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Radio Free Registry
"In the beginning" of this contentious era of the Registry, maybe 5 or 6 years now gone by, while in agreement with his thoughts I was not fond of Mr. Szabo's sarcastic and aggressive posts on the Registry's Talk List. I also thought Mr Heinrichs was too 'forward' as well in his demands of club business information when that (now obliterated or at least unavailable) thread on the R-forum began to ramp-up. Funny how time changes things. I still thought back then that I had friends among the trustees and those I knew well 'back in the day' would likely still be friends if we didn't disagree so vehemently on how to run 'our' car club.
The former styles of Messrs Szabo and Heinrichs were borne of frustration, the frustration that built in me and I now share. There should never have been a need to even think about a lawsuit. There should never been even an appearance of impropriety. Good leadership (of a freekin' CAR CLUB, fer cryin' out loud) doesn't let that happen. Period. It's just not good business.
Now, I look forward to reading the postings of the two aforementioned gentlemen and all others who wish to get an open dialogue going among ALL members. Will it work? It's a cryin' shame it will take a lawsuit to find out, but now I especially enjoy the Stephen Szabo creative style.
What a terrific change..... that still carries the old messages but in a much more artistic and non-confrontational way. I truly believe Steve Heinrichs also only wants what's right for the club. I also truly believe EVERYTHING should be negotiable if it's ever going to be a better club.
Let's all remember, things change whether we like it or not when time goes by. The worst part of the whole 'taking sides' thing is that creative writing aside, it has sucked the FUN out of the social side of 356-dom (and dumber), at least for me.
Now, in this new year, I have friends who email me to say; "I saw your postings on that crap with the Registry...don't you have WORK to do?" Yes, so I won't be littering the sites much with my postings unless something juicy comes along. I'll just let Father Time take over....for now.
-Happy New Year to all, especially Justin! Thank you for the tolerance here!
-Bruce Baker
Hang in there. I know you have work to do and so do I, both on 356s. You also have stated things very well on the Registry forum. Unfortunately none of the discussion there or here has any influence on the outcome, as apparently the Registry lawyer(s) make the decisions with no input from the trustees.
It is Planck, and I do post frequently on several forums about a lot of 356 related topics. But the law suit topic can, IMO, be discussed to death by those not involved with no impact on the outcome. My reference to the trustees came from a post by one of the trustees on the law suit thread on the Registry forum:
"I would like to point out that the trustees can't do squat while everything is in litigation. Only the lawyers are supposed to be talking. So cut the crap, dear "lady", about the trustees ignoring anything. We are NOT supposed to respond to continued taunts. "
Isn't the suer a taunter?
Phil Planck
Vic is, at best, being disingenuous. The client is the boss. Period. The lawyer is, in fact, ethically obligated to inform her/his client of any offer of settlement transmitted to the lawyer (as the Heinrichs offers were transmitted to the Registry's lawyers). The lawyer can suggest what to do about settlement offers but the client has ultimate and absolute control. The trustees have chosen to ignore the proposed settlement and have not responded in any fashion. That is their right and that is what they have done.
The courts will decide the issue if the parties do not.
BillBill Sampson
Larry Brooks wrote on the Registry forum "Of course, before the Register got screwed up (for our own protection somehow) it would have taken about 60 seconds to find out. But as we have discussed, we don't have a Register anymore that is worth anything except wasting your time. Once again - thank you whoever decided this for us."
(I added the bold type)
My answer -- Most all of the members decided this & are responsible for it by letting the trustees do whatever they want.
So not to be accused of taking anything out of context here is a link to the thread.
edited my answer to read "Most all of" vs. "All".Mic
1959A coupe
Originally posted by MMW" post=15199My answer -- All the members decided this & are responsible for it by letting the trustees do whatever they want.
In our recent weather where you and I live, I think "uphill sledding" would be an appropriate saying. The trustees have become quite comfortable doing whatever they want to do, however they want to do it and do not wish to answer to anyone...thus, a lawsuit from one individual who would not accept that 'norm.'
Originally posted by MMW" post=15225By being part of a club, or anything for that matter, & not voting at all or voting yes blindly you are just as responsible for what goes on as the people who vote knowledgeably.
Surprised? I wasn't, but if I was subpoenaed by either 'side' of the current suit, I know no more than what I just wrote and by lunch time today I won't be able to recall who told me that inside information....
'Over there' someone used the phrase "perfect club" and we know that's an impossible goal, but one thing I'd change if given the chance is to have vote counting with less likelihood anyone could even suspect there are improprieties.
Only recently have the results included numbers of votes for each candidate. The old excuse was "not to embarrass the candidates" who I guess were landslided by an incumbent. When I ran for trustee, I had to ask how many votes I had lost by and was told "only by a handful to Vic." Maybe now it's time for a reviewable result associated with the saying "Trust....but verify."
Anyone close to this whole SNAFU is aware that the biggest challenge to ANYTHING Registry is to overcome the apathy over there. While apathy is a friend to those who don't want changes of any sort, it will eventually, naturally, stifle progress, in turn stifling any form of "Club" activity or necessary revitalization.
Apathy becomes atrophy. That's not healthy.