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In situ hoodbonnet) seal replacement tool

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  • In situ hoodbonnet) seal replacement tool

    By popular demand, here is what I use to remove/install the corner screws for the hood seal. This tool set is made by Chapman Manufacturing Company. I bought mine years ago(as attested in the Jay Leno video on their site).

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    I used this quite a few years ago to replace the seal on my 55 coupe. The last picture above shows it over one of the screw holes under the hood corner that would be hard to get to without removing the hood.

    Thought I would see if they were still available so googled it in and low and behold, there is Jay Leno pushing the kit:

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing this Phil that is a great kit! In your example photo the top of the tools shank still looks like there would be some clearance issues especially with the screw backed out and up taller. Am I seeing this right or will it clear with the hood propped up to its maximum off the spurs? Thanks again! Justin
    Justin Rio


    • #3
      Damn you are observant Justin. It has been quite a few years since I did this on the 55, but as I recall, I started the screw with just the bit hand held, then when it was in a ways and getting harder to twist the bit, I put the bit in the tool and drove the screw home.

      I forgot to mention, that this kit is really handy working on carbs, as you can match the slot almost exactly and o=not bugger up the bolt heads on accel pump cover, etc.



      • #4
        Thanks to Phil and Justin on the information on the front hood seal.
        Click image for larger version

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        I just installed
        my seal with the hood in place. Thanks Gordon


        • #5
          Gordon, quit your day job.
          Jack (analog man from the stone age)

