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Radio Free Registry

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  • Mr. Dunn explains in the magazine (at least in my wife's copy) that the reason the trustees lost about $20,000 in fiscal year 2012 (9/1/2011 to 8/31/2012) is that they had anticipated that loss and that they had planned for it but due to that loss and their plans it was necessary to raise dues.

    One difficulty with his explanation is that for fiscal year 2012 the trustees made, not lost, around $20,000. Another difficulty is his claim that the report was not available until May. The report is dated February 11, 2013 and his explanation therefore asks the reader to believe that the CPAs withheld it for three months. Another difficulty is that although the publisher has now advised members that the report in the magazine is incorrect due to a transposition error, the otherwise identical report on the website is correct and has been posted for a considerable period of time. Incidentally, such reports are customarily furnished by CPAs with the tax returns since the report is identical to the fiscal portion of the return. The tax return, containing the same fiscal information, was signed by treasurer Nielsen on March 5, 2013, one day after the trustees held their private board meeting, most likely attended by Mr. Nielsen as an officer, at the LAX Hilton. The return, filed March 5, 2013, includes a statement under penalty of perjury that returns are made available to the trustees at their private meeting. No mere member would know whether or not the return was actually shared with trustees, since their meeting is private, but the return itself says it was.
    Bill Sampson

    BIRD LIVES!!!!!



    • Click image for larger version

Name:	IRS_comingleruleill_1_s.jpg
Views:	25
Size:	123.1 KB
ID:	25395
      Keep 'em flying...



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        • Wow, heady stuff.

          It gets more obvious from this latest example of how important it is to have everything in order to protect the corporation. Gee, like run it like the business it's SUPPOSED to be or change what it's supposed to be to what it really is...whatever that is. (Am I being too simplistic?)

          "Commingling" as required by the IRS to substantiate an NFP such as the Registry carries via it's Ohio Corporate status doesn't look like two "conventions" (if even one or two are held by volunteers) of a 500/each maximum of members out of ~7000 member count is a percentage that would float.

          The club can't include local events that are hosted by separate and independent 356 clubs, even if those clubs are made up primarily of Registry members unless it was set up like PCA with chartered Regions. Hummm, never thought of this before, and I've read the IRS forms. Time for going back to school for anyone who cares about the Registry.

          BTW, I have heard nothing about a true audit. Anyone know anything about that...or is that stalled? I guess the first true independent audit in 38 years would be the most difficult.

          I ran in an election to become a trustee (back when I used a capital letter 'T' when typing that title) before I knew what was entailed in guiding the club or how much personal time was involved or who did what in needed tasks with necessary skills or outside assistance. Apparently no one who becomes a trustee wants to talk about that, so I still don't know....but there seems to be a dropping of the ball in legal technicalities and obligations to protect the Corporate entity by those who do know....and that should include the current ex-IRS employee Treasurer.

          It's looking like a greater jeopardy for the Registry than 'just a lawsuit' if the IRS gets involved. What a long, strange trip this has been....


          • ......another (personal interpretive) thought; Porsche, as a brand, put their seal of approval on the Registry. As protective as they are about Intellectual Property and reputation, I wonder how they feel about a recently 'blessed' car club not dealing with federal and state regulations with the precision which made Porsche so known and liked (and wealthy).
            Thin ice...........


            • What is the definition of "commingling" as far as the IRS is concerned? Could the recently instituted meeting of the Trustees with the members count?


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                • Originally posted by Pat" post=11289
                  What is the definition of "commingling" as far as the IRS is concerned? Could the recently instituted meeting of the Trustees with the members count?

                  Good questions.

                  As to the first, you may wish to read the following: There are a number of revenue rulings cited within that document which I think you can find with a little web searching.

                  As to the second, since there are no other gatherings that are actually club events I would expect the trustees to make that argument.

                  Bill Sampson

                  BIRD LIVES!!!!!

                  HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


                  • DELETED


                    • This is an interesting thread



                      • ----------
                        Keep 'em flying...



                        • If the IRS gets involved the Registry is done. The could F'up a Bowling Ball!
                          Mark Erbesfield
                          57 356A
                          65 911
                          68 912
                          73 911S
                          66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                          79 450SL Dad's old car


                          • DELETED


                            • Originally posted by 356JAGER" post=11386
                              Mark, You are referring to the trusty guys at the Registry right ?
                              Yes of course. The IRS is a hideous organization that does not care about anyone but themselves and maintaining the power the wield. And now, thanks to our current dictator, President Obama, they have even more power.
                              Mark Erbesfield
                              57 356A
                              65 911
                              68 912
                              73 911S
                              66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                              79 450SL Dad's old car


                              • Guys, Please refrain from further national political or satirical statements. There are plenty of other outlets for that.
                                Thank you!
                                Justin Rio

