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718 RSK RS60 RS61

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  • #31
    718-041 Klagenfurt Airport race September 1960.

    Nowin Collier Museum and perfect, no doubt.

    Steve Heinrichs


    • #32
      Thanks Steve! I would suspect that very little if any original frame and body exists on the current 041...
      Justin Rio


      • #33
        Totally rebuilt by Wendler/Porsche by May, '61 and entered in the 1000 km of Nurburgring with Moss/Hill.


        • #34
          I think back with linge at Hockenheim 2-61.

          Anyway, not much left of original car.

          Moss/Hill were DNF at Nurburgring.

          That all said, it would be great to own the car today.

          Steve Heinrichs


          • #35
            I believe the frame of 718-041 was repaired and the body (or majority of it) was replaced by Wendler. I owned this car from '69 to '88 and the frame carried the 041 identification and showed some signs of repair. If Wendler/Porsche replaced the frame I think it would have carried a later factory number from the period 718-04x.


            • #36

              I think you are most likely correct that the frame was saved and repaired. Still, generally speaking they would have used the original number.

              It is possible, since they built the RS61s 045, 046 and 047, that Reutter may have been involved in the repair.

              Steve Heinrichs


              • #37
                Steve, I didn't know that Reutter built 045, 046 and 047! Did they do the body or just the frame? As far as 041 it carried a Wendler badge after the repair (it, like the other factory cars, had no Wendler badge originally) and so I'm sure the body replacement/repair was done by Wendler, who would probably still have been building customer RS61's at that time.


                • #38
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	RSK_2013-12-02.JPG
Views:	87
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ID:	31638
                  finished 4th overall


                  • #39
                    Reutter did the bodies. My guess is that they did not do the frames---but only a guess.

                    Steve Heinrichs


                    • #40
                      Click image for larger version

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Size:	78.1 KB
ID:	31678


                      • #41
                        Allen, thanks for sharing that bit of history on 041 and Welcome to our forum! I am amazed to learn that this car was fix and not stripped for its parts and scrapped. During this time I would have sworn a car twisted so severely as this would simply have not been worth the time or the effort to repair? Thanks and Welcome once again!

                        Great posts as always Steve and Gerard! Thank you!
                        Justin Rio


                        • #42
                          Justin, thanks for the welcome! Dug out some photos of 041 while I had it. Will try posting them. First couple is the car when I first got it in '69.
                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	31710

                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	31711


                          • #43
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	31718
                            Painting 041 in the driveway after doing the bodywork, circa 1970. Probably won't find many folks painting a RS60 in the driveway these days. The last couple are my wife and Dr. Porsche with the car at the San Diego Porsche Parade in '74, and at a local Porsche show in the late 70's.
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	31719

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Image3-6.jpg
Views:	83
Size:	109.9 KB
ID:	31720


                            • #44

                              Wow!! Great photos and great story that adds great value to history.

                              And, indeed, welcome.

                              Steve Heinrichs


                              • #45
                                Terrific photos Allen! How cool was that to be working on your very own RSK in your driveway. Great photo of your wife with Ferry as well!
                                How did come about purchasing this car? I see you had a pre-A cab too!
                                Thanks again for sharing these! Justin
                                Justin Rio

