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Wheels for disc brake car

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  • Wheels for disc brake car

    Ashley Page

  • #2


    • #3
      Nothing says Porsche like a set of Fuchs.


      • #4
        Hey Ashely,

        My personal preference for a custom 356 wheel are of course the polished Fuchs at the top of my list. My second choice would be the early Torque thrust mags. The mini-light racing wheels are okay and would be a distant third. The space saver wheels that alot of guys like look really cool on someone else's car. They don't do it for me; too flat and plain looking for my own personal taste.(and this is just my opinion for my own car)
        Getting back to the Fuchs, I always preferred a dominate larger or dished rear wheel. (like the old 930 turbo) We only had 5.5 heart fuchs on hand but we did have this one '72 6 inch fuch that just had a little more depth and attitude than the others. I thought it would make the perfect rear wheel with a pair of 5.5's up front.
        Click image for larger version

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Views:	41
Size:	83.3 KB
ID:	21813
        Here is that '72 6 inch wheel. What I liked was that flat area between the lip and the fins making it appear slightly more aggressive than the heart 6's
        Click image for larger version

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Views:	39
Size:	72.5 KB
ID:	21814
        I had it polished but never bought a mate for it because changed direction on the coupe. But this would be my choice for the rear with either a 5.5 or a 4.5 up front.
        BTW: I need to get with you on those studs you offer. Any length right? are they bull-nosed at the tips?

        Thanks for the link Tom! Those look like really nice wheel! I understand the rigors a product must go through to achieve TUV approval; much higher standards than even here in the US. So it must be a high quality product.
        From what I understand depending on your offset and spacing a 7 inch wide wheel is as wide as you can possible go without flaring or pie-cutting the rear fenders for more width on 56-65 356.
        Thanks again! Justin
        Justin Rio

