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Radio Free Registry

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  • Originally posted by Meissen540" post=9130
    Nothing fancy, no award dinners, no big hotels in a resort or metropolitan area. Just a small unassuming down home type of event. We were careful in telling everyone to not show up expecting to be waited on, but to show up with the intention of helping with what was needed, icing the beer, or organizing an impromptu drive.
    There were no problems with people not having fun, or being disappointed. 100% of the input we got was that we need more of these types of events.


    Wish I could make the cross-country trip. EVERY woodie club show does EXACTLY the above (although there is never a sell out since there is no registration). ALL are run, without interference, "mentoring" or meddling from the national club on whose board I serve. ALL are fun. They don't even have sign ups or reservations or attendance limits. People just show up and have fun. You guys down south are doing it right. Thanks from a long distance.

    Bill Sampson

    BIRD LIVES!!!!!



    • ----
      Jack Stenner
      1953 Porsche 356 Coupe 1500N
      1959 VW SO-23 Camper


      • Gang,

        Here are a few thoughts as we approach the most important 4th of July holiday--the one that is about what others have done for us; it is not about party time although we will party.

        First, thanks to Mr. Szabo for beginning the thread. Thanks to others for the very positive comments. We all want the best for the Registry.

        It seems to me that if what---more important than the Registry or this site or Samba or whatever---is the key to long term survival of our hobby is the attraction of younger people.

        It is clear to me that like it or not, the younger guys and gals want transparency, no B.S., the straight story and openness and no behind-the-scenes deals among the insiders. The internet and more is ending the old practice of getting access to ads for cars or parts before they appear in a magazine. Or, even formerly non-problematic listings of cars available to members only when used and maybe abused by those with no longer acceptable to the younger crowd with money and, as well, no tolerance for "secret stuff" only available to those in the "in crowd".

        In my view, all of this is good.

        So----let's come together to make the Registry relevant and all it can be.

        For my part, having been illegally terminated from membership, a termination which I reject and am fighting in court, I pledge to work with you to revamp the Registry so that it is relevant and useful to new members and is faithful to fairness and its fiduciary responsiblities.

        I hope you will join me.

        Happy 4th of July!

        Steve Heinrichs


        • quote="Meissen540" post=9130]Bruce,
          you asked how many attended the 2011 DY356 event in Helen.
          We had right at 150 people from about 17 states if I recall accurately.
          This year we expanded it to 200 people, which we sold out in about 4 weeks. All but a few (< 10) are from out of state in 2011 and 2013.
          The event was born out of 3 of us drinking a beer and talking about the need of a grass roots type of event. Nothing fancy, no award dinners, no big hotels in a resort or metropolitan area. Just a small unassuming down home type of event. We were careful in telling everyone to not show up expecting to be waited on, but to show up with the intention of helping with what was needed, icing the beer, or organizing an impromptu drive.
          There were no problems with people not having fun, or being disappointed. 100% of the input we got was that we need more of these types of events.


          Tom, what are the dates for this years event? I was not able to make last years but would like to attend this year. Thanks, Mark
          Mark Erbesfield
          57 356A
          65 911
          68 912
          73 911S
          66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
          79 450SL Dad's old car


          • From the Registry site regarding the 2013 DY356 in Helen Ga.

            "Hi all, the five week registration period is now closed. Many thanks to all including participants, sponsors, friends, volunteers, registry, and all the 356 clubs involved in the 2013 Southern 356 Drive event. The event site is sold to capacity. Please check our website courtesy of the Florida 356 Owners group for any and all updates and information regarding the event. We look forward to seeing you all in September.

            George, Curt, & Tom"
            1959A coupe


            • [quote="MMW" post=9462]From the Registry site regarding the 2013 DY356 in Helen Ga.

              "Hi all, the five week registration period is now closed. Many thanks to all including participants, sponsors, friends, volunteers, registry, and all the 356 clubs involved in the 2013 Southern 356 Drive event. The event site is sold to capacity. Please check our website courtesy of the Florida 356 Owners group for any and all updates and information regarding the event. We look forward to seeing you all in September.

              George, Curt, & Tom"

              Our cabin is just down the road from Route 356 so I was hoping to swing by if I can get my 356 up and running by then. Looks like a fun time.
              Mark Erbesfield
              57 356A
              65 911
              68 912
              73 911S
              66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
              79 450SL Dad's old car


              • Mic
                1959A coupe


                • Eh, I'm not too worried about it. If I get my car running by then there are lots of roads and plenty of space in town. As a matter of fact I just traveled the exact roads today on the way to the cabin and I can assure everyone who is attending, these are some awesome twisties. In addition to Rt 356, be sure to check out 176 and all the surrounding roads that go around the lakes. Some beautiful scenery and great driving.
                  Mark Erbesfield
                  57 356A
                  65 911
                  68 912
                  73 911S
                  66 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45LV
                  79 450SL Dad's old car


                  • Click image for larger version

Name:	adamgti.jpg
Views:	28
Size:	52.7 KB
ID:	21928
                    North GA is great for driving, you are right about that. I can remember taking my GTI all through White County when I was a teenager. A friend's grandfather owned land up there so we camped there a lot.


                    • DELETED


                      • More from the archives, 1991. Thanks,Bill, good to get this history lesson started, as even we who have been in the Registry since the beginning have mostly forgotten these points and often we need to see things from a historical perspective:

                        president's comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vic Skirmants
                        The last several months have been rather difficult for our
                        membership chairman Roger Whitton. His company has
                        moved him twice, most recently to Wisconsin. All this moving
                        has of course disrupted the usual efficiency and timeliness
                        of our beloved 356 Registry. In addition, our new treasurer
                        Tom Youk is trying to make some sense of the records
                        he has inherited. Tom likes to do things "by the book", and
                        has been dismayed by the lack of a "book".
                        The Registry started out very informal, and as it grew, stayed informal, even
                        though in some respects maybe it should have evolved into
                        a more structured organization. I think it's time for some of
                        that evolution. Informality is good to a degree, it keeps the
                        work load manageable for the current leadership. Unfortunately,
                        it makes it difficult for new people to figure out what
                        is going on; what the official policy is in many instances, or
                        even if there is an official policy. I am as guilty as anyone
                        for the problem-causing part of our informality. I've been involved
                        since issue #2 as Tech Editor, and now as President.
                        I have failed to follow up on matters just as badly as others.
                        That doesn't mean things have to go on as before. We can
                        all change. No, we're not going to become a 356 P.C.A., with
                        a telephone book of by-laws (even though our own current
                        by-laws are way too long and complicated for what they are
                        trying to say). We will try to put more decisions and policies
                        on paper and keep them in a central location (sorry, Brenda,
                        but I guess you're IT.) Also, when certain policies get changed
                        by individuals, the rest of the hierarchy(?) should be informed, and regulations amended to reflect said changes. (I'm starting to sound like a lawyer!) Sorry!
                        Anyway; please bear with us, we're mostly human, and
                        we will improve the Registry!!

                        Well, there is "Talking the Talk" and then there is "Walking the Walk." We no longer hear even this Talk from Mr. Skirmants. The Internet came along, generations faded one into the next but the 'evolution' of the Registry hasn't seemed to have kept up.

                        "Improvement" would be easier if more interested persons thought like Pat Ertel or the late Tom Youk and had input welcomed for consideration. Instead, we are told that "to effect change, become a trustee" and at the same time shunned for asking simple questions. At least we are here, 'talking' about it...for whatever that's worth among so very few kindred spirits who still support the concept of a Registry, but not a ("mostly human") "hierarchy."

                        Ironically and sadly, lawyers are involved


                        • Thanks Bruce and Joel for the kind words. About 5 years ago the Registry furnished to each then member a DVD with the first 20 years of the magazine scanned into pdf format. The "research" with which I was kindly credited by Bruce and Joel may be done fairly simply, if tediously, by anyone with that DVD.

                          I commend such a review to anyone interested who has the DVD. MEMBERS only of the 356 Registry may gain access to 30 volumes (up to 2007) of the magazine on the 356 Registry web site here: My thanks to the beautiful Rosemary for supplying the link. Although she'd prefer a magazineless membership she opted to renew her 356 Registry membership for another year just a couple of days ago.

                          Bill Sampson

                          BIRD LIVES!!!!!

                          HAYDUKE LIVES!!!!!


                          • I wish there was a better way to get better background concerning submissions to the Registry magazine. Why we are here is largely due to asking for that ability for direct Q&A in a Members Only section of the Registry site where an appropriate trustee would be available for polite back-and-forth...and that was met by "it's too much work for a volunteer trustee, it's asking too much." That was usually blanketed by Chuck House's favorite "What's the matter, don't you trust us?" and the oldie-but-goodie; "Trustees were elected to represent the membership, now they need to be allowed to do... (whatever they want?)"

                            There is something in the latest "Financial Statement" that stands out and could use an explanation. If anyone can explain this quote from the latest issue of the magazine, please chime in. From the Accountant's Compilation Report, last paragraph: "Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user's conclusions about the Organization's financial position, changes in net assets, and cash flows. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters."

                            Personally, I don't feel this is really the "transparency" the trustees have claimed all along to provide. What's printed in the magazine is not a real financial report, as any business owner knows. It's basically a regurgitation of tax filings. Can the organization stand a real audit? It's been announced that one was imminent, but no news about that step being implemented, so why a delay?

                            Items openly listed that would be of interest to anyone who cares may be "Revenues: Porsche support, 2011- $27,968, 2012- $6,252" Here's an honest question: where did that revenue go in support of the membership overall? Why did it drop off? Maybe it was explained to and from Porsche and not the membership? There are other BIG financial changes from 2011 to 2012..(remember the change from "too much money" to "not enough and a dues increase"?) I've seen no explanation of that. Has anyone else? It's also odd that 2 years are combined and making members only hope the required filings for 2011 were done last year if not a report made in the magazine. It's odd that the filing and the report was available in February and not included in the magazine sooner. There have been years in the past that had none of the required filings submitted, but if the organization has a treasurer since 2008 who has been touted as "overqualified," I would think this shouldn't be an issue now.


                            • DELETED


                              • Bruce and others active on this thread,

                                I want you to know some of us less active folks do care about the management of the Registry. I, too, was perplexed by the $10 hike in the dues after being told about 18 months ago that the trustees were informed that the cash reserves were too high and that the Registry should spend some of them to avoid IRS scrutiny. I don't know who told them that or what their qualifications were, but not we are told that they had to raise dues and cut the size of the magazine. So in early June, I sent the following to George Dunn and he responded. I am still puzzled as to why the dues increase was needed.

                                Here is my correspondence with George:


                                I am writing about the dues increase and the Accountants report published on the website. I am unclear why the dues are increasing in relation to less expenditures in 2012 than in 2011. Can you please explain this a bit better. It seems like there is no need for a dues increase. Maybe I am missing something.

                                Also I would like to see the minutes of the trustees meetings. Are they published anywhere?


                                Pat Daily
                                Richmond, VA

                                And here is his response:

                                Hi Pat,
                                I appreciate your feedback.
                                Although it is not as simple as this short explanation, our Club lost $20,530 for this fiscal year per the accountants' report. This was in spite of significant belt tightening over the past couple of years by your trustees. Without intensely managing this year's budget, it could easily double last year's deficit. I am personally involved in every detail in keeping our costs minimal--but still concerned. A dues increase was actually overdue; if the economy had been strong, it would have occurred perhaps 2 years ago.
                                Expenses including postage, paper costs, printing, on-line support, etc., have continued to increase year to year--even during the recession. We have put as much pressure on Gordon as we can to hold, or even reduce publishing costs wherever possible.
                                We have deferred website maintenance and upgrade costs that will soon be needed. For example, members expect and ask for more and more on our website. Just look at the recent expansion of our Classifieds Forum.
                                I have pledged to get at least the past couple of years Board meeting minutes posted on our website. This is a work in progress. I can't give you a definite date, but hopefully in the next couple of months. Your volunteer staff only has so much time and energy as many of us have actual paying jobs. They are the same people who must create the ability to post the minutes but also continue to operate the website.
                                Should you still have questions, please give me a call.
                                All the best, George

