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Vintage Photos Daytona, Sebring, Riverside...

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  • Vintage Photos Daytona, Sebring, Riverside...

    Dick's (JR) posts of his recently scanned vintage race photos inspired me to begin this thread. My father was fixture at the Riverside raceway in the late 1960's and 1970's. This old photo album has been around longer than me. I decided this afternoon to begin digitizing them and begin sharing them with you. What good are they if no one sees them!
    If you can offer any names to the faces or details about the cars please do. I am not familiar with this era. If you have any vintage non-porsche 356 shots please add them here. We would love to see them! Here's a few to start it off. Thanks! Justin
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	10631

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ID:	10632
    Pedro Rodriguez and his boys.
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ID:	10633
    Predo again in his helmet but do not know the other driver he's with.
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ID:	10634
    Picture grade is a little fuzzy so I had to back away on a couple to get it to focus.
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ID:	10637
    More later. Thanks for stopping by! Justin
    Justin Rio

  • #2
    Here are a few of my pics from Daytona 1964 to get started.
    The day before the 24 hour race I had a little time so I was down in the Ferrari pits and ran across Pedro Rodriguiz and Phil Hills #30 250LM.
    Pedro had been out for practice and had a little shunt!
    To start off with here is Pedro's father and a friend in the pits.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PedroRodriguiezFatherFriend.jpg
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Size:	33.6 KB
ID:	10661
    This is Pedro on the tri oval at speed.
    I wished I could emulate the super sound those babies made.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PedroatSpeed-MissingLFFender250LMDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10662
    He apparently has a miscue since his left front fender was missing.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PedroRodriguiez250LMGoingOutForPracticeDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10663
    and getting out of the car.
    'Really Dad it was the other guys fault'!
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PedroRodriguiezAfterRippingFenderOff250LMDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10664
    This is the car before practice.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PhilHillPedroRodriquez250LMFerrariDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10665
    Phil was not a happy camper that day!
    I heard him make some comment that said,'If he keeps driving the car that way we won't have a car to race'!
    Click image for larger version

Name:	PhilHillSittingOnPitwallDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10666
    This is pic of th engine room of one of thse beaties.
    Love those stacks on the Webers.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	MechWorkingOnFerrariEngine.jpg
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ID:	10667
    Just a few memories from the OLD daze!


    • #3
      Great photos Dick! Thank you for sharing them! Yes, those old ferrari's and thier V12's are as beautiful as the sound they made. Justin

      Here's more from Riverside:
      Click image for larger version

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      A shot from the bleachers. Not sure what my Dad was taking a picture of; probably that blonde in the white dress.
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ID:	10705

      Click image for larger version

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ID:	10706
      Justin Rio


      • #4
        To give you all an idea what I did with Timing and Scoring at Sebring and Daytona 1962 thru 1965 I found and scanned some more of the 'Memoribilia'!
        At Daytona this is thr 'trailer' located on the Infield Turn coming off the Tri-Oval that we used.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	TimingTrailerDAB1964.jpg
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ID:	10954
        Joe Lane at the time was Chief Timer and Scorer.
        He had been doing this stuff at VIR (Virginia Internation Raceway) in the late 50s and then got the nod for Sebring and Daytona.
        He hung his hat in Poughkeepsie, NY. so maybe he did the Glen and Bridgehampton too.

        Each year after Christmas we would get a card in the mail from Joe to line up his team.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	A.PostCardFromJoeLane.JPG
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ID:	10955

        He was very organized and published a booklet that each Timer and Scorer received and was expected to know.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	B.TimingBookandNoteFromJoeLane.jpg
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ID:	10956

        We used split second Heuer stop watches that once the race started were individually placed in their little wood box.

        This is an example of the final score sheet from the 1964 Sebring race.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	C.FinalScoringSheetSebring1964.jpg
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ID:	10957

        Each Scorer would work two hours on and 2 off.
        I elected to take the 2nd shift so I could see the start of the race
        and then be in the trailer for the finish.
        BIG Times back then!
        Here are the Enties for the 1963 Sebring Race in two parts.
        It wouldn't fit on my scanner.
        The names of the teams and drivers are historic IMHO!
        1st the 12 hour race.

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        Page 2

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ID:	10959
        Here are the GT race and Formula JR Entries.

        Click image for larger version

Name:	G.Sebring1963EntiresUnder2ltrTouringSedanRaces.jpg
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Size:	130.4 KB
ID:	10960

        Click image for larger version

Name:	F.SebringFormulaJrEntries1963.jpg
Views:	36
Size:	144.3 KB
ID:	10961

        Some of these collectibles are getting dog eared from my neglect over the years.
        I have MUCH more!



        • #5
          Dick, this was such an interesting post! I knew you were a race fan but did not know you were actually involved with the events directly. Thank you for giving us this inside view of this apsect of the race and its preperation. It was so cool that you still had the RSVP card that Joe would mail you! With all of your buddies on hand your 2 hour breaks went by very quickly I'm sure! Thank you for sharing this! I look forward to all that you have. Justin
          Justin Rio

