Hi folks. As many of you know, Stoddard is hosting a contest to save long neglected 356's to put them on the road again. A young person that I know , Trevor Gates, purchased such a car a few short years ago. Some of you may be aware of him and his project. It was long abandoned, and left for dead years ago, as were many others in the contest. His car was completely stripped of nearly every part, and had to be sawn in to 3 pieces to extricate the rusty hulk from it's location. Upon his purchase, he immediately began working on it, collecting rare parts for this 57 T1. Steve Hogue fitted it on his chassis jig and welded it back together as one unit. Trevor then built an ingenious rolling rotisserie, of his own design, to mount the body to. Recently, he has been busy restoring his '67 Cadillac convertible at the same time in his tiny garage at home. This included overhauling the tricky original engine, buying a tig welder, and learning how to us it for the first time. It is now in the paint shop and will be done in a few weeks, ready for assembly.
In the meantime, he has run for office on the 356 Registry, but was not elected. He since has secured a place on the So Cal 356 club board, and most recently volunteered his time at the North South gathering at Cambria, even though he has never owned a running 356. One of the criteria of the contest is that a participant finish the project in a timely manner. While several others have deserving projects, many have languished for decades, with little or no progress. I feel that Trevor, self employed, with a wife and two young children is deserving of a vote by Registry members.
In the meantime, he has run for office on the 356 Registry, but was not elected. He since has secured a place on the So Cal 356 club board, and most recently volunteered his time at the North South gathering at Cambria, even though he has never owned a running 356. One of the criteria of the contest is that a participant finish the project in a timely manner. While several others have deserving projects, many have languished for decades, with little or no progress. I feel that Trevor, self employed, with a wife and two young children is deserving of a vote by Registry members.