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Screens for Parabolic Intake Trumpets

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  • Screens for Parabolic Intake Trumpets

    I have a pair of NOS Parabolic intake trumpets I bought years ago. Would like to use them on a new motor I am building. Does anyone have a source for screens for them. Period ones from Parabolic would be dynamite, if they made them. But current-manufacture ones would be fine too.

  • #2
    I do not think that this has been available, probanly always DIY sollutions. If you would like to supply me with measurements I can offer to have a look to produce them. I am closed to finish with my own carrera style stacks, but not planned to start a run of screens so far. Might be interesting for others too.


    Tom - Onassis 356 Restorations


    • #3
      Edwin, What carbs are those for, Zenith, Solex? A quick search yielded some pretty nice filters being made by various manufactures.
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      If it were my engine I personally would prefer ones like these with a secondary micro filter. I know they disrupt the air flow a bit but not so you would really notice.
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      Tom, I think a 356 specific offering would make for a great expanse to your product line.
      Justin Rio


      • #4
        Justin, these are for Zeniths. My 356B is a Super. What did you search for? Thanks, Ed


        • #5
          Ed, just enter: Velocity stack, Screen, Filter.
          Justin Rio


          • #6
            Hello all,

            just to let you have been part of the progress, the final product of out own carrera style stacks is not far away.

            We keep you updated when they are available for those who want or need them.

            We also will have new designed rain catches and screens for our stacks.

            For everyone who is not into "carrera" stacks, we will also have aluminum parabolic stacks made by Onassis as one of our new projects.

            Click image for larger version

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            • #7
              Please consider making screens for the Parabolic style too.


              • #8
                Tom, your progress on the screens for Parabolics is good news! Thanks, Ed


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Edwin Ek" post=20353
                  Tom, your progress on the screens for Parabolics is good news! Thanks, Ed
                  There is some kind of material preview for our future screens.

                  "As we are developing our stacks as a brand new product, there is always space for some "news".

                  We would like to offer our stacks with some additional safety backup to engine and components for those who are interested in this.
                  Based on this, we will offer brand new designed (fitting to our stacks only) mesh screens.

                  Our screens will be produced from woven stainless steel (1.4301) threads with mesh size of 1000 ?m and wire diameter of 0,360 mm.

                  This is an outstanding product with special air filter properties and has, with about 90% air passage, virtually no restriction."

                  Click image for larger version

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                  • #10
                    This past week in Monterey was productive for my search for screens. One fellow at the PCA race car show had installed only wire mesh screens at the bottom of the intake's throat, sitting on top of the carburetor body. Very slick, simple, effective, and hidden.

                    In the pits at Laguna Seca I had a look at the unbelievable Singer Porsche cars. One had gorgeous screens atop some Weber stacks. Turns out they are made by Cook in Kentucky. After conversation with a person there, initial downside is that they are threaded onto the top. But perhaps method of attachment can be changed. Forces at work- gravity and intake-air suction- tend to keep screens in place. Wow, they are expensive though. About $1,000 just for the screens; $2,000 for the stacks and screens.



                    • #11
                      Thanks for the link Edwin. Nice parts and a lot of mouth-watering metal working tools! If I go with TWM injection I may buy their stacks and screens.
                      Justin Rio


                      • #12
                        Have sent pictures to Cook of the Parabolic stacks. We'll see what shakes.


                        • #13
                          Hey all,

                          just to keep you detail nerds updated with some progress shots of our new stacks.

                          Click image for larger version

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                          • #14
                            That is pretty darn cool!


                            • #15
                              Thank you Edwin!

