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1964 356C with 2180CC Type1 VW crate motor

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  • 1964 356C with 2180CC Type1 VW crate motor

    Seeking a bit more performance and reliability on a budget the owner of this 356C driver opted for the installation of a performance 2180CC type 1 VW crate engine.
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    A nice solid driver level C coupe.
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    Original engine will go into storage.
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    2180cc with 40 webers, electronic ignition, and hydraulic lifters. I think I heard they were Subaru lifters?
    The aim was trouble free performance with all the tricks offered in the VW world. The motor sure was smooth and quite with no metallic sounds like the early VW and Porsche engines.
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    Custom quiet exhaust system was fabricated and exits out the bumperets as they should. Linkage was also fabricated so the VW heat exchangers will work with the stock 356 system.
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    Sacrilege? Depends on who you ask but this was one owners answer for the added performance he was after. yes, this car also has A/C which I'll post next.
    Justin Rio

  • #2
    my boy has a 2335 in his VW and the power is impressive to say the least. I wish I would have went this way with my 58 cab. a local engine builder friend of mine builds turbo VW engines in the 150 HP range that are reliable. this would have been the way I would have gone and then put the 356 engine in storage. but i'm just putting the 356 engine together so it will get used. its going to be a driver and not for sale ever, so why store the engine. but more power is always better.
    Jay D.


    • #3
      Just to add to the post above
      Back in the late 60s we use to have a stretch of highway that went to an industrial area. it wasn't used much at night so this became your drag strip. soon the local sheriff started coming out every Friday and Saturday nights. he would set at the end of the strip and time us with his radar gun then radio to the start line hand held radio he would give us. now this was the prim of hot muscle cars we would have around 30- 40 cars. all bad assed cars, 427 corvettes, a couple of hemi dodges and everything in-between. then there was my VW engine builder friend with his 2180 powered VW. at the end of the night we would come up with the 2 or 3 fastest cars, that's when the 2180 vw would come out. it was embarrassing, he would beat them by 3-4 car lengths. soon some of the high powered cars started coming with drag slicks, this narrowed the gap but he could still beat most of them.
      Jay D.


      • #4
        Was his name Gene Berg?


        • #5
          Rob Laver,( Bug Germinators ) he is an absolute master at hi performance vw engines.
          Jay D.


          • #6
            Back in the late 60's, I had a S90-powered '61 S/R Bug, hoped-up for sure with P brakes, and was at a lot of those Friday night races. Gene was an old friend and mentor, since the days he was selling parts out of his garage, complete with snotty-nosed kids, that later turned out to be really good racers. A different kind of fun than kids experience today...

            Sorry I hi-jacked here. Got my 356/VW and VW/356 mixed up.
            Craig Richter

