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Trick parts 2

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  • #16
    added comment: I needed an "original" (type) exhaust for a C-2 I am restoring from a "racer" to "as new" and needed an exhaust. I asked around and was guided to a gentleman who had one of the 25 that I believe Marco commissioned in the very early '90s. I had bought one of those then for my C-2 Cab in '92 and I think it cost the princely sum of $2,500 or less, maybe $1,800. I had to give $8,000 (plus shipping) for what was said to be "the last of those in captivity" and the welding was a bad as any I have ever seen! NOW, finally, I can see why those rear skirts were installed!

    All part of restoration. This makes me think of a conversation I had recently with John Willhoit. I was installing a check valve in the tank-to-sump hose of the above-mentioned C-2 and was told by the manufacturer that he had "installed about 30 of those" in C-2 systems, so I asked John about his experience with them. He chuckled and told me that he "may have used about 50 of those" and now, after this thread, I'm wondering if any of those 4-cam cars need an exhaust and if so, what had John done?

    ...and the beat goes on,

