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Radio Free Registry

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  • isWe (the emphasis is mine)HEisBS snipingcriticismmicroscopically examineYikes! I didn't know I said all that.Why are you even looking at that garbage?vicious attackyou use the term.


    Keep up the good work; no one could make this stuff up.
    Keep 'em flying...



    • Another (Honest) Face in the Crowd
      Keep 'em flying...



      • Well said Mr. Szabo. Thanks.
        Bill Sampson

        BIRD LIVES!!!!!

        HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


        • Hit the Nail on the Head(s)
          Keep 'em flying...



          • The Skeletons in the ClosetOf late, there has been a grand show made of having the ballots tabulated by an Accountant, tho the Trustmes remain the only recipients of the results, with no credible proof of the veracity of the published results.It was the refusal of this very same lawful request that sparked the lawsuit.This requirement is why internet Social Clubs are disallowed.)

            That the net proceeds of the Club may not inure to the benefit of any member or members.
            (The perennial contract for publishing the Club rag awarded to member and (until recently) multiple-Officer Mr.Maltby clearly demonstrates such a conflict of interest.
            Keep 'em flying...



            • First, I enjoy Mr Szabo's writing no matter the topic. Agree or disagree, he has a "way with words."

              Second, I think the above piece is about as clear a synopsis as can be written as to why those like me just got frustrated with the few ruling personalities who control the rods of the curtain...and just left that deflection and opacity behind...but,

              Third, it doesn't mean that we "dissidents" don't CARE about the Registry. If it weren't for the caring about the idea of a car club for 356ers, we wouldn't carp and bitch about the perceived improprities of the club in which we formally took pride and had participation.

              We wouldn't ask the "why" this section of Justin's site following a stay on a premier VW site... and this site would not be our forum for Registry Awareness and just be a great Porsche-themed site that I feel beats the Registry site hands-down in just plain fun with good postings and great pictures....from good people....but a few of us on the outside still care enough to proselytize for betterment of the Registry. I guess we can't help ourselves any more than the trustees of the R can't change their practices and methods.

              I find it telling that the stirring of the pot on the Registry site has re-emerged. The sharing of opinions, ideas and suggestions is why any car club exists. Dialogue is healthy if done respectfully.

              Only problem I see is that without Term Limits, nothing will change. It will remain a few of "us" against a few of "them" until something drastic happens. (Volcanic eruption, asteroid hit, ANY of the national candidates now campaigning being elected POTUS...... whatever calamity is next.)

              While I wish no misfortune to those who have been hanging on to a board seat for decades with very little to show for that span of time but adding "Porsche" to the club name (really an "AKA") and dwindling numbers now, it seems that the main focus has been grooming a few younger than them to be of the same mind as them, i.e.- no true transparency born of humility and doing so by way of control of the media and supported by those "in the majority" who just want their darling magazine and little else.

              Ever notice that Registry politics often mirror national politics?

              OK, on the trustee's scorecard there has been the counter-suit against Steve Henrichs brought by the trustees over a letter sent to members telling his side of the story about the lawsuit AND contempt also for not making certain appearances in Ohio from California due to chemotherapy treatments when the timing of those appearances were ordered by a judge who is thankfully now off the bench.

              Basically, the trustees are Bush-league. Declare a victory without actally winning. I think I remember that was how 'Nam ended, too.

              As on this side of the aisle, the same posters re-frequent each site and yet the vast majority sadly have no idea what's going on. "Hardcopy readers." Even now, I'll talk with R-members who ask...."Lawsuit? There's been a lawsuit?" Ignorance is bliss.

              I have no issue (pun intended) with the magazine per se and in fact think it should be a stand-alone entity. I think the idea of a true car club for 356ers would then clear up the muddy relationship between magazine and a club. If there is one or can be one without the other.

              I believe the magazine has a better chance of survival than the club, but Gordon would lose the tax advantages of being the adjunct of a 501(c)7 and likely need more advertising revenue unless openly selling more issues would make up the slack. But who am I to speculate? The last communique I exchanged with Gordon was that he was "tired of my bullshit" and I replied that "we were on the same page."

              Thanks for reading,

              Bruce Baker


              • ----------
                Keep 'em flying...



                • Excellent writing that is right on point S.J.
                  Bill Sampson

                  BIRD LIVES!!!!!

                  HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


                  • Mr.Magoos (Part Too)
                    Keep 'em flying...



                    • On a brighter note, I took time away from actually working on a 356 or early 911 on this snowy Saturday in April to read the replacement thread for the bylaws thread I was going to check on the Registry site (and could not find in a cursory glance)....and that replacement thread was about 'the attracting of more members to the club.'

                      Lots of good ideas, some 'getting it' and some not. Those that think Social Media will grab new 356 people is, to me, shallow, unless a Virtual Drive in a 356 can be provided to get the feel of a 356 being used as intended and what SHOULD be what 'hooks' a person on the 356. Then, a Virtual Club Meeting and a Virtual Concours..#what's next?

                      The car created the 'club' superficial as it is. Not vice-versa.

                      The problem I see is that when driving of the cars diminished, the 'collectors' took over and the prices rose, the cars were restored to a higher standard and they couldn't be driven due to a perceived risk-to-'investment.' A few think that's just fine, but younger people may not, especially for the increased money tied up. Static and historical is not for everyone...and the older crowd that has been 'into' the 356 for a long time is getting too old to drive much at all...and I count myself in that demographic, unfortunately.

                      On the R site, there is an acknowledgement of the Registry being a 'club' comprised of a magazine (received by 99%+ of those who forward money to it's publisher's Membership office) AND a website (Forum)...with participation by a guessed-at 10-20% of "about" 7,000 of those who send money to the magazine publisher's Membership office.

                      They therefore are obliged to admit that "about" 70 or 80 % of those who pay money to the publisher of the magazine know nothing more than what they the magazine.

             was mentioned along with other sites as perhaps being more 'inviting' to curious 356ers. There needs to be MORE who read and participate here. (Spread the word!!!)

                      Maybe 'free' has something to do with that. If the R's brief free trial online and closed events which could show prospective participants how much 'fun' the Registry is...isn't working, maybe it's perceived that the Registry is not as much 'fun' as it could be?

                      Then, it may be looked at as selling a subscription to a magazine....that is said in the overview as never going online. (One otherwise seemingly savvy poster actually begged that the magazine stay ONLY in print form.)

                      The topic of affordability came up often, as well. It should be noted that the cars were usually in better shape when the Registry began, more DIY work was performed and that also being when those interested in coalescing with kindred spirits were much younger and print media was all there was. Some of us thought 356s were for basic daily transportation....imagine.

                      Rather slow but dramatic changes have occurred in the time since the Registry was created, ignored until very recently by those entrusted to keep the entity 'fresh.' (and open, transparent and, yes, legal.)

                      Early-on, we paid for a newsletter along with a loosely defined 'club,' which is easier to spell than 'cammeraderie'......and I believe the money to belong AND get the newsletter went to the founder/publisher, so not much has changed in that regard. But on>

                      It may be too little too late, but I am glad They 'over there' are finally coming to grips with dwindling ranks. A 40 year member (until a year ago) like me may still blame a 10 year delay since that alarm bell was rung on the trustees lack of true fiscal responsibility, but that's not the issue now. I rather delight in reading the scrambling now for a solution to help "the club" rather than the cars and the owners. It's like saying that without the Registry, one can't enjoy the 356....and that if the Registry become extinct, there won't be a magazine about 356s....

                      I see the shrinking of the Registry akin to Global Warming. Both are natural occurrences being undeniably exacerbated by certain 'bad habits' by too many humans. There is a certain lack of attention until it's too late...and then denial sets in...then a few rabble-rouse, etc.

                      What's important to understand now is how the typical 356 experience all began. A teenager (me) who earlier was hooked on Corvettes and Big Detroit muscle could only afford a $400 4-year-old Austin Healey Sprite and the tiny amount of gas that 948cc motor sipped and it's small size that fit into parking spaces near school that most cars couldn't...and then reluctantly swapped that Bugeye for a 356 Speedster AND $100...and a love affair began that's lasted over 50 years.

                      PCA was a strong local Porsche support group in '66 but then a "club" was formed JUST FOR 356s!!!...and money (by many like me) was scraped together in '75 to be part of that, to organize local 356ers into loosely organized entities to actually do things with the 356s...but again, the 356s were the reason, the people who liked them second and oh, yeah, there is a 'club' now to support.

             is the specialized 'club' supporting US? We pay money to support the Registry? I thought we paid for the magazine and the website? I am still confused with all of that and still can't understand why ALL of the financial info isn't open to those who support that entity.....but enough of the criticism and push for term limits and attracting the next wave of enthusiasts...I digress.

                      I don't miss "the club" or the magazine very much. I do miss my daily driver being a 356..... and as others approached, the mutual flashing of headlights to signal we were each part of a fan club for a certain cool old sports car that had become very special to us individually. It's just that time marches on and that was then and now is...well, different. There may be a time when a 356 will be as valuable as, say, a Model T Ford....but for right now, their value still holds higher than many can afford or justify....and the big wheel keeps on turnin'.....

                      Thanks, Justin!



                      • The recent posting by Glen on the Talk List was spot on. It's about the cars, not a club or a magazine. I was drawn to the car and as a source for info, etc., joined the 356 Club, the Registry and the PCA. If there were no clubs or magazines, we'd still have a passion for the 356.

                        '63 B coupe


                        • The funny thing is they all want to try to get VW guys involved. Most VW guys I know don't want anything to do with Porsche's or Porsche people. They like the fact that they can build a car anyway they want without some dick telling them they did it wrong or that's not original.

                          The best thing about the registry is the magazine database you can look up past issues and read articles of interest. And its looks like the guys involved were having fun. Now I have to read about auction results
                          52 split window
                          62 T-6 cab


                          • deleted, answered my own question.
                            1959A coupe


                            • What Goes Around, Comes Around
                              Keep 'em flying...



                              • Originally posted by 911quest" post=33062
                                Now I have to read about auction results
                                I agree with much on this thread but I like the auction results section!

