with a 356er (just west of the city) who owns a lovely and appropriate property near Philadelphia that he has offered for another picnic.
          As feedback for a planning headcount has been so...well, 'tepid', it will be less of a grand production than in years past. We may not get it catered and just bring our own food and beverages or call a local deli and order sandwiches to be delivered; depends on who gets around to telling us they are planning to attend. We have about 30 people so far and with spouses and friends and opening it up to the local PCA region...who knows?
          Tribute cars are welcome. A pontoon-fendered Ferrari TR is welcome...see where I'm going with this?
          Those of us who already know each other will be sure to have fun and welcome any new-comers who wish to join us.
          Our last biggie in 2007 was at the airfield where we held the (rainy)Concours for the Holiday in 2008. We had 70 356s and several 'other' types of Porsches and over 140 people.
          This latest planned iteration by the local 356 group has nothing to do with the Registry, but here is a nice report from that magazine in 2004;

          Click image for larger version

Name:	356M-Apicnicreport2004.jpg
Views:	41
Size:	131.1 KB
ID:	24835


          • #6
            Looks like a wonderful time. Wish I could attend.
            Mark Erbesfield
            57 356A
            65 911
            68 912
            73 911S
            66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
            79 450SL Dad's old car


            • #7
              First I would love to come as stated above but I cannot give a definite at this time.

              Second, no need to cater something in my opinion. Most shows, get togethers I attend are either at or near a place that has food available (restaurant, pizzeria, fast food etc) or a local eatery set ups to sell items or a food truck(roach coach) shows up. I would also enjoy bringing our own which we do quite often.

              Anyone who has helped run an event knows that no one should have to work at it all day the day of the event & not be able to enjoy it. I will be perfectly happy if I get to attend & will bring my own beverages & sandwiches. Growing up this was how it was done in the PCA. Nothing was ever catered. Not trying to tell anyone how to do something just telling what I'm used to & everyone is perfectly happy.

              It's about the cars & the people not the food & goodie bags.
              1959A coupe


              • #8
                Click image for larger version

Name:	356MidAtlanticpicnic1998.jpg
Views:	43
Size:	105.2 KB
ID:	25406

                I must report that the re-start attempt by a few 356ers of the (formerly) annual 356 MidAtlantic picnic has been postponed until 2014.

                Those of us (few) trying to organize this formerly very popular event have become personally distracted by 'other stuff' and a weak response for a headcount so far has made that decision less guilt-inducing.

                My personal editorial;
                The picture above shows how it all our backyard. It is becoming clear that more success may come from starting over like that. That's what we were trying to do this year and now we don't have the necessary time to do so.

                The R-Holidays have gotten too 'opulent' (and expensive) and even local events are always raising the bar to the point that no one comes forward to organize anything while the attendee demographics are changing in many ways....age, location, financial, plain ol' lack-o-interest, like "ho-hum, been there, done that...why bother."

                If anyone wishes to lend feedback with ideas or opinions, please do...I doubt Justin will mind. After all, he is doing more than his share to keep things of interest rolling along by providing this site. Thanks again!

                -Bruce Baker (ps, I believe the young girl sitting on the ground with the small dog is getting married the weekend prior to our proposed car club picnic date. My, how time flies!)


                • #9
                  Thank you Bruce & accomplices for even attempting this. Hopefully you guys can pull something together for next year.
                  1959A coupe


                  • #10
                    Very sorry to hear that Bruce but why not hold it on that specific date anyway and keep it just as a casual get together of a few close friends? Like Tom McCoy did with that event that keeps growing year by year.
                    Justin Rio


                    • #11
                      Justin wrote: "why not hold it on that specific date anyway and keep it just as a casual get together of a few close friends?"

                      If I am around, the property owner is around and a few folks want to do a spontaneous gathering with absolutely no frills, we may.

                      Thanks! Thanks also to Mic for the words of wisdom, always appreciated. I do hope to see many 356ers at Ski Roundtop!



                      • #12
                        Bruce, my take on "entertaining" these days is that no one wants to "commit" to anything much more than a week away and RSVP's, forget it. It's like everyone is too busy to stop and plan or they are all holding out for a better looking date to ask them out. If I were anywhere near you I would offer assistance. I say keep it real simple and just make it a cars, beer, and conversation get together. Or scratch the beer and go for a drive good luck w whatever you do or don't do, but just the fact that you tried is huge.
                        Mark Erbesfield
                        57 356A
                        65 911
                        68 912
                        73 911S
                        66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                        79 450SL Dad's old car

